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Our website was created to be a source of hope and empowerment for those affected by lung cancer, mesothelioma, and other asbestos-related diseases.

Our main focus is to provide accurate and helpful information, support and resources to patients and their loved ones. We created a mesothelioma informational resource to help them better understand their diagnosis, how to find treatment, and all options available to them.

Our team is here to help those affected by mesothelioma with compassion and care. Our website is a key resource.

Michael Vaughan contacted us in February 2020 and asked us to link to his fine work: No. 61 Squadron was re-formed in 1937 as a bomber squadron, and in World War II flew with No. 5 Group, RAF Bomber Command. The squadron's first operational mission was on 25 December 1939, comprising an armed reconnaissance over the North Sea by 11 Hampden bombers. This was followed on 7/8 March 1940 by the first bombing mission, when one Hampden, during a security patrol of Sylt-Borkum-Norderney, bombed an enemy destroyer which opened fire on it.

Wartime Diary of Robert George Emmett Toomey: The goals of this website are to preserve Robert Toomey's wartime diary and to acknowledge the courage and sacrifice of airmen in Bomber Command during WWII. The casualty rate was 44.4 percent for this military unit. More than eighty of Toomey's fellow prisoners are listed below and mentioned throughout this site.

Dorking Museum and Heritage Centre is an independent museum funded entirely by public donation and staffed by volunteers - they researched and contacted us regarding one of the many claims by Fl/Lt. Norman Sidney Head 66516 RAFVR and his navigator F/O. Arthur Charles Andrews 131662 RAFVR of 96 Squadron (Mosquito)

We are pleased that we are able to link and work with the New Zealand War Graves Trust welcomes and appreciates contributions from visitors to our website. Many interesting stories have been forwarded to the Trust, casting light on the background of the New Zealanders whose war graves are captured here. In particular, family members have been generous in sharing memories, information or photos. Each contribution is checked and prepared for publication on our website. But this is voluntary work and there is a queue of stories waiting to be posted on the website. We ask for your patience and understanding if material you have offered is yet to appear. In the end, the website will be richer for all your contributions.

The North East Memorial Project is intended to assist members of the public, local and family history groups, military historians, schools and individuals to learn more about and research their local war memorials and record their results. Their aim is to record every war memorial located in the historic counties of Northumberland, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne and Durham to include any area in the 1974 boundary changes.

‘Français Libres’: A website dedicated to the memory of members of the Free French Air Force. Many of its members have never received recognition. We hope to be working with Jean Pierre closely in the future.

Foundation RAF Monument Nieuw Dordrecht: These memorials, it should be remembered, represent the pain and suffering unto death of those who - volunteers all - did not return from duty. They fought and worked to help rid their world of the evils of tyranny ...The lives of those they left behind were changed, forever ...

‘When you go home, tell them of us, and say,for your tomorrow, we gave our today.’

Welcome to Hong Kong War Diary - a project that documents the 1941 defence of Hong Kong, the defenders, their families, and the fates of all until liberation. This website is updated monthly with a record of research and related activities. Also listed are the various books that have spun off from this project written by Tony, and a listing of each and every member of the Garrison. Comments, questions, and information are always welcome. Tony Banham, Hong Kong.

Aircrew Remembered are hoping that all their contacts who served with Bomber Command are able to visit the International Bomber Command Centre (IBCC) is being created to provide a world-class facility to serve as a point for recognition, remembrance and reconciliation for Bomber Command. The Lincolnshire Bomber Command Memorial Trust, in partnership with the University of Lincoln, aims to open the Centre in 2016. Memorial is already underway and further details of this can be obtained by subscribing to their monthly newsletter.

Asbestos Lawsuits for Military Veterans:- Asbestos was used heavily in the military during the WWII era and up until the 1970's. Tragically, many military veterans are now being diagnosed with mesothelioma cancer and other asbestos diseases. Visit this site for mesothelioma lawsuit information and assistance in recovering financial compensation for asbestos diseases.

This site is dedicated to the 55 Servicemen who had ties to the Powell River area, who made the supreme sacrifice in World War II. In 1944, Powell River had an area population of 8,000. 1,012 Men and 55 Women enlisted in WWII - 55 Men gave their lives and there were 8 Prisoners of War who returned home after the war was over. Over 700 of these men, were employed by the Powell River Company. And those that wanted, had jobs waiting for them.

An association based at Anglet formed with the aim of remembering those men and women of the Comet Line in the Basque region who gave so much in the cause of repatriating Allied aircrew and others during WWII.

Whilst the demise of RAF Coltishall was still a fresh memory, it was proposed that an association be formed with the specific aim of perpetuating the memory of the station and fostering the one aspect that could not be drawn down, namely the "Spirit of Coltishall". This has now been achieved and the Spirit of Coltishall lives on. Aircrew Remembered are now working very closely with the Spirit of Coltishall and hope to promote their aims further within our website. We would like you to consider joining them, to keep the name of RAF Coltishall - forever.

The purpose of the website is to commemorate all who served in 514 Squadron, Royal Air Force Bomber Command, between September 1943 and August 1945. It is through the sharing of information, photographs and other records that the memory will be preserved of those who fought for our freedom, some 435 of whom paid with their lives. Thoughts that Aircrew Remembered work with.

70 Squadron. Peter Jackson has spent many hours researching his fathers career in the Squadron in North Africa 1941 - 1944. He also has further information on others and welcomes new material. We will be working with 70 Squadron in the future and share our material with him as required.

Krysia D. Michna-Nowak is one of the most respected contemporary artists in the UK, specialising in commissioned portraits and paintings for your home or workplace. Krysia has also published a book on her father, Sq/Ldr. Wladyslaw Jan Nowak of 306 (Polish Squadron) - copy sent to Aircrew Remembered in September 2014.

'Airwar Over Denmark' and Aircrew Remembered assist each other with research. The entire content of this site is the result of many years of careful work by Søren with additional content from research friends and associates of his who have very kindly sanctioned the inclusion of their original material. It is important to stress to the reader that the basis of “Airwar over Denmark” comes from contemporary reports and accounts Søren Flensted has found archived in Denmark, England, USA and Germany as well as from personal accounts by eyewitnesses and war veterans.

We are now are working with the chaps from ‘The Planehunters Recovery Team’. We are assured by Benny Ceulaers that they do not promote any sale of items from crash sites. A team that researches, detects, then recovers, crashed planes from World War II. We are a team of volunteers who are interested in the Air Forces that circled Belgium and Holland during the War (between 1940-45). Working with the Flemish government.

We are pleased to announce our collaboration with ‘Wings To Victory’ from Holland. Martien van Dijk and Aircrew Remembered currently share information to remember these brave aircrew sacrifices and preserved for next generations. They fought for us and our freedom.

Lancaster ME699. The story of John Edgar Wainwright as told by his son, Mike. Known by everyone that knew him as Jack, then a Constable in the Metropolitan Police, had survived having been shot down by a Messerschmitt 110 night fighter over France in 1944. He had been picked up by the Resistance, had lived for a short while as a Frenchman near the town of Beauvais, north of Paris with the Pelletier family and had returned home safely.

During WW2 the Germans built a wall of steel and concrete, the Atlantikwall, from Northern Normandy to the Spanish border. Started in 1941 but never completed due to the D-Day landings, the wall was built to stop an invasion from England and protect a vast array of Hitler's secret weapons. This website shows what is still left to see 70 years on including some of the V weapons that would have been used to pound the assault areas of Southern England building up for D-Day.

After several years of development, the release of the Fallen Heroes of Normandy website can now be viewed and used by all. The Fallen Heroes of Normandy archive and website is, and always will be, free to access for everyone.

Aircrew Remembered work very closely with 'Medals Reunited New Zealand', a newly formed website dedicated to returning 'lost' medals to families. They use their collective military experience and research skills, together with an extensive network of contacts, to find families or descendants who they can reunite with veteran’s medals they have in their possession.

The Polish Air Force Memorial Committee was formed in 2010 with the aim of maintaining the memory of the Polish Air Force in the West, some 2,000 of whom gave their lives 'For Your Freedom and Ours' during the Second World War. Aircrew Remembered will be assisting them to promote forthcoming events.

Australia at War - everything that you wanted to know about military activities in Australia during World War 2. We are pleased that we are working with the webmaster, Peter Dunn and applaud his research.

111 (f) Squadron RCAF a specialist website run by Bill Eull. If you had a relative who served in this Canadian squadron Bill would very much like to hear from you. We shall be working very closely with them and of course sharing as much information and assisting one another to expand both our work.

Specialist in German Paper items from WW1 and WW2. Many items available to buy on-line. Death Cards, photographs and documents - German Documents on-line a great place to purchase.

As the association historian for No.218 (Gold Coast) Squadron it was inevitable that my research into the exploits of No.218 Squadron would cross with that of No.623 Squadron. It soon became clear that there was very little information available on 623 squadron and even more obvious that survivors of the squadron were sadly in the minority. In 1991 I set about researching the squadron and its crews. Steve ‘Smudger’ Smith. Pleased that Aircrew Remembered are working closely with Steve.

We will be working with 427 (Lion) Squadron to assist their members. The Squadron has had a proud history since November, 1942 when it was first formed. As an Association of former Lions their objective is to ensure that the exploits experienced as well as the sacrifices made by Squadron members are shared and acknowledged.

No. 218 like a number of Short Stirling equipped No.3 Group squadrons missed the debacle of the Berlin Campaign and the grievous losses suffered by the gallant crews of Bomber Command during the winter of 1943/44. The squadron did not stand idol however, mining and selective raids on key industrial or transportation targets in France and Belgium was the almost daily activity for the squadron from early 1944. Steve ‘Smudger’ Smith.

Bomber County Aviation Research The aim of this website is to be the most complete and comprehensive resource to all military aviation in the county of Lincolnshire, both past and present. With well over 200 pages of information contained within this site, you will find everything you need for your research or curiosity with regards to either a specific aircraft or airfield in Lincolnshire.

Commonwealth War Graves Commission

Established by Royal Charter in 1917, the Commonwealth War Graves Commission pays tribute to the 1,700,000 men and women of the Commonwealth forces who died in the two world wars. It is a non-profit-making organisation that was founded by Sir Fabian Ware.

William Langford's Wartime Lodge

William Lindsay has been researching the American wartime history of Langford Lodge for over ten years. Initially publishing his findings online (with this link) to like minded enthusiasts, he decided in 2009 to begin work on publishing his findings in print.

Bomber Command Memorial

The RAF Bomber Command Memorial is be a fitting tribute to those who gave everything so that we may be free today. And it will help generations to come to understand, in some small way, the heavy price that was paid by those who felt that freedom was worth fighting and dying for. Funds are still required to maintain the memorial. We will continue in its support.

Musee Histoire, France

A new French association researching military history in the Chateaudun and Normandy areas. Also in the process of creating a Museum in the area.


An absolutely huge site - full of information from all nationalities. Great job! Please sign their guestbook and support them, but tell them where you found the link!

Polish War Graves

A website that we work very closely with. Based on a book written by Harry Venema and Jos van Alphen published in 1983. Now out of print and too expensive to make a re-print they have decided to place it on the internet. A great deal of work gone into this and we commend them for their accuracy and information supplied.

No. 1 BFTS

During World War II thousands of British pilots learned to fly at six civilian training schools in the United States. The first and largest of the schools was in Terrell, Texas. After the United States entered the war, American Aviation Cadets also trained at the school. More than 2,000 Royal Air Force and American Army Air Force pilots earned their wings over North Texas between 1941 and 1945. Terrell's citizens welcomed the student pilots to their community and many life-long bonds were forged.


The Airfield Research Group has enjoyed a continuous existence since it was formed in the late 1970's. Made up of like minded people the Group is a non profit making organisation whose funds are derived from subscriptions and voluntary contributions. The aims of the Group are to research, record and to report information and material related to the history, architecture, current status and use of military and civilian airfields throughout the United Kingdom. Our members believe that it is important to maintain a history of all aspects of the nation’s aviation heritage.

Poland in Exile

This web site is dedicated to the men and women who left Poland to fight against the Nazis and Russian Communism in the 1939 - 1945 War. These pages are a tribute to their unselfish valour and acts as a memorial in their honour. The following pages are not about major battles or great leaders but are dedicated to ordinary individuals. Their escape stories are some of the war's best adventure stories where bravery and military training in field-craft together with luck saved them from death or the gulags. Many of these stories remain largely untold to even those who we may regard as the 'nearest and dearest'.

Final Destination Slovakia

From the Slovak Republic, a site specialising in lost aircrew and aircraft in Slovakia during the 2nd World War. Wonderful to see that there are specialist websites involved in keeping the memories alive of the people both we and other nations lost during that conflict.

Czechoslovak Squadrons

A comprehensive and totally committed website to the Czech pilots who assisted the allies during World War 2. Includes information on 310, 311, 312, 313 and 68 Czech Royal Air Force Squadrons.

Polish Airforces

From Poland. Concentrating on Polish Aviation history providing a great insight into the work involved in this field.

Messerschmitt 109

From Berlin, Germany. A website specialising in this legendary Luftwaffe aircraft.

Cambridge Bomber and Fighter Society

A web-site dedicated to the memory of the people who flew in RAF 85 squadron.

Comete Belgium Kinship Association

This website researches in great detail aircrew who have been assisted to escape from occupied Belgium during WW2 and explains how the resistance fighters managed to help hundreds of allied aircrew back to England.

Mulbarton Aviation Group

Norfolk, England - currently under development (Feb 2013)

Flyvrak Norway

They concentrate on all losses, regardless of nationality, that occurred during World War 2 on Norwegian soil. Check it out and if you find the time please sign the guest-book - all sites that help to honour those who served in that war deserve to be supported.

The Blenheim Society

From Hertfordshire, England. The Blenheim Society was set up to commemorate the aircrew of the Bristol Blenheim bomber/fighter of World War 2. These group of aircrew became known as the "Blenheim Boys". The society celebrates 21 years and 71 years of the Blenheim.

Aeroplane Monthly

From the United Kingdom. The best features on fighters, civil and military aircraft. Available also as a magazine subscription.

Wings to Victory

From Holland. Mainly in Dutch and also a museum well worth visiting if you are over there. Turn down your volume though, another website that likes the music!

In Memories

From Belgium. A comprehensive guide to cemeteries located in France and Belgium. Pierre Vandervelden has done some great work and I am sure he would be grateful if you have any further information for his site.

Aviation Archaeology

Concentrating on USA Military air losses this provides a valuable insight into the work involved in this field.

Thirty Thousand Feet

A huge directory of web pages, blogs, podcasts, forums and other on-line resources with aviation content. You will find links to commercial, government, military, organisational and personal sites. Some sell products and services and others provide them free.

Polish Squadrons Remembered

A cluster of the Internet sites commemorating Polish Air Force units in World War Two. The first page starts: 'On June 8, 1946, the Allies celebrated their World War II success with the London Victory Parade without Polish colours flying and without Polish soldiers present.'

An Ordinary Crew

'Just An Ordinary Crew' - this website is dedicated, as its title suggests, to just an ordinary crew of Bomber Command in World War II. They wouldn't have regarded themselves as heroes, nor in the commonly accepted sense, were they. But like thousands of other men from across the world, for a variety of reasons, they chose to volunteer to serve as aircrew in the RAF, knowing that from the outset even of initial training, their lives were in danger and that many, many of them would eventually pay the supreme sacrifice.

Diary of Bruce Johnson

This website chronicles the training and tour of operation of Lancaster bomber pilot Bruce Johnston, through the diary he kept during his time with the RCAF in 1944. His diary listings are transcribed here word for word, and provide a fascinating, and unedited view of life for a young Canadian pilot in both Bomber Command, and Britain during World War II.

Tempsford Special Duties Squadrons

In creating this site it is hoped to bring a little known but vitally important part of history into the open; Tempsford Airfield was the base for some of the most secret squadrons of the war. Their mission was to deliver arms, ammunition, radios and other equipment to the resistance movements in German occupied countries. They also specialised in the delivery of agents either by parachute or by landing at night in a moonlit field, their landing lights and guidance usually being just three torches.

Wally Smith Memorial

A web site dedicated to the father of Andy Smith - Walter John Smith. Nicely laid out and easy to follow - great work.

Faldingworth Memorials

It will be almost exactly 70 years to the month, since many Polish men and women had to leave Poland to continue, in the words that have now passed into Polish Folklore, to work and fight 'For Our and Your Freedom'. From these some came to Faldingworth in 1944. Many to lose their lives and many more never to see their families again. Also joining them for a time were service men and women from Britain and the Commonwealth, many also giving their lives for us.

RAF Fiskerton

A brief study of an old Bomber command airfield in Lincolnshire, During the second world war, R.A.F. Lancasters flew from this airfield on operations. With their crew of seven, one hundred and seventeen of these would never return. Support Martin Nichols on the fine work he has done with his dedication.

Wellington T2905

A thorough research (and ongoing) into the loss of this 11 O.T.U. Wellington that crashed on 30th April 1941. John Clarke, the grandson of one of the crew members, has spent years researching this loss and the website also covers members of the public that have assisted in saving some of the crew members.

Airfields of Britain Airfields of Britain Conservation Trust aims to preserve and protect our priceless airfields as well as educate the nation to the rich heritage and contribution they have made to our society both past and present.

Martin Fry Photography

Martin has assisted us greatly with re-producing some of our extensive photographic archive in order that we can use it on our web site and also make them available to the relatives concerned.

RAF Wickenby Memorial Collection was set up in the late 1990s in commemoration of the men and women of 12 & 626 Squadrons who served at Wickenby during WWII and also 92 and 93 Maintenance Units who were here from 1945 to 1956. The Collection, which is run by a group of dedicated volunteers is situated in the upstairs of the old Control Tower looking out over two of the original runways which are still in use today.

The Spitfire Association

1: To commemorate, through ANZAC Day and other special events, the extraordinary actions of our members who served in wartime to defend and continue our democracy and freedoms;
2: To keep alive the memory of the Spitfire, an aircraft that set new standards in aviation technology, giving out founding members the means to achieve their objectives in theatres of war around the world; and
3: To support and grow the Spitfire Memorial Defence Fellowship Scheme (administered by The University of NSW and the Australian Defence Force), in order to ensure that future generations of Australians have the opportunity to contribute excellent research in the area of defence.

Project Propeller

The basic premise of the Project Propeller scheme is to match up WWII RAF air crew with current pilots and to gather together for a day at a significant location. The air crew and pilots meet up at a convenient airfield, fly to the venue for the day, then fly back home once the event comes to an close. In addition (and all other conditions being favourable) it is hoped that the veteran air crew get an opportunity for some more stick and rudder time.

RAF Abingdon

Dedicated to all who served with 10 OTU at RAF Abingdon, RAF Stanton Harcourt and RAF St Eval in Cornwall.

Ivor and Kevan Bundell

An English folk duo who wrote and produced the moving song 'Mr. Mitchell's Angels' - which can be heard when you visit their website.

Tower Museum Bassingbourn

The Tower Museum Bassingbourn is housed in the original control tower that dates back to the 1930's when the airbase was constructed. One of the first museums in the country to be housed in an original control tower, the Museum opened in 1974; its aim to educate visitors in the history of this world famous base when the RAF and the USAAF were stationed here.

The Aircrew Association

Are you a former pilot, navigator or aircrew member who performed military service with the Royal Air Force (RAF) or with Commonwealth forces during times of peace and war? If so, membership of this organisation is guaranteed and welcome. Within their organisation, you will meet many people spanning generations who experienced similar feelings and fears albeit in different times and stages of technology.

51 Squadron History

This Site Is Dedicated To The Brave Men And Women Of 51 Squadron, 4 Group, Bomber Command. To those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for freedom, we say thank you.

Luftwaffe Experten

A discussion group dedicated to the weapons, tactics and personnel of Luftwaffe aerial warfare during the life of the Third Reich. This list in no way promotes or agrees with the Nazi atrocities, ideals and actions perpetrated during the 1939-45 war.

Robin Smith Fine Arts

Quality has always been of supreme importance to Robin from artwork through printing/paper thickness and quality to framing and efficient despatch. He tries to ensure his superb major aviation prints are veteran pilot /navigator signed, which massively increases the collectability of the item. He attends most of the large airshows around the country, painting on site, chatting at length and answering questions.

Operation Dark Side Of The Moon

A group dedicated to the preservation the history of 148 Squadron RAF (Special Duties SOE), during the period from March 1943, until December, 1945. The covert nature of the operations of this, and the other Special Duties SOE Squadrons, has never been fully recognised, or documented. Some of these aircrews are still listed as 'missing in action, presumed killed' with no known grave.

Stephen Stratford

This web site is mainly concerned with British 20th Century (1900 - 1999) Military & Criminal History. Due to the nature of the subject it is sometimes necessary to cover events which fall outside this strict period of time. Interesting material about this little-known subject.

Wings of Memory is founded by a group of people who have organised 24 salvages since 1997 of military aircrafts that crashed in Belgium during World War II and who esteemed that not enough was being done to preserve the memory of those dramatic events for future generations.

Nicolas Trudgian Artist

Brilliant artist specializing in aviation subjects. Nicolas has granted us permission to use examples of his art on various pages of our site.

Painstaking attention to technical detail combine with a lyrical sense of design to produce art of the highest order.

© 2012 - 2025 Aircrew Remembered - All site material (except as noted elsewhere) is owned or managed by Aircrew Remembered
and should not be used without prior permission.