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List of Pages Relating to Canada

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This current page is one of a number of listing pages which our system creates automatically to help you find relevant material by showing all pages that are linked in some specific way. A list page may show all pages that relate to Polish forces, as an example.

Material that does not apply to a specific category that you may find interesting include:

Animated Map Showing Allied Bombing in WW2
Staggering Cost in Human Lives in WW2

"This morning the King, speaking to his peoples at home and across the seas, appealed to all to make their own the cause of freedom, which Britain again has taken up. Canada has already answered that call. On Friday last, the Government, speaking on behalf of the Canadian people, announced that in the event of the United Kingdom becoming engaged in war in the effort to resist aggression, they would, as soon as Parliament meets, seek its authority for effective cooperation by Canada at the side of Britain." William Lyon Mackenzie King, Prime Minister of Canada, 10 September 1939

We have an extensive collection of material relating to Canada, thanks partly to our Canadian specialist researchers and partly in recognition of the enormous contribution Canada made to the Allied war effort in World War ll

Canadian Cemetery. Beny-Sur-Mer, France

We went on a trip of a lifetime to France!

"We went on a trip of a lifetime to France! We visited Juno Beach then went to Beny-sur-mer! We were in AWE of the sheer beauty of the graveyard! The PRISTINE area was serene, beautiful and surrounded by the Canadian Maple Trees! We laid Canadian Flags at the base of each tombstone - to see 16, 17 year olds and the worst - 'Known only to God' made me cry! To think these BRAVE men's family had NOTHING? That is why we feel so HONORED that this town takes care of our boys! MERCI" Canadian visitor's comment after visiting the Canadian Cemetery in France

Holten Canadian Cemetery Holland

Photo Courtesy and © Steve Douglas of The Maple Leaf Legacy Project

Bomber Command Memorial Wall, Nanton, Alberta, Canada

Search on 'RCAF' and 'Canada' for more pages published before our auto-listing function started to operate.

Paradie Archive: 45,000 records of RCAF Personnel
The Famous Nighthawks 409 Squadron RCAF
625 Squadron RAF
Unique Personal, Family and Flying Record of Flt/Lt. Hore-Kennard RCAF
Extensive Notes on RCAF Pilots WWl and WWll
Canadian Renaming Project
Canadians Flying in Battle of Britain
Allied Losses and Incidents Database
Ottawa Allied Air Forces Memorial Database
RCAF Cartoons by Ricky
Korean War Database - Canada
In Flanders Fields - John McCrae's immortal poem read by Leonard Cohen

At the going down of the sun, and in the morning we will remember them. - Laurence Binyon

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and should not be used without prior permission.
