We're trying to make it very easy for a reader to CORRECT content on a page he/she is reading or ADD new information to it.
An example might be you are looking at an Archive Report and you see a photo naming the pilot but none of the other people. You just happen to know one or more of these 'unknowns'. That knowledge may be of crucial importance to a relative searching for a loved one but unless we can put a name to the face, no amount of searching will find the photo.
That's where you come in, and that's where you hit the AddInfo button right on the page you are looking at (it's on every Archive Report page and many others on the site). With a few clicks you can tell us what you know and our research editors will then add that to the page. It's that simple BUT it's that important too.
You might just make someone's day.
We have had several experiences where a daughter writes to tell us a photo on one of our pages was the very first time she had ever seen her dad. Can you imagine how that feels for her? And how that makes us feel too!
Another use is when you see information that you believe to be incorrect. Click AddInfo and send us the correction.
Another use is when you have another photo we could add to the page. Click the Choose File button on the form that AddInfo takes you to and we get the photo. Make sure in this case you identify everyone you know in the photo. And there's a facility there to add a document and send that to us. Perhaps a letter or a report.
It all adds up. Every piece of information is of value to someone, somewhere and AddInfo makes it really simple for you to contribute to the people's history.
Remember: when you complete the AddInfo form, please include the page you are referring to. We need to know which Archive Report you are correcting to or adding to. (sometimes we can tell which page you are referring to from the Referrer comment at the bottom of the form, otherwise be sure to tell us).
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