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Lend Us Your Willing Hands

We are so driven by our passion that, encouraged by thousands of friends, respected researchers, institutions and colleagues throughout the world, we express a unique collaboration between ourselves, world experts, professional and part-time researchers, and - vitally - ordinary readers, through our site. Our belief is that there are literally millions of stories that will just disappear over time if we don't capture them.

In the past, history was the story of princes and generals, celebrated in expensive portraits and extravagant tapestries. The ordinary person - who did most of the dying - was simply forgotten. Now, technology gives us the chance to weave everyone's story into the grander tapestry of history, particularly as we are cooperating with the world-famous British Library who are regularly archiving our complete site so that its contents will be available to future historians long after we've all been cleared for our final flight. But we need help!


We have thousands and thousands of pictures, letters, records that need digitizing. We can only cope with the volume and preserve for posterity if we can transfer paper records into computer records. That's where you come in!


We need volunteers with modest computer equipment who are willing to scan pictures for us, and submit them via our online Data Capture System, or if they prefer, on a CD or USB stick. The job requires modest technical skills. Even if you've never made a scan before, it's nothing you can't learn in 30 minutes! We've got an online tutorial in plan that tells the story from A to Z, and we're always here to help you in person. The work is doubly fascinating because you'll be the first to get to see pictures that have never seen the light of day for 50 years or more!


Our researchers frequently require someone to go in to the National Archives at Kew, for example, and perform some work on a subject they're researching and if you're up for that, we want to hear from you. The work is interesting and stimulating. Full instructions are provided and you'll soon be operating like a champion. And we'll even buy you lunch!


If we can get the massive volumes of paper records into spreadsheets, this will permit us to offer access to these records to researchers and families worldwide. Your job would be to type these records into spreadsheets that we provide you. Accurate typing is needed otherwise your work will not be found when researchers perform a search. (If they're searching on 'Hannover' and you were typing whilst thinking about lunch and put in 'Hamburger' they're not going to find it, are they? But pace is not an issue, there's no pressure on you to type fast.


Perhaps you like to write poetry and would like it in our Poetry section - as long as it is aviation related we may well place it, together with your credits.


You may want to help us in a financial sense, recognizing that what we do costs money. We are limited as to how many families we can help with our research at any one time by the funds we have available. You can help us help more families. Check our Donate page.


We're more than interested in talking to people who just want to help but who don't know how. Let's talk! We don't know about everything we need help with either! Help put us on the right track.

© 2012 - 2025 Aircrew Remembered - All site material (except as noted elsewhere) is owned or managed by Aircrew Remembered
and should not be used without prior permission.

Last Modified: 16 December 2022, 13:27