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You Are To Carry On, Good Luck Z-Zebra


The Crash Site 

Lancaster ED804 AR-Z was probably shot down by Luftwaffe night fighter pilot Lt. Walter Schön of NJG1 and crashed at 02:09 hrs on the 28th of May at Moordakker, Herveld in the province of Gelderland, Holland. Lt. Schön was himself killed on 27 October 1943 when his Heinkel He219 crashed at Gross-Ballerstetd near Stendal airfield, Saxony-Anhalt, Geremany following air combat. He was credited with shooting down 7 allied aircraft during his career and had been awarded the Ehrenpokal Der Luftwaffe (The Honour Goblet of the Luftwaffe, an award established in 1940 by Reichsmarschall Herman Göring) the Order of the Iron Cross 1st and 2nd Class and the Night Fighter Operational Clasp. 




                                                             (Above)  Three photographs of the wreckage of Lancaster ED804 AR-Z.              



                                      German military personnel and a Dutch policeman examine documents found at the crash site

Photographs of the crash site and wreckage of Lancaster ED804 courtesy Antoon Verbakel, Secretary of the Uden Cemetery Foundation.


                                                                             Contents                                                              Chapter 9
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RW 04.10.2015

At the going down of the sun, and in the morning we will remember them. - Laurence Binyon

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Last Modified: 04 October 2015, 15:36

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