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Operation: Training
Date: 12th August 1941 (Tuesday)
Unit: No. 55 OTU (Operational Training Unit)
Type: Hurricane I
Serial: Karubin - V7742 Hohne - V6565
Base: RAF Usworth,
Location: Horn Crag, Scafell, Eskdale, Cumberland.
Pilot: Sgt. Stanislaw Karubin DFM P-793420 Polish Air Force Age 25. Killed
Pilot: P/O. Zygmunt Höhne P-0975 Polish Air Force Age 24. Killed
Formation training exercise with another Polish pilot P/O. Zygmunt Hohne over Cumberland. Then, with very low cloud both aircraft flew at high speed into a hill at Horn Crag, Scafell in Cumberland - crashing within 200 metres of each other. A memorial has been erected at the crash site where remains of the two Hurricanes are still scattered today.
Above left: Sgt. Karubin DFM (Courtesy Peter Sikora) Right: P/O. Zygmunt Höhne (Courtesy Gretzyngier, Matusiak, Wojcik, Zielinski)
Sgt. Stanislaw Karubin D.F.M. an experienced and Battle of Britain ace was flying as the instructor having joined 55 OTU from 58 OTU He had flown with 111 Eskadra Squadron in Poland and shot down a Bf110 in September 1940. Escaped from Poland to France and served with ECD1/55.
Following the fall of France he then escaped to England and joined 303 squadron. He was credited with a total of 7 kills.
Crash site today - Please if you visit, leave with just photographs (Courtesy pasujoba, Flickr)
Memorial at the crash site (courtesy Polish War Graves of Holland)
Sgt. Stanislaw Karubin DFM Hylton (Castletown) Cemetery, Durham. Plot Sec D Row 1 Grave 722. Born 29th October 1915 in Warsaw, Poland.
P/O. Zygmunt Höhne. Hylton (Castletown) Cemetery, Durham. Plot Sec D Row 1 Grave 721. Born 20th October 1916
With thanks to Peter Sikora, Polish War graves of the Netherlands for memorial photo's, pasujoba on Flickr for crash site photo's,Robert Gretzyngier, Woitek Matusiak, Wadldemar Wojcik and Josef Zielinski.
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning we will remember
them. - Laurence
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Last Modified: 08 July 2014, 19:47