Updated 23rd December 2019 - information courtesy Dave Champion.
Updated 3rd November 2020 - Aircrew Remembered (RS)
Updated 8th July 2022 - Aircrew Remembered (RS)
Mr. Bill Anderson submitted details regarding the loss of Halifax III LW692 of 420 Squadron on 21st April 1944. His father, Plt Off. Robert Anderson was one of the Air Gunners that day. He sent us details of the loss that he had, together with a photograph of the crew. With that letter we were able to identify where he was also shot down, together with details of that loss. Kate Tame, our leading volunteer had, by chance, visited the graves of his crew lost that day.
A photo then arrived of his father taken at Stalag Luft III (Sagan and Belaria).
This has proven most interesting as we have now been able to identify most of the aircrew shown (all from Manitoba, Canada, with the assistance of our 'Paradie Archive') and list briefly details of their loss. We decided to do this as we hope that others who whose relatives are shown on this may come forward and offer their information. Of course Bill has provided us with permission to release a copy of this photograph to relatives who contact us.
Centre Row: G.W.H. Groves (16), R.J. Teillet (17), G.J. Richardson (18), W. Hunter (19), L. Stevens (20), G.R. Large (21).
Front Row: G.L. Sinclair (22), E.M. Sangster (23), A.N. Briggs (24), S.G. King (25), D.P. Thompson (26), T.E. Jackson (27), J.R. Beggs (28).
Further Information:
(1) Plt Off. Don MacDonald (Canadian in the RAF s/n 42243) PoW No. 115. He was the sole survivor of 21 Squadron, Blenheim IV L9746. Shot down at St-Aubin-sur-Scie, France 11th June 1940.
Plt Off. Donald MacDonald (Winnipeg) was a graduate of Mulvey and Kelvin Schools. He was active in the Winnipeg Canoe Club before going overseas. He did no flying before joining the RAF in April of 1939. Relinquished his RAF commission on the 24th November 1944 and transferred to the RCAF.
(2) Plt Off. Hartley Frank Purvis J19593 PoW No: 4237, of Holland. He was one of five taken PoW with the two rear gunners killed of 427 Squadron, Halifax III LV968 ZL:L. Suffered severe icing with all loss of control crew forced to bale out. East of Saarbrucken 24/25th April 1944.
(3) Fg Off. Gordon William Horace Venables J24233, of Winnipeg PoW No. 5129. He was one of three taken PoW, with four crew killed of 467 Squadron,Lancaster III DV240 PO:D. Shot down at Westum, 30/31st March 1944.
After the war Gordon and his wife Dorthy became members of the RCAF Ex-Prisoners of War Association.
(4) Plt Off. Robert Allan Anderson R191468, of Brandon PoW No. 4176. He was one of two survivors taken PoW, with three missing, 2 killed of 420 Squadron, Halifax III LW692 PT:V. Hit by A/A fire, crashing at Scie River, Pourville, Dieppe, France 20/21st April 1944.
After the war Robert and his wife Pat became members of the RCAF Ex-Prisoners of War Association. Robert passed away on the 17th March 1979.
(5) Plt Off. John Sidney Acheson J13840, of Winnipeg PoW No. 965 - sole survivor, six crew killed of 408 Squadron, Halifax II HR654 EQ:R. Shot down at Grossolt, 29/30th March 1943.
HR654 was claimed bu Oblt. Paul Szameitat, his 10th Abschuss, from 5./NGJ3 at Süderschmedeby S. Flensburg at 4.00 m at 00:36 (Nachtjagd Combat Archive (1 January - 22 June) 1943 Part 1 - Theo Boiten)
After the war John and his wife Marjorie became members of the RCAF Ex-Prisoners of War Association.
(6) Plt Off. John Thomson Glover 41843, Canadian in the RAF, of Winnipeg PoW No. 510 - one of five survivors taken PoW of 102 Squadron Whitley V N1376 DY:O. Hit by A/A fire and abandoned over Holland on 19/20th May 1940.
N1376 was coned by 1. & 2./Res. Flakscheinw. Abt.649, hit by 2./Res. Flak Abt. 301 and 5./schw. Res. Flak Abt. 404, and crashed at Uedem near Xanten, time unknown. Victory confirmed by OKL on 17.3.1942 (Nachtjagd War Diaries Volume 1 (September 1939 - March 1944) - Dr Theo E.W. Boiten)
(7) Fg Off. Douglas Malcolm King J24073, of Winnipeg PoW No. 4462 - one of three survivors taken PoW, with four others killed of 431 Squadron, Halifax III LK842 SE:N. Shot down over Belgium, 27/28th April 1944.
LK842 was claimed by Oblt. Hermann Greiner, his 20th Abschuss, from 11./NJG1 6km from Genk at 4.00 m at 01:58. Victory confirmed Abschussübersicht but with an earlier date that the date of the claim. (Nachtjagd Combat Archive (16 March 1944 - 11 May 1944) Part 2 - Theo Boiten)
(8) Plt Off. James Plant MiD 40258, PoW No. 1126 Canadian in the RAF, Born Winnipeg, 1914, enlisted RAF 1937. MiD awarded for PoW escapade (dressed as a German) - one of five survivors taken PoW of 58 Squadron Whitley V N1442 GE:N. Aircraft lost on operation to Essen 20/21st June 1940.
N1442 was coned by 11. & 13./Schw. Abt 8 and 1. 7 3./Res. Flakscheinw. Abt. 448, hit by 1. & 2./Res. Flak Abt 644. The aircraft crashed at Dorsten, time unknown. (Nachtjagd War Diaries Volume 1 (September 1939 - March 1944) - Dr Theo E.W. Boiten)
After the war James became a member of the RCAF Ex-Prisoners of War Association.
(9) Flt Sgt. / Plt Off. Charles Witcher J15497 / R59027 - one of four survivors taken PoW, with three killed from 35 Squadron, Halifax I L9603 TL:P. Shot down over Holland on 7/8th November 1941.
Claimed by Lt. Herbert Lütje, his 3rd Abschuss, from Stab III./NJG1 4 km east of Terlet, north Arnhem at 00:04 hrs. The aircraft crashed in the Imbos Forest (Gelderland) near Rozendaal, Holland. (Nachtjagd Combat Archive (13 July 1941 - 29 May 1942) The Early Years Part 2 - Theo Boiten)
854th Street, Brandon, Manitoba. Born 11th August 1918 Bethany, Manitoba. Ran the Vancouver office of the Canadian National Railroad post war. After the war Charles and his wife Lorraine became members of the RCAF Ex-Prisoners of War Association. He passed away on the 18th January 2008 in Vancouver.
(10) Plt Off. Kenneth Arthur Banks J22091, of St. James PoW No. 2349. He was one of three survivors taken PoW, four others killed 15 Squadron, Stirling III EF427 LS:A. Hit by A/A fire and crashing at Mannheim, 30/31st July 1943.
EF427 hit by 1./schw. Flak Abt. 465 and 1./schw. Flak Abt. 135. aircraft crashed 4km north of Mannheim at 01:29hrs (Nachtjagd Combat Archive (23 September - 31 December) 1943 Part 3 - Theo Boiten)
After the war Ken and his wife Mabel became members of the RCAF Ex-Prisoners of War Association.
(11) Plt Off. Hubert Percival Clark 42106, DFC Canadian in the RAF, PoW No. 157, born Moose Jaw, SK, 1918. raised in Brandon, Manitoba, enlisted RAF 1939. No. 44 Sqn, shot down 14 August 1940, died Winnipeg 30 November 1987
Hit by Flak and crashed at Valom, 4km north of Uithuizen, time unknown. 13/14th August 1940 on an operation to Bernburg
(12) Plt Off. Edward Eggertson J10894, of Winnipeg PoW No. 732. He was one of six survivors taken PoW, one other killed of 405 Squadron, Halifax II W7763 LQ:C. Shot down and crashing at Prattenburg, Holland on 6/7th October 1942.
W7763 claimed by Ofw. Karl Wieland, his 3rd Abschuss, from 1.NJG1 7 km NW of Rhenen at 3.800 m at 23.55 hrs. (Nachtjagd Combat Archive (30 May - 31 December 1942) The Early Years Part 3 - Theo Boiten)
After the war Edward and his wife Marg became members of the RCAF Ex-Prisoners of War Association.
(13) Plt Off. Athol Bury Drummond-Hay J21465, of Winnipeg PoW No. 1493 - one of two survivors taken PoW, three others killed of 429 Squadron Wellington X HF457. Shot down and crashing at Houthalen, Belgium on 22/23rd June 1943.
HF457 was claimed by Oblt. Hans Autenrieth, his 13th Abschuss, from 6./NJG4, det II./NJG1 12km NNE hasselt at 3.800 m at 02:10 hrs. (Nachtjagd Combat Archive (23 September - 31 December) 1943 Part 3 - Theo Boiten)
(14) Flt Lt. Theodor Ross Kipp J3514 PoW No. 3667 - one of six survivors taken PoW of 405 Squadron Wellington II W5483 LQ:J. Lost on an operation to Berlin 2nd3rd August 1941. Of 2 Roselyn Place, Winnipeg.
W5483 was claimed as one of three probables by Fw. Siegfried Ney, his 2nd Abschuss, from 4./NJG1 over sea 120 km west of Texel at 2.600 m at 04:35 hrs. (Nachtjagd Combat Archive (13 July 1941 - 29 May 1942) The Early Years Part 2 - Theo Boiten)
(15) Fg Off. James Wilfred Murphy was from Owen Sound, Ontario. No Manitoba connection found. He was one of five survivors taken PoW, three others killed of 10 Squadron, Halifax II W1058 ZA:S which crashed at Duisdorf on 15/16th October 1942.
(16) WO. George Horner Groves 652612, of Pine Falls, Canadian in the RAF PoW No. 24791 - one of four survivors taken PoW, two others killed of 12 Squadron Wellington Z8370 PH:Y. Shot down over Terschelling, Holland on 19/20th January 1942.
Z8370 was claimed by Oblt. Ludwig Becker, his 9th Abschuss, and one of three this night, from 6./NJG2 off the NE tip of Terschelling at 21:00 hrs (Nachtjagd Combat Archive (13 July 1941 - 29 May 1942) The Early Years Part 2 - Theo Boiten)
(17) Plt Off. Jean Baptiste Roger Joseph Camille Teillet J7218, of St Boniface PoW No. 696. He was one of five survivors taken PoW, two others killed of 35 Squadron, Halifax II W7765 TL:T. Shot down and crashing at St-Hilaire-au-Temple on 24/25th August 1942.
W7765 claimed by Fw. Heinrich Macke, his 2nd Abschuss, from 7./NJG4 over St.Hilaire-au-Temple at 4.300 m at 02:00 hrs. (Nachtjagd Combat Archive (30 May - 31 December 1942) The Early Years Part 3 - Theo Boiten)
After the war Roger and his wife Jeanne became members of the RCAF Ex-Prisoners of War Association.
He served in the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba as a Liberal-Progressive from 1953 to 1959, and in the House of Commons of Canada as a Liberal from from 1962 to 1968. He was a cabinet mister in the government of Lester B. Pearson and retained that post after Pearson stepped down and Pierre Elliot Trudeau became the new Liberal leader.Teillet passed away 1st May 2002 .
(18) Fg Off. William Gordon James Richardson J17693, of Winnipeg PoW No. 2024 - one of three survivors taken PoW of 408 Squadron, Halifax II DT749 EQ:O. Shot down and crashing at Neumunster on 27/28th July 1943.
DT749 was claimed by Gefr. Siegfried könig, his 1st abschuss, from 9./NJG3 3km NE of Meerzen, 15km west of Neumünster at 6.000 m at 01:15 hrs.(Nachtjagd Combat Archive (23 June - 22 September) 1943 Part 2 - Theo Boiten)
(19) Wilson Samuel Hunter J17545, of Winnipeg PoW No. 1073. After the war Wilson became a member of the RCAF Ex-Prisoners of War Association.
(20) Fg Off. Leslie Stevens J22843, of Rosser PoW No. 3510 - one of two survivors taken PoW, five others killed of 97 Squadron, Lancaster III ND478 OF:Q. Shot down and crashing at Faborg on 15/16th February 1944.
ND478 was claimed Hptm. Erhard Peters, his 14th Abschuss, from 9./NJG3 north of Flensburg at 5.000 m at 19:57 hrs. (Nachtjagd Combat Archive (1 January - 15 March 1944) Part 1 - Theo Boiten)
(21) Fg Off. George Russell Large J9688, of Makaroff PoW No. 1502 - one of five survivors taken PoW, two others killed of 408 Squadron, Halifax II JB790 EQ:V. Shot down and crashing at Sellen on 12/13th June 1943.
(22) Fg Off. George Leslie Sinclair 41748, DFC, born St. Mary, Kent, home in Bagot PoW No. 2925 - pilot 3 Squadron Typhoon Ib JP755, Shot down by A/A fire at Overflakkee, Netherlands, 4th October 1943
(23) Plt Off. Douglas Scott McKay Sangster J/87047, of Hensall PoW No. 659 - one of six survivors taken PoW, two others killed of 419 Squadron, Lancaster X KB711 VR:C. Shot down and crashing at Gent-Rabot on 01/02nd May 1944.
KB711 was claimed by Oblt. Hans-Heinz Augenstein, his 26th Abschuss, from 12./NJG1 near Gent at 3.000 m at 00:32 hrs. (Nachtjagd Combat Archive (16 March 1944 - 11 May 1944) Part 2 - Theo Boiten)
(24) Plt Off. Alfred Neil Briggs J15116, of Winnipeg PoW No. 544 Born 22nd Apr 1916, Died 2nd September 2000. Observer Coastal Command - 404 Squadron Z6245 26th May 1942.
After the war Alfred and his wife Mari became members of the RCAF Ex-Prisoners of War Association.
(25) Plt Off. Stanley Gordon King J7911, of Winnipeg PoW No. 290. He was one of two survivors taken PoW, three others killed of 11 OTU Wellington Ic R1078 TX:Q. Shot down and crashed near Rheine on 25/26th June 1942.
R1078 was claimed by Lt. August Geiger, his 3rd Abschuss and 1st of three that night, from 8./NJG1 near Schale, 20 km NE of rheine at 01:20 hrs (Nachtjagd Combat Archive (30 May - 31 December 1942) The Early Years Part 3 - Theo Boiten)
After the war Stanley and his wife June became members of the RCAF Ex-Prisoners of War Association.
(26) Douglas Roseberry Thomson C3555 of Winnipeg PoW No. 2676.
(27) Flt Lt. Thomas Earl Jackson J16939, of Prince Albert PoW No. 1267. He was one of seven survivors taken PoW, one being killed of 419 Squadron Halifax II JB912 VR:B, shot down crashed south west of Stettin on 20/21st April 1943.
JB912 was claimed by Hptm. Werner Hoffmann, his 3rd Abschuss, from 4./NJG5 1.5 km east of Eggesin/Pommern at 4.000m at 00:45 hrs. Victory confirmed on 5.12.1944 (Nachtjagd Combat Archive (1 January - 22 June) 1943 Part 1 - Theo Boiten)
After the war Thomas became a member of the RCAF Ex-Prisoners of War Association.
(28) Sqn Ldr. John Robert Beggs J4422, of Winnipeg PoW No. 1775 - one of six survivors taken PoW, one other killed of 428 Squadron Halifax V LK969 NA:G. Shot down and crashing over Frankfurt on 25/26th November 1943.
LK969 was claimed by Uffz. Robert Krohn, his 1st Abschuss, from 5./NJG6 over Unteroffenbach, 4 km north of Aschaffenburg at 03:25 hrs. (Nachtjagd Combat Archive (23 September - 31 December) 1943 Part 3 - Theo Boiten)
At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them. - Laurence Binyon