Jackson Army Air Base, Jackson Mississippi USA
In 1942, in coordination with the American, Australian, and British governments, the Royal Netherlands Military Flying School was established in Jackson, Mississippi. The school trained Dutch military who fled the Dutch East Indies after Japan invaded. Among the 800 Dutch pilots, aircrew, and ground crew who were trained at the airbase was a significant number of Indonesian military personnel in Dutch service.
Most of the airmen served with the Royal Australian Air Force and fought the Japanese. A select number of pilots were sent to Europe as replacements for the British Royal Air Force’s 322 Squadron comprised of Dutch volunteers.
Thirty Dutch military aviators and air crewmen were killed in training accidents in the United States. They were buried in a section of Jackson’s Cedar Lawn Cemetery on East Capitol Street, a location near their training base at Jackson Army Air Base (Hawkins Field).
Several Dutch airmen married women from Mississippi and other parts of the United States while in training, and immigrated to the United States after the war. Thirteen of these veterans were buried alongside their fellow servicemen who died during the war. The cemetery is the final resting place for 43 Dutch veterans.
Dutch officers under training at Jackson Army Air Base, Jackson, USA, 1942. † A = killed in Asia; † EU = killed in Europe.
Back row, left to right:
J.G. Boon von Ochssee H. de Vries C.A.M. Poublon G.H. Heijning J.H. Gonggrijp P.E. Kuitert G. Mulder, † EU P. van Straalen, † A J. Slakhorst, † EU T.M. Emous, † EU J. Schwartz
Center row:
J.G. Wallis de Vries G.J. Lugt, † A E.R. van Unen, † A H.J. Spoel, † A P.J. Huijer, † EU J.W. Beck, † A J.W. Maas J. Meester, † EU J.P. Boswinkel H. Bais H.A. Pecht
Front row:
R.E. Basenau, † A A.A. Dreher, † A D. Lagerwerff, † A F. Ottervanger, † A J.A. Warning P.W. Burgemeestre W.G. Franken, † A J.A. Broekema T. Wittermans, † A H. Romijn J.A. Hogenkamp, † A
33 officers, of whom 12 would be killed-in-action in the Asian Theatre of War, and 5 in Europe, adding up to over 50% fatal casualties amongst this group of men. Therefore not all names here were casualties.
Source: SLH
Dutch officers under training at Jackson Mississippi. Source MPB Documentary
Inspection of Dutch forces at Jackson Air Base, Jackson Mississippi – USA
1. 1Lt Vl Wnr Jan Andreas Butner VK. Born Teteringen, 27/06/1913. KIFA Vicksburg, Mississippi, USA, 27/05/1942, with Vultee BT-13A Valiant Nr. 42-21852, that crashed during take-off. He came from the KNIL. He was married to Mrs L.M.C. Butner-Berkhout, residing in Batavia, NEI. Buried Cedar Lawn Cemetery, Jackson, Miss., USA.
2. Sgt Vl Winnie Schalk. Born Batavia, Java, NEI, 30/10/1921. KIFA Vicksburg, Mississippi, USA, 27/05/1942, with Vultee BT-13A Valiant Nr. 42-21852, that crashed during take-off. He came from the ML-KNIL. No decorations known. Buried Cedar Lawn Cemetery, Jackson, Miss., USA.
3. Sgt Vl 2kl Jack Frans Hendrik Jansen BL. Born Kotaradja, Java, NOI, 30/03/1922. KIFA Jackson, Mississippi, USA, 13/08/1942, with Vultee BT-13A Valiant. He came from the ML-KNIL. No decorations known. Buried Cedar Lawn Cemetery, Jackson, Miss., USA.
4. Res 2Lt Pieter Paulus Adriaan van Rossum. Born Soerabaja, Java, NOI, 13/03/1919. Killed Jackson, Mississippi, USA, 30/08/1942, in a traffic accident. His father resided in Amsterdam shortly after the War. Buried Cedar Lawn Cemetery, Jackson, Miss., USA. No decorations known.
5. Kannonnier 2kl Gerard Dirk Bernardus Spierenburg. Born Dordrecht, 07/09/1920. KIFA near Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, USA, 15/09/1942, with Fairchild PT-19 Nr. 42-2777 as a result of very low stunt flying. He came from the KNIL. Buried Military Cemetery Fort Leavenworth, USA, grave F/99/A. No decorations known.
6. Sgt Vl Frederik Lodewijk Heskes, RNMFS. Born Tegal, Java, NOI, 16/05/1919. KIFA Tyndallfield, Florida, USA, 22/09/1942, with Vultee BT-13A Valiant. He came from the ML-KNIL. Buried Cedar Lawn Cemetery, Jackson, Miss., USA. No decorations known.
7. Off Vl 3kl Leendert Gerardus Coomans, RNMFS. Born Tholen, 20/10/1913. KIFA Brooks Field, USA, 01/10/1942. He came from the MLD. Buried Cedar Lawn Cemetery, Jackson, Miss., USA. No decorations known.
8. Sgt AROV MLD Henri Diederik Stibbe, RNMFS. Born Soerabaja, Java, NOI, 04/06/1917. KIFA Jackson, Mississippi, USA, 23/10/1942, with Vultee BT-13A Valiant Nr. 42-21880. He came from the MLD. Buried Cedar Lawn Cemetery, Jackson, Miss., USA. No decorations known.
9. Sgt AROV MLD Albertus Wiersinga, RNMFS. Born Meppel, 08/03/1919. KIFA Meridian, USA, 13/11/1942, with Vultee BT-13A Valiant Nr. 42-21861. He came from the MLD. Crashed near Hickory, Miss. Buried Cedar Lawn Cemetery, Jackson, Miss., USA. No decorations known.
10. 1Lt Pieter Johannes Paulus van Erkel VK, RNMFS. Born Ten Boer, 10/10/1917. KIFA on airfied 50km from Jackson, 01/12/1942, with North American AT-6 Nr. 41-367. His father, Dr. J.C.P. van Erkel, lived in Musselkanaal, Groningen. Buried Cedar Lawn Cemetery, Jackson, Miss., USA.
11. Sgt AROV MLD Gerrit van Schieveen, RNMFS. Born Den Helder, 07/06/1922. KIFA Vicksburg, Mississippi, USA, 01/12/1942, with North American AT-6 Nr. 41-367, He came from the MLD. Buried Cedar Lawn Cemetery, Jackson, Miss., USA. No decorations known.
12. Korp MLD Wilhelm Marcussen, RNMFS. Born Semarang, Java, NOI, 18/09/1917. KIFA Jackson, Mississippi, USA, 31/01/1943, with Vultee BT-13A Valiant Nr. 42-21863, He came from the MLD. Crashed near Highway 49, 10 miles S of JAAB. Buried Cedar Lawn Cemetery, Jackson, Miss., USA, grave Nr. L/6. No decorations known.
13. Sgt Vl Martinus Johannes Hubertus Krauth, RNMFS. Born Roermond, 03/04/1915. KIFA Jackson, Mississippi, USA, 04/02/1943, with Beechcraft AT-11 Kansan. He came from the ML-KNIL. His father, F.H. Krauth, was residing in Weert, shortly after the War. Buried Cedar Lawn Cemetery, Jackson, Miss., USA. No decorations known.
14. Sgt Mathias Johannes Berkers, RNMFS. Born Asten, 05/09/1915. KIFA Jackson, Mississippi, USA, 04/02/1943, with Beechcraft AT-11 Kansan. He came from the ML-KNIL. His father, J. Berkers, was residing in Asten, shortly after the War. Buried Cedar Lawn Cemetery, Jackson, Miss., USA. No decorations known.
15. Korp William Wilco Hector Woltering, RNMFS. Born Semarang, Java, NOI, 03/02/1921. KIFA Jackson, Mississippi, USA, 04/02/1943, with Beechcraft AT-11 Kansan. He came from the ML-KNIL. Buried Cedar Lawn Cemetery, Jackson, Miss., USA. No decorations known.
16. Korp Hein Panhuyzen, RNMFS. Born Buitenzorg, Java, NOI, 05/04/1922. KIFA Jackson, Mississippi, USA, 25/02/1943, with Vultee BT-13A Valiant Nr. 42-21853, 5 miles S of Jackson, cause unknown. He came from the ML-KNIL. His sister, Mrs Benting-Panhuyzen, was residing in Batavia, NEI, shortly after the War. Buried Cedar Lawn Cemetery, Jackson, Miss., USA, grave Nr. R/5. No decorations known.
17. Sgt Vl L. (Sueyan) Kierzek, RNMFS. Born Cheribon, Java, NOI, 17/11/1918. KIFA Crystal Springs, Mississippi, USA, 01/03/1943, with Vultee BT-13A Valiant. He came from the ML-KNIL. His brother was living in Amsterdam, shortly after the War. Buried Cedar Lawn Cemetery, Jackson, Miss., USA, grave Nr. R/4. No decorations known.
18. 1Lt Vl Wnr Gerrit Hoogerwerf, RNMFS. Born Rotterdam, 14/04/1917. KIFA New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 01/03/1943, with Vultee BT-13A Valiant. He came from the KNIL. His father, G. Hoogerwerf, was residing in Rotterdam, shortly after the War. Buried Cedar Lawn Cemetery, Jackson, Miss., USA, grave Nr. L/5. No decorations known.
19. Korp Vl MLD Bimanto Moekardanoe, RNMFS. Born Baligé, Sumatra, NOI, 19/09/1923. KIFA Jackson, Mississippi, USA, 18/05/1943, with North American AT-6. He came from the MLD. Buried Cedar Lawn Cemetery, Jackson, Miss., USA, grave Nr. L/4. No decorations known.
20. Korp Vl Wnr 2kl Cecil Roy van Pelt, RNMFS. Born Kalidjati, Java, NOI, 30/09/1923. KIFA Jackson, Mississippi, USA, 10/08/1943, with Curtiss P-40N, could be P-40N
Nr. 42-104768. His mother, Mrs A. van Pelt-Luca, was residing in Amsterdam, shortly after the War. Buried Cedar Lawn Cemetery, Jackson, Miss., USA, grave Nr. L/3. No decorations known.
21. Res 2Lt Vl Wnr Charles Gustave Uyterelst, RNMFS. Born Malang, Java, NOI, 30/05/1915. KIFA Jackson, Mississippi, USA, 10/09/1943, with North American AT-6. He came from the ML-KNIL. Uyterelst family was residing in Den Haag, shortly after the War. Buried Cedar Lawn Cemetery, Jackson, Miss., USA, grave Nr. R/2. No decorations known.
22. Res 2Lt Vl Cornelis Leendert Boogerd, RNMFS. Born Solo, Java, NOI, 24/11/1919. Killed Jackson, Mississippi, USA, 18/10/1943, in a car accident. He came from the ML-KNIL. His uncle, D. Boogerd, was residing in Leiden, shortly after the War. Buried Cedar Lawn Cemetery, Jackson, Miss., USA, grave Nr. R/3. No decorations known.
23. Kapt Vl Wnr Fernand Adrianus Antonius Maria Janssens, RNMFS. Born Wognum, 28/10/1910. KIFA Jackson, Mississippi, USA, 21/10/1943, with B-25. He was an Engelandvaarder. Flew Dakota's with RAF 24 Sqn Transport Command. Crashed during a practice flight at night. Mrs. M. Janssens was residing in Apeldoorn, shortly after the War. Buried Cedar Lawn Cemetery, Jackson, Miss., USA, grave Nr. L/2. No decorations known.
24. Res 2Lt Vl Wnr Gerrit Hendrik Grijsen, RNMFS. Born Castricum, 02/09/1915. KIFA Jackson, Mississippi, USA, 21/10/1943, with B-25. He came from the ML-KNIL. Buried Cedar Lawn Cemetery, Jackson, Miss., USA, grave Nr. L/1. No decorations known.
25. Sld 2kl Vl David Benjamin Heymans, 31 EFTS. Born Gent, B, 03/06/1924. KIFA De Winton, Alberta, CA, 25/10/1943 with Cornell Mk II, Nr. 14436 . Buried Jewish Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta, CA, grave Nr. 10/35. No decorations known.
26. Res 1Lt Vl Johannes Lambertus Sluijter, 34 EFTS. Born Rotterdam, 07/09/1916. KIFA Medicine Hat, Alberta, CA, 03/12/1943, with Harvard Mk. II Nr. 2741. Buried Hillside Cemetery, Medicine Hat, Alberta, CA, grave Nr. 139/C/10. No decorations known.
27. Sld 2kl Vl Rijke Beukema, 31 EFTS. Born Alphen a/d Rijn, 01/09/1924. KIFA De Winton, Alberta, CA, 12/12/1943, with Cornell Mk I Nr. 15027. Buried Valhalla Memorial Park, North Hollywood, CA, USA, grave Nr. 3/11470/N/A.V. No decorations known.
28. Matr 1kl Adam Jansen, 31 EFTS. Born Amsterdam, 20/03/1921. KIFA De Winton, Alberta, CA, 2 miles NW of base, 28/12/1943, with Cornell Mk. II Nr. 15025. He came from the MLD. Buried Burnsland Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta, CA, grave Nr. G/9/50. No decorations known.
29. Res 2Lt Vl Wnr Marinus Cornelis Jansz, RNMFS. Born Medan, Sumatra, NOI, 07/03/1920. KIFA Tyndallfield, Florida, USA, 26/01/1944, with Mitchell B-25D-15 Nr. 41-30500, cause unknown. He came from the ML-KNIL. His brother, R. Jansz, was residing in Amsterdam shortly after the War. Buried Cedar Lawn Cemetery, Jackson, Miss., USA. No decorations known.
30. Res 2Lt Wnr Günther van Oordt, RNMFS. Born Hanau am Main, G, 15/02/1924. KIFA Tyndallfield, Florida, USA, 26/01/1944, with Mitchell B-25D-15 Nr. 41-30500, cause unknown. He came from the KNIL. Buried Cedar Lawn Cemetery, Jackson, Miss., USA, grave Nr. R/1. No decorations known.
31. Sgt Majoor Vl Wnr Joost Kornelis Minderhoud, RNMFS. Born Harlingen, 15/11/1915. KIFA Tyndallfield, Florida, USA, 26/01/1944, with Mitchell B-25D-15 Nr. 41-30500, cause unknown. Family was living in Harlingen, shortly after the War. Buried Cedar Lawn Cemetery, Jackson, Miss., USA. No decorations known.
32. Sld 2kl Vl Douglas van der Biesen Barham, 32 SFTS. Born London, GB, 11/04/1921. KIFA Moose Jaw, CA, 13/03/1944, with Oxford Mk I Nr. AR913. Buried Rosedale Cemetery, Moose Jaw, Sask., CA, grave Nr. 10/8/188. No decorations known.
33. Sld 2kl Vl Henderinus Jacobus Vliet KvV, 31 EFTS. Born Den Haag, 06/11/1922. KIFA De Winton, Alberta, CA, 02/06/1944, with Cornell Mk I Nr. FJ689. Buried Burnsland Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta, CA, grave Nr. G/10/76
Cedar Lawn Cemetery, Jackson Mississippi – USA
Photos Courtesy LandmarkScout
Here is a brilliant documentary made by Mississippi Public Broadcasting about Dutch Wings Over Jackson. It's a moving love story forged in war and sustained in peace.
The original on YouTube is here
Map of Area
Preston Allen currently flies AT11 Serial 42-3069 at airshows in the USA. This is one of a very few remaining aircraft from the Dutch time at Jackson. (courtesy Raymond Hartman Kok)
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning we will remember them. - Laurence Binyon
All site material (except as noted elsewhere) is owned or managed by Aircrew Remembered and should not be used without prior permission.Date: | 2022-10-21 17:03:34 |
Name: | Raymond Hartman Kok |
I enjoyed your page on the Dutch in Jackson. My father's brother was there (my uncle)
His name Jean Jaques Hartman Kok Americanized after settling in California to John (Jan) Hartman. He crashed his twin engine AT11 serial 42-3069 whilst taxiing in training at Tyndale Field Florida. He went on to fly with 18 NEI Squadron.
There is also a piece written for a master's thesis by Samuel Howard Ward at
Dear Sir/Madam
Within your list is my father R(Robert) Hartman Kok
As per his service record.
Born Grisee NEI 12/10/1924
His rank was Corporal Aircraft Maker-Aircraft Mechanic
Enlisted Surabaya 16/8/1941
17/6/1942 320Sqn
26/7/1943 860Sqn
19/9/1946 861Sqn
07/07/1947-01/11/1948 HNLMS Karl Doorman
There is also a listing for Gerard de Charon Saint Germain
from accounts I researched and an account from the story Wim Versnel sent me he was on arrival part of the group of 22 sent to HMS Ambrose submarine base in Dundee.
You can read this account with names and photo on my web page
part of
Regards and Great work
Ray Hartman Kok