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Operation: Training
Date: 19th April 1943 (Monday)
Unit: No. 318 Squadron (Polish)
Type: Sea Hurricane IA
Serial: V6544
Base: R.A.F. Detling, Kent
Location: R.A.F. Detling airfield, Kent
Pilot: F/O. Jan Jakubowski CV and Bar. P-0498 PAF Age 29. Killed
Mechanic: LAC Robert Hogarth 1300119 RAFVR Age 31. Killed (1)
Mechanic: LAC Jeffrey William Janes 1473093 RAFVR Age 19. Killed (1)
During training the Hurricane IA crashed on landing - killing two RAF Regiment LACs who were cycling across the airfield at the time.
F/O. Jan Jakubowski CV & Bar 2nd from right
The funeral mass for the three airman took place at 08.00 hrs on the 22nd April with 26 Officers escorting the coffins to the train station at Maidstone. The funeral took place at Northwood on the 24th April - attended by F/O. Urban and F/O. Blaszczyk. (2)
(1) Also listed on the station orb's as members of 2768 Flight. RAF. Regiment attached to 318 Squadron.
(2) F/O. Jan Blaszczyk was killed later that year flying a Hurricane IIb BP135 whilst in Egypt.
Funeral of F/O. Jan Jakubowski - we do have a few more of his funeral and the lady in the fur coat appears in most. A girlfriend, his wife perhaps? Maybe someone can assist in the identification?
Not very clear, but someone, somewhere must know the connection?
Above graves of L.A.C. Hogarth and LAC Janes (Courtesy Stephen Farnell and Wertypop for permission to use)
Left and above Northwood Cemetery - photographed by Aircrew Remembered in 2013
F/O. Jan Jakubowski. Northwood Cemetery, Middlesex. Sec. H. Grave 378. Next of Kin Details not available as yet. Born on 6th November 1913.
Escaped after Germany invaded through the Balkans to Portugal and then on to France. ALready a trained and experienced pilot he joined the RAF and did his conversion training at 55 OTU prior to joining 32 Squadron, then on to 308 Squadron and finally to 318 Squadron.
LAC Robert Hogarth. Sheffield Cemetery. Sec F. Grave 5581. Son of John and Harriet Hogarth, of Sheffield, England.
LAC Jeffrey William Janes. Prestwood Churchyard. Plot 1. Row 5. Grave 70. Son of Sidney William and Ellen Drusilla Janes, of Heath End, Hampshire, England.
Acknowledgments: Special thanks to Peter Sikora who has contribute greatly to this page of remembrance, Stephen Farnell for grave photo of LAC Hogarth and Wertypop for use of grave photo LAC Janes, Robert Gretzyngier, Woitek Matusiak, Waldemar Wójcik and Józef Zieliński - "Ku Czci Połeglyçh Lotnikow 1939-1945", Anna Krzystek, Tadeusz Krzystek - 'Polskie Siły Powietrzne w Wielkiej Brytanii', The 1333 (Grangemouth Spitfire) Squadron and the Grangemouth Spitfire Memorial Trust who provided me with so much information and assistance during my visit, Jerzy Bogdan Cynk - 'The Polish Airforce At War' Vol's 1 and 2.
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning we will remember
them. - Laurence
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Last Modified: 02 July 2019, 16:31