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Some of the text is overrunning boxes. Why is this?


We develop all our content on Mac using Apple's current operating system and the latest software and browsers.

We then test our content on these browsers and operating systems:

Mac OSX 10.10 and later:

Safari - Google Chrome - Firefox

In the Windows environment we test using Windows 10. We do NOT test on Vista or Windows 8. We test on these browsers:

Safari - Google Chrome - Firefox - Internet Explorer 10 - Microsoft Edge

We check to see alignment and other matters are correct.

Unfortunately, things change in the computer world faster than we can respond, and occasionally we will run into the situation where something works correctly on most of the browsers but incorrectly on others. This is especially the case with Microsoft systems where they did not always keep current with published web standards, particularly in respect of how layout is affected by the most recent additions to CSS. The effect is frequently that text that fits perfectly in a box on other systems overruns on some versions of Internet Explorer. So far as we can tell, Internet Explorer 10 and later (and Edge) work almost identically to Safari, Chrome and Firefox.

If you find layouts that are not working, can we ask you raise a ticket in our Helpdesk so as to let us know. We we can then take a look at it.

Please, when you do send us a report, include the Operating System (Microsoft Windows 8, 9, 10) you are using and the browsers(s) in which you are experiencing problems together with the release number of the browser. You can find browser release information in Windows under the Help menu.. click About Internet Explorer for example and note the release number of your browser (for example Versiion 8.0.6001

And PLEASE take a screenshot of what you seeing and include that with your message. That way we can immediately see the issue.

Thanks for your help in advance.


See also the article on which browser to use


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Article details
Article ID: 13
Category: Computer Related
Date added: 2013-02-24 19:35:22
Views: 850
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.4/5.0 (35)

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