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Operation:Braunschweig, Germany
Date:14/15th January 1944 (Friday/Saturday)
Unit: No. 207 Squadron
Type: Lancaster III
Serial: EE197
Code: EM-N
Base: RAF Spilsby, Lincolnshire
Location: RAF Spilsby, Lincolnshire
Pilot: P/O. Frederick Wooton Gallagher 157083 RAFVR Escaped injury
Fl/Eng: Fl/Sgt. Charles E.D. Stewart RAFVR Injured
Nav: W/O. Alfred Young RAFVR Escaped injury
Air/Bmr: Fl/Sgt. Ronald Parson Scott 1553209 RAFVR Escaped injury
W/Op/Air/Gnr: Sgt. Selwyn Fawcett 1238637 RAFVR Escaped injury
Air/Gnr: Sgt. Kenneth Waddington 1622511 RAFVR Escaped injury
Air/Gnr: Sgt. Murray Sherman R/144206 RCAF Escaped injury
Took off from Spilsby, Lincolnshire at 16:47 hrs as part of 496 Lancaster and 2 Halifax raid on this first major raid on this city of the war. A disastrous night for the RAF with 38 Lancasters lost and only very light damage to the target area. German's reporting that only 10 people killed on the ground and the majority of the bombs being dropped in open countryside.
Left to right: P/O. Frederick Gallagher, W/O. Alfred Young, Fl/Sgt. Ronald Scott, Sgt. Selwyn Fawcett, Fl/Sgt. Charles Stewart, Sgt. Kenneth Waddington, Sgt. Murray Sherman.EE197 the port outer engine failed and was feathered. After jettisoning part of the bomb load, the crew continued to the target where they came under sustained attack from a Fw190. Damage was done to the port inner engine, the flying controls and both turrets before they shook off the fighter.
Then EE197 was hit by a burst of flak making both ailerons useless. Following a very difficult return flight the Lancaster touched down at 22:54 hrs and broke up. The Pilot, P/O. Frederick Gallagher was awarded the DSO and the flight engineer Fl/Sgt. Charles Stewart the DFM.
Sadly, some of this crew were to be killed a short time later in June, on Lancaster ME827 EM-I.
Researched by Aircrew Remembered, researcher Mr. Michael Spence for relatives of this crew.
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning we will remember
them. - Laurence
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