i think the way we would answer this is to say that within our team of more than 20 researchers, archivists and editors working across the world, we must represent one of the stronger concentrations of expertise in the area of WWII aviation, at least in the European theatre. And bear in mind, it's often more of a case of who you know, rather than what you know.
In this regard we are very strong indeed, because we have chosen to welcome into our team people who believe in our credo that 'Sharing is Caring', and because we are always generous with what we give to other researchers, this comes back to us a hundredfold. So each member of our team knows dozens of highly specialized folks who don't hesitate to help us with hard-to-find knowledge. It's a matter of pride that we are so widely liked by others in this field, and we don't hesitate to use this when we need a nugget of new information to help a family seeking information on a loved one!
A number of our team are worldclass experts in their field - they are among the best of the best - and we're so proud to work with them and provide them with tools they can use to discover and publish the fruits of their scholarship.
We are aware that there's a lot more to aviation than WWII in Europe and we are constantly encouraging specialists in other eras and areas to come join us. If you're such a person and you would enjoy working with us, we would love to hear from you.
We don't specialise in any particular squadron or theatre or force (though for family reasons we do have a particular interest in, and a special relationship with Polish Air Force affairs) and consequently we cover a very diverse field.
We can call upon our own archives, specialist authors, various databases and importantly - you. Readers submit information, documents, photographs, letters etc, these are then shared with others to capitalise on creating as much awareness as we are able for your lost one.
But, of course, if you request that we don't share this information, then we won't.
Aircrew Remembered website material is made with people like you - submitting information - information that has perhaps, until now, remained in a drawer, in an album - never seen by others!
Imagine, someone who has never seen a photo of their loved one and you send in a crew photo with them on it - then with information that we are able to collate, sometimes with your help, we show them?
Believe us, that makes a page so worthwhile.
Help us to make this happen to someone.
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