Oblt. Erich Burkert 71 combat missions. Served in Russia 6/43 where he is thought to have six additional victories. His 1st western victory, a "4 mot" victory, B-17 42-30274 of 95BG, 335BS at Mol/Dessel,Belgium on 17 August, 1943, while in 7 Staffel. Belgium. His 2nd "4 mot" victory, while in 9 Staffel, B-17F # 42-3439 of 96BG, 413BS on 20 October, 1943, 3 km southest of Utrecht. It was flown by 2/Lt Charles F. Geyer and crashed in the village of De Bilt. Navigator 2/Lt Wm.J.Doherty and TG S/Sgt Frank Killarney evaded capture, after bailing from their crippled AC, with the help of Dutchman Richard van Nunen, at the risk of his own life, by German soldiers already out looking for the two Americans. In 9 Staffel, he was KIA 21 January, 1944 near Chievres-en-Lannois France, NE of Laon, in his Me 109G-6 in aerial combat with a P-47 of the 353rd FG, flown by Ace, Walter C. Beckham. Letter and photo from Co De Swart on file re: Burkert. Buried in Bourdin. Fr.,