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Layout looks funny on my computer, why is this?


It's a fact of computer life that if you do not test on every conceivable combination of hardware, operating system and browser, then something, somewhere will look strange for someone.

Unfortunately, the number of combinations to test is beyond the capability of a volunteer organization such as ours. Try as hard as we do, it's simply not possible to test everything everywhere.

What we do is exhaustively test all new designs on the current versions of both Windows and Macintosh systems, and on the 4 most popular browsers, Safari, Internet Explorer. Google Chrome and Firefox.

If something looks odd to you (text overrunning boxes, menus overrunning, images looking distorted etc. etc) then can you PLEASE take a screenshot of what you are seeing and send it to us via the Helpdesk along with details of your system (type of computer, operating system with version number - e.g. Windows 8, or OSX 10.5 - and your browser).

We will then see if we can duplicate the issue and if we can, see if we can fix it.

By joining our informal Test Team you help make the experience better for everyone.

CAVEAT: we cannot test on Android devices because there are so many incompatible versions in the field. Our systems should run perfectly on Android running the standard, current Google Chrome browser.

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Article details
Article ID: 130
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 2016-08-07 15:24:47
Views: 959
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.5/5.0 (16)

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