We tried a Wiki as an experiment in engaging our readers. We really wanted this to work, but it proved too cumbersome in practice.
We wrote this as we began our experiment and we leave the words in place as an example of our attempts to make this site a collaboration between readers and ourselves. No doubt we will revisit wiki in time.
If you've ever used Wikipedia you'll know the huge range of subject matter it contains, and you will have been surprised at the detail in many of its subjects. For a lot of people, Wikipedia is their first port of call when they are searching for something, because if there IS something in Wikipedia then it will likely prove a lot more useful than the list of links a Google search produces.
What you may not be aware of is that Wikipedia is written by everybody and anybody. There's no team of writers hammering out content 24/7. Everything you read has been contributed by volunteers, people like you.
Folks find an article, read it and think 'I know something about this, I'd like to add to the article'. That's how Wikipedia articles grow, just from millions of people adding what they know.
The ARWiki works in exactly the same way. In fact, we have installed the same software as Wikipedia, so if you know how to use Wikipedia, you already know how to use ARWiki. And if you don't, our Main Page will give you the info to get started.
So why are we building the ARWiki?
There are millions and millions of photos, letters, logbooks, memories, newspaper clippings related to aviation lying around in cupboards or stuffed up the attic. So if you had the thought one day 'I wonder if anyobody would be intersted in any of this?' what could you do about it?
[more to follow.. please bear with us as we develop this answer]
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