Dutch WWII Airwar Researcher Jacobus "Co" de Swart investigated WWII air combat victory claims of German Luftwaffe Fighter Pilot Oberleutnant Erich Burkert. De Swart's research found confirmation of those claims, including two USAAF B-17s, one from the 95th Bombardment Group on 17 August 1943, and one from the 96th Bombardment Group on 20 October 1943. This photo Gallery presents the results of the research, as well as the modern day gatherings of the descendants of the combatants and witnesses to these events. Among the researchers de Swart collaborated with to fill some voids were the Belgian team at The Comet Network.
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Cpilot's 1945 Telegram to his parents "Coming Home"
John White BTG
Erich Burkert, 2nd from L: Russia Spring 1943
Alvin Forney, Tech.
013 Luftwaffe Career Oblt E Burkert 1909 1944
Bill Binnebose , gunner
Lw Fighterpilot Burkert JG 26 photograped at Schiphol Airport Aug 17-1943 congratulated by his groundcrew after downing B-17 42-30274 over Mol, Belgium
Walter Mc Dermott , Radio/TTG
Dutch Policereport on crash B-17 42-3439 in De Bilt, NL, Oct. 1943.
Roscoe James Alderman, gunner
crashsite B-17 42-3439, De Bilt NL, Oct. 20-1943
Albert Gray Bergeron, TG
German Fighterpilot looking at the remains of his victim, B-17-3439
Crash-site B-17 'Our Bay Bee' Mol Belgium
018 crashDe Bilt4
MACR 402
crashsite B-17 42-3439, De Bilt NL, Oct. 20-1943
German Luftwaffe HQ Info Crashdata B-17
crashsite B-17 42-3439, De Bilt NL, Oct. 20-1943
Luftwaffe Fighterpilot Oblt Erich Burkert 7/9JG26
Same German officer in rubbish after the crash
Schiphol Airport Holland > Burkert Aug 17 1943
Luftwaffe Career Oblt E Burkert (1909 1944)
ID Plate of one of the B-17's engines, found on the crashsite later
Minnich and Sarnow with Monsieur Gaston who hid them
'Bob' Randell, KIA gunner Geyer Crew
Anne Brusselmans
Margraten Cemetery, NL > graves of crewmbrs Becker and Randel
Ann Brusselmans and husband Julien
Crewmbr. Geyer Crew: Guillianelli KIA
Burton Graham s Book
A Hero's Rest
Escapees in civil
KIA Crewmbr. Lantron's data (-1-)
about the escapees 1
KIA Crewmbr. Lantron's data (-2-)
Edward L Lantron's Grave site in Borger, Tx.
about the escapees 4
052 TMP165 jpg B17 crew 001
about the escapees 3
053 Gravesite Parker Newark NJ
Sarnow s 1943 note to Anne Brusselmans
James ('Jim') Parker and his Mom 1943
Minnich Letters to and about August Gus Fruythof
Jeanne Marthe Mendiara Villenave/Safehouse
055 Parker at Fort Dix 1942
056 NJ Daily Jim Parkers MIA
Pierre Elhorga, French helper Comet Escapelone Line
Florentino Coicoechea
057 Litke Lantron and Parker
058 Left Mel Litke second left Jim Parker
Press article loss Lt Baker
059 2 Jim Parker medal
Lt Baker
060 Richard van Nunen 1941
Wartime for Walt Baker s wife too
Nav Nussbaum preparing for flight
Zijtaart, Holland 2005/ Richard v. Nunen at frmr chute-landing site of Doherty and Killarney
Nussbaum s German POW ID Card
ea 2005/ Frmr Farm of v.d. Ven family where Sur dez dez was hidden but also got arrested by German soldiers who had watched the chutelandings in the area
Sarnow training with Bombsight equipment
Page of the WWII-Otten safehouse scrapbook
Gunner Bill Binnebose and wife
Published in Afees Newsmagazine by Co de Swart: 2005
List of Allied airmen hidden in the Otten Safehouse, Erp, Holland 1942/1944
Jim Alderman and Bill Binnebose on leave, 1942
Award of Air Medal
His chute worked well and saved him
Binnebose tells his story at his old High School
Otten Safe house, Erp, Holland. 2014
Article Bill s story 2
Nov. 1943: Safehouse Doherty & Killarney in Maasniel/Roermond
German Navy(!) Hospital-Archive book, Beverloo -Belgium
Postwar letter from Resistance man Gerald Gorris , Roermond
Bill s Beverlo letter 1
Binnebose first letter to his Mom from Belgian Beverlo Hospital 2
Rewards for a Dutch WWII Hero
Binnebose summarises his story 1
Goodbay-and thanks note from Doherty-and Killarney
PostwarLetter from Resistance Tilburg to Doherty's wartime address when he left Aunt Coba's safehouse Tilburg
Binnebose (-2-)
J F v Eerdewijk, Tiburg
Binnebose (-3-)
POW and Wounded
2004: Special Tilburg Magazine on Aunt Coba's Safehouse in WWII
075 Prison Chart Card for Killarney
In prison camp Stalag 17B Bill L with buddy
96BG-Magazine 2005 page: on Aunt Coba and the two escapees.
Cedric Free
Nussbaum s POW story NJ Press article 1993
In-and Out chart Doherty Nov. 1943 from the Dutch Prison 'Oranjehotel in The Hague/Scheveningen
Nussbaum Awarded NJ Hero 2001
Red Cross info to Doherty's parents: 'Your son is a POW in Germany'
German POW/ID card for Nav. Doherty
Postwar: Hank Sarnow presenting his twin-daughters to Ann Brusselmans
Doherty Couple Home: Happily married after' (>the war)
Binnebose visiting Sarnow postwar
Palm Springs USA 2003: Rober Paul Surdez ('Bud') Co-pilot B17 42-3439 visited by Co de Swart
Airshow Palm Springs USA 2003: Co & Bud
Sarnow Binnebose 2
Surdez Sr. and son Steve Surdez Jr.
Headstone Sarnow Graveasite having passed away 1999
About Hank Sarnow by his kids
Palm Springs, Cal/ Mar 2003 > Two friends for life
Cal. USA: late 1990-ies: Regina Sarnow, daughter of....with
2003 De Bilt, Holland> Invitation to attend the Memorial day for the Crew/5 KIA-and the three Dutch Victims
Two friends for life (2)
co pilot Martin Minnich
Jose Cladder, Pres. of Hist. Soc. De Bilt / Co de Swart
Minnich s solo flight 1942
Oct. 20-2003: Mayor of De Bilt welcoming attendees in the Townhall
Happy Minnich couple
Co de Swart detailing photo exposition of searchresults for US Ambassador and wife
Co pilot s Story
Shots of Photo exposition in Townhall De Bilt (-1- )
2 Lt Martin Minnich Co pilot
Photoshow detail: German Berlin Paper Oct. 14-2003 publishing search results
TV Show I VE GOT A SECRET 1958 (YouTube)
Helped and helper united in Belgium
Gust Fruythof and his book
Ohio Press: Attention for frmr Resistance man Belgium visiting
Transport of attendees in old US Schoolbusses etc
Attendees on the crash-site welcomed by Big Band De Bilt with Glenn Miller tunes
Memorial still covered by Dutch flag
Prosit on being united again Fruythof/ Minnich early 80 ies
1982 shortly before his death Fruythof meeting the Minnich s again
Monument unveiled by Steve & Cathy Surdez and Horst an Gisela Burkert,
2nd visit to his Belgian saviour Fruythof
Memorial info on turnable Cube of Monument
Oct. 20, 2003/14.45 sharp: WWII warbirds over the Monument
1945: Just liberated fom wood camp
Monument squaire
Obituary Crewmbr. Walter T. Mc Dermott
Names of Dutch victims in the crash of the B-17-plane
Memorial Info on one of the cube-squaires
Walter Baker flight training
Background Info on Memorial
Captain Walter Baker postwar stationed in the UK
Baker back in USAF
Americans meeting eachother in De Bilt, NL on Memorial Day
Maj Walt Baker 1955
Steve Surdez addressing attandees Memorial Day De Bilt 2003
Lt Col Walt Baker on Navy ship
Gisela Burkert, daughter of the Luftwaffe pilot messaged the audiance
Gravesite for Albert Bergeron, crewmbr.
C: Gisela Burkert and R: Louise de Swart
Mayor Tschernof of De Bilt with Jose Cladder and Co de swart
Under US Flag again
Closing words Co de Swart/ end of official part of the Memorial
William Binnebose Jr RWGunner
Dinner with closest attendees ending 'THE' Memorial Day
Tschernof with Louise de Swart
Roscoe J Jim Alderman 1964
'De Jong' Family, sons of DE/Sara Lee Director/Manager
Crewmbr. John White, 1946
etc, etc.
Postwar en rtd in Tx: gunner B-17 42-30274 John White
etc, etc.
1999 : Obituary for crewmbr John White 001
etc, etc.
Horst Burkert Jr 2003
Mrs Tschernof with German Defence Attache
Report on Burkert being KIA 1944
De Jong family mbrs
Gravesite Fighterpilot Burkert in Bourdon, France
Neuwied, Germany: Co de Swart / Horst Burkert Jr.
2004: Dover, Ma. USA / Invitation to USAAF Vets to meet 'Friends from Holland'
Werner Kraft Lw Fighterpilot
backsite of the invitation
Kraft stationed with 7 Staffel JG26 at St. Omer France 1942.
2004: Dover, Ma. USA>Co with happy Doherty-daughters Pat-and Joan
Werner Kraft (-2 )
Bob Doherty, 8thUSAF Hist with Co de Swart at Meeting in Dover, Ma. USA
Postwar: Kraft (L) rtd, at Annual Gemeinschaft der Flieger Annual
2004, Dover: 8thAAF Vets leaving the Doherty Residence after a wonderful meeting
Dover, Ma,USA March 2004 Doherty 'hostesses' with 8th USAAF Vets
Hans Werner Kraft Jr 2007, Trier Germany 2007
Our-Bay-Bee story B-17 42-20274 in German Luftwaffe Website
Grateful Pat & Joan Doherty for succesfull Reception, with 'Love to Holland'
Visit Mol,Belgium, ± 2005 Angelique Fruythof
2004 Trip to the USA
Palm Desert, 2004: Burt & Ruth Becker Hosts with Co de Swart
Co with daughter Lw. Fighterpilot Werner Kraft
Info for the Americans: 96thBG News Magazine publishing about the Memorial Day in De Bilt
San Francisko Chronicle 2004/ Article on visit Co & Louise de Swart to 'Bud' and Mocha Surdezz
2010, Mol, Belgium, Co with frmr. Arch./Hist of the Mol Commnity.
San Francisco Chronicle/article (2) on Co de Swart's visit to Bob 'Bud' Surdez
2010, Colorado Springs USA Our Bay-Bee kids Meeting
131 img001p
Happy Couple de Swart, job well-done
Summer 2004, wife Lily, Bud Surdez, Steve Surdez Jr.
Co with AFEES' Pres. John Katsaros
133 Summer 2004 Bud Dave and Mocha 010 1
The late Canadian Historian Geoffry Warren presenting the Escape stories.
Article for SF Chronicle on Bud Surdez passing Aug. 2004
'Bill Binnebose' presenting his 'thanks' to everyone for being present.