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Archive Report: Allied Forces

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41 crest
41 Squadron Spitfire I P9428 Sq/Ldr. Hilary Richard Lionel Hood DFC

Operation: Patrol

Date: 05th September 1940 (Thursday)

Unit: No. 41 Squadron (motto: 'Seek and Destroy')

Type: Spitfire I

Serial: P9428

Code: EB-R

Base: RAF Hornchurch, Essex

Location: Nevendon, Wickford, Essex

Pilot: Sq/Ldr. Hilary Richard Lionel Hood DFC. 26110 RAF Age 32. Missing believed killed


Weather: wind light and variable. Almost cloudless, Visibility poor becoming good.

The Luftwaffe effort was divided up into two major attacks, the sub- formations breaking away and heading for their targets after crossing the coast, in order to confuse the defences. During the day the squadron took part in three patrols

The first patrol took off at 09:15 hrs to patrol Manston area:
Sq/Ldr. Hilary Richard Lionel Hood Flying P9429 - P/O. Ronald Walter Wallens in R6604 - F/O. John Greer Boyle in R6605 - Fl/Lt. John Terence Webster in R6611 - P/O. Anthony Desmond Joseph Lovell in R6885 - Sgt. Edward Vivian Darling in X4021 - F/O. William John Moir Scott in P9428 - Fl/Lt. Edgar Norman Ryder in N3059 - Sgt. Robert Albert Carr-Lewty in N3098 - P/O. Guy Webster Cory in N3128 - P/O. George Herman Bennions in X4343 - P/O. John Noble Mackenzie in R6887.

As a result of enemy action after claiming an Me109, Sgt. Robert Albert Carr-Lewty forced landed at Stanford-le-Hope in Essex with no injuries. The remainder landed back at base at 10:35 hrs.

Left: Sq/Ldr. Hilary Richard Lionel Hood

At 15:00 hrs the second patrol took off to patrol in the Maidstone area:
Sq/Ldr. Hilary Richard Lionel Hood Flying P9428 - Fl/Lt. John Terence Webster in R6635 - P/O. Ronald Walter Wallens in X4021 - F/O. John Greer Boyle in R6697 - P/O. Anthony Desmond Joseph Lovell in R6885 - Sgt. Isaac Edward Howitt in N3118 - P/O. George Herman Bennions in N3162 - Fl/Lt. Edgar Norman Ryder in R6887 - Sgt. Roy Clement Ford R6756 - P/O. Oliver Bertram Morrogh-Ryan R6635 - PO. Eric Stanley Lock in N3162 - P/O. Guy Webster Cory in X4021.

P/O. Ronald Walter Wallens was hit in the leg by a cannon shell but despite his serious injuries ha managed to bale out and landed at Rawreth, Essex and taken to hospital. P/O. Anthony Desmond Joseph Lovell was also shot down, uninjured he baled out, his Spitfire crashed at South Benfleet

A Hurricane P3204 from 73 squadron was shot down during their combat. The pilot Fl/LT. Reginald Eric Lovett managed to bale out with no injuries but his aircraft struck Spitfire R6635, its pilot Fl/Lt. John Terence Webster also baled out but was killed with his parachute unopened. His body was found opposite the Nevendon Police Houses. The remainder of the squadron returned to base at 15:45 hrs.

Despite many publications stating the Sq/Ldr Hood Spitfire collided with Fl/Lt. Webster they are incorrect - they were flying in totally different areas. The body of Sq/Ldr Hood and neither was any wreckage recovered. An unidentified Spitfire fell into the sea about 1000 yards off Elbow point in Thorney Bay. It is as certain as can be that this was Spitfire I P9428. (With many thanks to Trevor Williams for this information - see links)

At 16:15 hrs the squadron took off on the third and final patrol of the day patrol in the Maidstone area:
Fl/Lt. Edgar Norman Ryder in R6887 - P/O. Oliver Bertram Morrogh-Ryan in R6635 - P/O. John Noble Mackenzie in N3162 - P/O. George Herman Bennions in R6884 - Sgt. John McAdam in R6756 - Sgt. Roy Clement Ford in X4021 - F/O. John Greer Boyle in R6697 - Sgt. Isaac Edward Howitt in N3118 - Sgt. Frank Usmar in R6605.
All returned safely at 17:20 hrs.

The squadron claimed 3 x Me109 destroyed, 1 x He113 destroyed, 3 x Me109 'probables' damaged, 2 x Do17 damaged.

Burial details:

Sq/Ldr. Hilary Richard Lionel Hood. Runnymede Memorial. Panel 4. Born on the 13th May 1908 in Paddingtonm London England. Educated at Oxted Preparatory School. He graduated from Cranwell on 28 July 1929. The son of John Lionel Bridport Hood and Helene Margaret Hood (née Lessels).

Others mentioned within this report

Fl/Lt. Eric Stanley Lock. 81642 RAFVR. Runnymede Memorial. Panel 29. (killed 03 August 1941, age 22= 611 squadron) Born in Bayston Hill, Shrewsbury, Shropshire on the 19th April 1919. Son of Dora and Charles Edward Lock
Further details here

DFC Citation:
This officer has destroyed nine enemy aircraft, eight of these within a period of one week. He has displayed great vigour and determination in pressing home his attacks
DFC Bar:
In September, 1940, whilst engaged on a patrol over the Dover area, Pilot Officer Lock engaged three Heinkel 113's one of which he shot down into the sea. Immediately afterwards he engaged a Henschel 126 and destroyed it. He has displayed great courage in the face of heavy odds, and his skill and coolness in combat have enabled him to destroy fifteen enemy aircraft within a period of nineteen days

Sgt. John Mcadam
. 748076 RAFVR. Island Magee Cemetery (Ballyharry) Sec. D. Grave 48. (killed 20 February 1941, age 20 - 41 squadron) Born in Gillingham, Kent on 21st March 1919. Joined the RAFVR on 28th April 1939. Son of John Lusk Torrens McAdam and Lily Margaret McAdam (nee Perks).

P/O. Oliver Bertram Morrogh-Ryan. 40970 RAF. Barton Churchyard (St. Cuthbert) (killed 26th July 1941, age 22). Born on 29th March 1919 in County Meath, Ireland. Son of Leonard and Laura Morrogh-Ryan; husband of Emily Marguerite 0rd Morrogh-Ryan (née Vaux - died 26th August 1994, age 84), of Brettanby Manor. Born on 29th March 1919 in County Meath, Ireland. Son of Leonard and Laura Morrogh-Ryan; husband of Emily Marguerite 0rd Morrogh-Ryan (née Vaux - died 26th August 1994, age 84), of Brettanby Manor.

F/O. Willliam John Moir Scott
. 70611 RAFVR. Dundee Western Cemetery. Compt. 19. Grave 25C. (killed 08 September 1940, age 25 - 41 squadron). Born on 14th June 1915. Educated at Clifton College and Corpus Christi College, Cambridge Son of William Moir Scott (died 28th May 1938, age 52) and Katherine Ellen Scott (née Campbell - died 20th August 1971, age 85), of South Kensington, London. B.A. (Cantab.).

Fl/Lt. Edward Vivian Darling
. 65979 RAF. Runnymede Memorial. Panel 65. (killed 02 June 1942, age 26 - 403 RCAF squadron). Born on 11th October 1914, Enlisted on the 01st September 1939. Son of Edward Henry Darling (1886-1970), a schoolmaster, and Mary Louise Stark (1891-1976).
DFC Citation:
This officer has been engaged in active operations over a long period and has proved himself to be a skilful and courageous fighter pilot. He fought in the Dunkirk operations and later in the Battle of Britain. He has since completed 32 operational sweeps and throughout he has displayed excellent leadership, keenness and efficiency. He has destroyed at least 3 enemy aircraft and damaged a further 2

W/Cdr. Anthony Desmond Joseph Lovell
. 40402 RAF. Ballywillan Cemetery. Sec. F. Grave 1153. (killed 17 August 1945, age 26 - RAF Old Sarum). Born in Ceylon on 9th August 1919 in Sri Lanka, Educated at Ampleforth College. Joined the RAF and began his initial training course on 25th October 1937 Son of Stuart C. A. Lovell, and of Clare Mary Lovell, of Portrush. His brother, Stuart James Lovell, also killed on the 29th January 1944.
DFC Citation:
This officer has flown continuously on active operations against the enemy since war began. He has shown a fine fighting spirit and has led his flight and on occasions his squadron with great courage, coolness and determination. He has destroyed seven enemy aircraft
DFC Bar:
This officer is a fearless and skilful fighter pilot. His keenness to engage the enemy, combined with fine leadership, both in the air and on the ground, have set an inspiring example. In November, 1941, Squadron Leader Lovell shot down a Junkers 88 some 35 miles off the Yorkshire coast. In January, 1942, in the same area and in difficult weather conditions, he intercepted another Junkers 88 and shot it down into the sea. This officer has personally destroyed at least n hostile aircraft and has damaged others
DSO and Bar: gazetted 23rd February 1945

Fl/Lt. Reginald Eric Lovett
. 37543 RAF. Hendon Cemetery And Crematorium. Sec. J.9. Grave 39576. (killed on the 0 7 September 1940, age 26 - 73 squadron). Born in Hendon on the 20th October 1913 . educated at Christ's College, Finchley. Joined the RAF in November 1935, Son of Reginald and and Lily Lovett (née Martini), of Golders Green. Epitaph: 'For Evermore: Stories Of The Fallen'.

Fl/Lt. John Terence Webster
. 37436 RAF. (killed 05 September 1940, age 24 - 41 squadron) Born in Grassendale, Liverpoo. Educated at Liverpool College. Joined the RAF on the 26th August 1935. son of John Herbert Webster and Charlotte Annie Webster (née Morris). Husband of Lilian Hypatia Garland Mogg. they married in October 1937 in Bristol.
DFC Citation:
Flight Lieutenant Webster has led his flight in innumerable offensive patrols during the latter part of the Dunkirk operations and during the intensive air fighting over the English Channel and Dover area in protection of shipping. With great skill and gallantry he has personally destroyed seven enemy aircraft and assisted in the destruction of two others. One day in August, 1940, he and another pilot of his section engaged considerably superior numbers of enemy fighters. Three were destroyed by this officer. Not content with this, he also attacked an enemy motor torpedo boat with considerable success. His faculty for seeking out and engaging the enemy has been outstanding

F/O. Ronald Walter Wallens DFC - retired as a Sq/Ldr. Passed away on 13th December 1995 , age 79

Fl/Lt. Edgar Norman Ryder
DFC. CBE - retired as a Group Captain on the 28th October 1960, moved to the USA, passed away in 1995, age 81.

Sgt. Robert Albert Carr-Lewty
DEC. AFC - passed away on 4th March 1994, age 83.

F/O. Guy Webster Cory
AFC - retiredas a W/Cdr. from the RAF on 24th July 1954. passed away on 20th June 1981 age 68.

P/O. George Herman Bennions
DFC - retired from the RAF in 1946 as a Sq/Ldr, passed away on 30th January 2004, age 91.
Further details here

F/O. John Noble Mackenzie
DFC - retired as a Sq/Ldr from the RNZAF in 1946 and the RAF on 18th December 195 7as Sq/Ldr, passed away on the 28th March 1993, age 78 in New Zealand.

Sgt. Isaac Edward Howitt
- retired from the RAF as a Fl/Lt. in October 1945, passed away in August 2004 age 93 in Canada.

Sgt. Roy Clement Ford - retired from the RAF on the 11th May 1952, passed away on the 13th December 2002, ag 87.

Sgt. Frank Usmar
- retired as a Sq/Ldr RAF on 16th September 1994, passed away in 1964 age 79.

Researched and dedicated to the relatives of this crew with thanks to the National Archives, Kew AIR-27-424-23/24, Trevor Williams of the Wickford Community Archives, Battle of Britain London Monument, RAF Battle of Britain Consolidated Database

Other sources as quoted below:

KTY 31-08-2024

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Sources used by us in compiling Archive Reports include: Bill Chorley - 'Bomber Command Losses Vols. 1-9, plus ongoing revisions', Dr. Theo E.W. Boiten and Mr. Roderick J. Mackenzie - 'Nightfighter War Diaries Vols. 1 and 2', Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt - 'Bomber Command War Diaries', Commonwealth War Graves Commission, Tom Kracker - Kracker Luftwaffe Archives, Michel Beckers, Major Fred Paradie (RCAF) and Captain François Dutil (RCAF) - Paradie Archive (on this site), Jean Schadskaje, Major Jack O'Connor USAF (Retd.), Robert Gretzyngier, Wojtek Matusiak, Waldemar Wójcik and Józef Zieliński - 'Ku Czci Połeglyçh Lotnikow 1939-1945', Andrew Mielnik: Archiwum - Polish Air Force Archive (on this site), Anna Krzystek, Tadeusz Krzystek - 'Polskie Siły Powietrzne w Wielkiej Brytanii', Franek Grabowski, Polish graves:, PoW Museum Żagań, Norman L.R. Franks 'Fighter Command Losses', Stan D. Bishop, John A. Hey MBE, Gerrie Franken and Maco Cillessen - Losses of the US 8th and 9th Air Forces, Vols 1-6, Dr. Theo E.W. Boiton - Nachtjagd Combat Archives, Vols 1-13. Aircrew Remembered Databases and our own archives. We are grateful for the support and encouragement of CWGC, UK Imperial War Museum, Australian War Memorial, Australian National Archives, New Zealand National Archives, UK National Archives and Fold3 and countless dedicated friends and researchers across the world.
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