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Paul McGuiness RAAF Archive
Paul McGuiness is an Australian aviation researcher and historian. Using primary sources he has assembled detailed information on the history of each plane
used by Australians and Australian forces in WWl and WW2, and on personnel involved.

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Paul McGuiness Biography

History of Australian Military Aviation

First World War

Armstrong Whitworth FK3

Avro 504

Bristol F2b Fighter

Fairey Aviation Model lllD Seaplane

Martinsyde G.100 G 102 Elephant

Maurice Farman S.11 Shorthorn

Royal Aircraft Factory BE2

Royal Aircraft Factory BE12

Royal Aircraft Factory RE.8

Royal Aircraft Factory SE5A Experimental Scout

Sopwith Camel B Series

Sopwith Camel C D E F Series

Sopwith Snipe

Sopwith Scout (Pup)

Sopwith 1½ Strutter

Supermarine Seagull lll

Supermarine Southampton Mk 1

Westland Wapiti

Post First World War

Bristol Bulldog

De Havilland DH.9A

Hawker Demon

Royal Aircraft Factory SE.5A

Avro 504K

Second World War

3 Sqn Gladiators 1940-1941

3 Sqn Gauntlets 1940-1941

10 Sqn Sunderlands

451 Sqn Spitfires Med 43-44 Europe 44-46

452 Sqn Spitfires Europe 41-42

455 Sqn Hampdens 1941-43

458 Sqn Wellingtons

460 Sqn Wellingtons

461 Sqn Sunderlands

462 Sqn Halifax Part 1 MTO

462 Sqn Aug 44 May 45 Part 2 ETO

466 Sqn Wellingtons

Further Information:

Aces and Aviators WWl Database

Material Relating to Australia

RAAF/Australia Links

Allied Losses Database - RAAF

RAAF Honour Roll

Kracker Luftwaffe Archive - RAAF

Battle of Britain Database - RAAF

Allied Graves Worldwide - RAAF

Plane Types Used By Australian Forces 1918 - Onwards

Royal Aircraft Factory SE 5A

Used by: 1 Sqd (Composite) AAF RAAF: 3 Sqd (Composite) AAF RAAF: 3 Sqd RAAF: 1 Flying Training School RAAF

The Royal Aircraft Factory S.E.5 was a British biplane fighter aircraft of the First World War. It was developed at the Royal Aircraft Factory by a team consisting of Henry Folland, John Kenworthy and Major Frank Goodden. It was one of the fastest aircraft of the war, while being both stable and relatively manoeuvrable. According to aviation author Robert Jackson, the S.E.5 was: 'the nimble fighter that has since been described as the 'Spitfire of World War One'.

In most respects the S.E.5 had superior performance to the rival Sopwith Camel, although it was less immediately responsive to the controls. Problems with its Hispano-Suiza engine, particularly the geared-output H-S 8B-powered early versions, meant that there was a chronic shortage of the type until well into 1918. Thus, while the first examples had reached the Western Front before the Camel, there were fewer squadrons equipped with the S.E.5 than with the Sopwith fighter.

Together with the Camel, the S.E.5 was instrumental in regaining allied air superiority in mid-1917 and maintaining it for the rest of the war, ensuring there was no repetition of 'Bloody April' 1917 when losses in the Royal Flying Corps were much heavier than in the Luftstreitkräfte. The S.E.5s remained in RAF service for some time following the Armistice that ended the conflict; some were transferred to various overseas military operators, while a number were also adopted by civilian operators.

Only 77 original S.E.5 aircraft had been completed prior to production settling upon an improved model, designated as the S.E.5a. The initial models of the S.E.5a differed from late production examples of the S.E.5 only in the type of engine installed – a geared 200 hp Hispano-Suiza 8b, often turning a large clockwise-rotation four-bladed propeller, replacing the 150 hp H.S. 8A model. In total 5,265 S.E.5s were constructed by six manufacturers: Austin Motors (1,650), Air Navigation and Engineering Company (560), Curtiss (1), Martinsyde (258), the Royal Aircraft Factory (200), Vickers (2,164) and Wolseley Motors Limited (431).


00Apr18 Built as Serial D369 the 69th of 150 S.E.5a aircraft manufactured under license in the Serial range D301 to D450 by Vickers Ltd at their Crayford factory Kent UK under Contract A.S.31574 dated 08 November 1917.

00Apr18 Received by RAF and placed into storage.

29May19 Allocated to the Australian Commonwealth by UK Air Ministry as part of the Imperial Gift.

00Dec19 Allocated to No 5 (Eastern) Aircraft Repair Depot at RAF Henlow, Bedfordshire UK for shipment preparation by the Australian Packing Section of 5AD led by Australian AIF Officer Lt George Mackinolty.

1920 Arrived at Victoria Docks, Port Melbourne VIC.

1920 Received by the Aeroplane Repair Section (ARS) of the Central Flying School (CFS), Australian Air Corps (AAC) at No 1 Station Point Cook VIC. Unassembled aircraft placed in long term storage at the Spotswood Storage Area 7km SW of the Melbourne CBD.

31Mar21 Became part of the Australian Air Force (AAF) on this day.

13Aug21 Became part of the Royal Australian Air Force when the Royal prefix was Gazetted on this day.

00Oct21 At some time after October 1921 the RAF Serial D369 was removed and the new RAAF Serial A2-1 applied on both sides of the rear fuselage.

00Feb25 Received by No 1 Aircraft Depot (1AD) at No 1 Station Point Cook for assembly and testing.

00Jun25 Allocated to B Flight, No 3 (Composite) Sqn at No 1 Station Point Cook.

29Jun25 One of a flight of four SE5a aircraft that departed Point Cook for the relocation of 3 Sqn from Point Cook to No 2 Station Richmond NSW. Planned route was Point Cook to Wangaratta (refuel), to Cootamundra for refuel and overnight stop then on to Richmond. However, a large storm front near Cootamundra forced the aircraft to divert to Wagga Wagga, NSW.

30Jun25 Departed Wagga 0830 hours and ran into very dense fog near Gunning 205km SW of Richmond. The flight leader, SQNLDR A.T. L Cole, elected to land near Gunning and wait until the fog bank lifted. Upon landing the aircraft struck soft muddy ground, became bogged and tipped onto its nose causing minor damage to the airscrew and undercarriage.

01Jul25 Aircraft towed to dry land and departed for Richmond, arriving late afternoon.

23Oct25 One of three SE5a aircraft from 3 Sqn that flew to Canberra via Goulburn to perform displays for the students and staff at the Royal Military College, Duntroon. Aircraft remained at Duntroon for two days returning to Richmond on 25Oct25.

03Nov25 Forced landing at Richmond after engine failure, no damage. Pilot FLTLT E.J Stephens was uninjured.

00Apr26 Aircraft was modified for fitment of seat and lap type parachutes.

17Nov26 Crash landed at Richmond, minor damage. Pilot PLTOFF H.M Thomas was uninjured.

30Apr27 Departed Richmond 0900hrs along with two other Se5a aircraft (A2-2 & A2-27); four DH.9 aircraft; and, four DH.9a aircraft to participate in the official opening of Parliament House on 09May27. Route taken was direct Richmond to Canberra, all 12 aircraft arrived in formation at 1115hrs.

09May27 One of the 21 aircraft in the fly past at the official opening of Parliament House.

11May27 All 3 Sqn aircraft departed Canberra at 1130hrs for the flight back to Richmond and arrived back at 1200hrs.

07Aug27 Forced landing after engine failure, aircraft ground looped and somersaulted onto its back. Medium damage to upper wing and airscrew. Pilot PLTOFF C.A Smythe was uninjured but shaken.

09Nov27 Departed Richmond for a flight to Brisbane to participate in the inaugural Queensland Aero Club Air Pageant at Eagle Farm airport on Saturday 12th November. Left Richmond in company with A2-2 and A2-22, planned route was Scone, Armidale (overnight) then on 10Nov to Brisbane (Eagle Farm) via Warwick (Canning Downs). Aircraft arrived Scone 1300hrs and bad weather ensured the aircraft remained there overnight.

10Nov27 Departed Scone 0900hrs, when landing at Armidale racecourse at 1045hrs the engine of A2-22 cut out at 50ft resulting in a heavy landing which caused minor damage to the port wheel and port wing. Pilot was uninjured. All three aircraft remained overnight at Armidale while the damage to A2-22 was rectified.

11Nov27 Departed Armidale at 0930hrs and arrived at Warwick 1500hrs, refueled and departed for Eagle Farm at 1600hrs. Soon after leaving the three aircraft encountered a severe thunderstorm near Killarney QLD and the flight became separated. A2-1 pilot PLTOFF H.M Thomas returned to Warwick and remained overnight. Minor damage was inflicted on the airscrew and wing fabric.

12Nov27 Flew to Eagle Farm and arrived at 1500hrs, too late to participate in the Air Pageant.

18Nov27 Departed Eagle Farm for Armidale via Warwick. While landing at Armidale racecourse the pilot overshot his landing mark and when it seemed certain the aircraft would hit a substantial stone fence the pilot tried to turn at high speed which resulted in a ground loop. The aircraft overturned and came to rest with the port undercarriage oleo snapped off, the wings badly crumpled and significant damage to the tail fin assembly. The pilot PLTOFF H.M Thomas walked away with minor injuries and shock.

21Nov27 Aircraft and pilot were loaded onto the Sydney train and railed to Sydney, then transported to Richmond. A Technical Inspection by 3 Sqn staff deemed the aircraft uneconomical to repair and recommended conversion.

25Feb28 Air Board Agenda No.1013/28 gave approval to strike-off charge and convert the airframe to components.


00Apr18 Built as Serial D370 the 70th of 150 S.E.5a aircraft manufactured under license in the Serial range D301 to D450 by Vickers Ltd at their Crayford factory Kent UK under Contract A.S.31574 dated 08 November 1917.

00Apr18 Received by RAF and placed into storage.

29May19 Allocated to the Australian Commonwealth by UK Air Ministry as part of the Imperial Gift.

00Dec19 Allocated to No 5 (Eastern) Aircraft Repair Depot at RAF Henlow, Bedfordshire UK for shipment preparation by the Australian Packing Section of 5AD led by Australian AIF Officer Lt George Mackinolty.

1920 Arrived at Victoria Docks, Port Melbourne VIC.

1920 Received by the Aeroplane Repair Section (ARS) of the Central Flying School (CFS), Australian Air Corps (AAC) at No 1 Station Point Cook VIC. Unassembled aircraft placed in long term storage at the Spotswood Storage Area 7km SW of the Melbourne CBD.

31Mar21 Became part of the Australian Air Force (AAF) on this day.

13Aug21 Became part of the Royal Australian Air Force when the Royal prefix was Gazetted on this day.

00Oct21 At some time after October 1921 the RAF Serial D370 was removed and the new RAAF Serial A2-2 applied on both sides of the rear fuselage.

13Feb22 Received in a damaged condition by No 1 Aircraft Depot (1AD) at No 1 Station Point Cook for assembly and testing.

01Jul22 Issued for use to C Flight, No 1 Flying Training School at No 1 Station Point Cook.

02Oct22 Minor collision with another aircraft when taxying during night operations. Pilot FLGOFF J.H Summers was uninjured.

00Jun25 Allocated to B Flight, No 3 (Composite) Sqn at No 1 Station Point Cook.

29Jun25 One of a flight of four SE5a aircraft that departed Point Cook for the relocation of 3 Sqn from Point Cook to No 2 Station Richmond NSW. Planned route was Point Cook to Wangaratta (refuel), to Cootamundra for refuel and overnight stop then on to Richmond. However, a large storm front near Cootamundra forced the aircraft to divert to Wagga Wagga, NSW.

30Jun25 Departed Wagga 0830 hours and ran into very dense fog near Gunning 205km SW of Richmond. The flight leader, SQNLDR A.T. L Cole in A2-1, opted to land near Gunning but became bogged in the soft ground. Pilot FLTLT L.H Holden then elected to return to Goulburn and fly to Richmond the following day.

23Oct25 One of three SE5a aircraft from 3 Sqn that flew to Canberra via Goulburn to perform displays for the students and staff at the Royal Military College, Duntroon. Aircraft remained at Duntroon for two days returning to Richmond on 25Oct25.

00Apr26 Aircraft was modified for fitment of seat and lap type parachutes.

26Aug26 Part of a formation of aircraft from 1 Sqn & 1FTS that provided a formation display over the first memorial tree planting ceremony on Geelong Rd at Kororoit Creek Catchment Area, Melbourne VIC.

20Nov26 Forced landing at Richmond, no damage. Pilot FLGOFF H.A.J McGilvery was uninjured.

30Apr27 Departed Richmond 0900hrs along with two other Se5a aircraft (A2-1 & A2-27); four DH.9 aircraft; and, four DH.9a aircraft to participate in the official opening of Parliament House on 09May27. Route taken was direct Richmond to Canberra, all 12 aircraft arrived in formation at 1115hrs.

09May27 One of the 21 aircraft in the fly past at the official opening of Parliament House.

11May27 All 3 Sqn aircraft departed Canberra at 1130hrs for the flight back to Richmond and arrived back at 1308hrs.

20Aug27 Crash landed at Richmond causing significant damage. FLTLT G.F Malley suffered minor injuries and shock. Aircraft repaired at Richmond and returned to use.

09Nov27 Departed Richmond for a flight to Brisbane to participate in the inaugural Queensland Aero Club Air Pageant at Eagle Farm airport on Saturday 12th November. Left Richmond in company with A2-1 and A2-22, planned route was Scone, Armidale (overnight) then on 10Nov to Brisbane (Eagle Farm) via Warwick (Canning Downs). Aircraft arrived Scone 1300hrs and bad weather ensured the aircraft remained there overnight.

10Nov27 Departed Scone 0900hrs, when landing at Armidale racecourse at 1045hrs the engine cut out at 50ft resulting in a heavy landing which caused minor damage to the port wheel and port wing. Pilot was uninjured. All three aircraft remained overnight at Armidale while the damage to A2-22 was rectified.

11Nov27 Departed Armidale at 0930hrs and arrived at Warwick 1500hrs, refueled and departed for Eagle Farm at 1600hrs. Soon after leaving the three aircraft encountered a severe thunderstorm near Killarney QLD and the flight became separated. A2-2 pilot PLTOFF H.C Owen pressed on for Eagle Farm but was blown well south of his intended route and elected to land when the opportunity arose. The aircraft eventually landed near Old Koreelah, NSW approximately 72km SE of Warwick.

19Nov27 A new propeller was delivered by rail and fitted to the aircraft which had been towed by tractor to a suitable take-off area. The aircraft flew to Brisbane returned to Richmond via Warwick, Armidale and Scone.

12Dec27 Aircraft held unserviceable at 3 Sqn, deemed uneconomical to repair.

20Mar28 Air Board approval to strike-off charge and convert to components.


00Apr18 Built as Serial D371 the 71st of 150 S.E.5a aircraft manufactured under license in the Serial range D301 to D450 by Vickers Ltd at their Crayford factory Kent UK under Contract A.S.31574 dated 08 November 1917.

00Apr18 Received by RAF and placed into storage.

29May19 Allocated to the Australian Commonwealth by UK Air Ministry as part of the Imperial Gift.

00Dec19 Allocated to No 5 (Eastern) Aircraft Repair Depot at RAF Henlow, Bedfordshire UK for shipment preparation by the Australian Packing Section of 5AD led by Australian AIF Officer Lt George Mackinolty.

1920 Arrived at Victoria Docks, Port Melbourne VIC.

1920 Received by the Aeroplane Repair Section (ARS) of the Central Flying School (CFS), Australian Air Corps (AAC) at No 1 Station Point Cook VIC. Unassembled aircraft placed in long term storage at the Spotswood Storage Area 7km SW of the Melbourne CBD. This aircraft was never erected.

31Mar21 Became part of the Australian Air Force (AAF) on this day.

13Aug21 Became part of the Royal Australian Air Force when the Royal prefix was Gazetted on this day.

1927 Routine inspection by No 1 Aircraft Depot staff declared the aircraft unsafe mainly because of wood decay and glue deterioration. Recommended conversion of the airframe.

20Mar28 Air Board approval to strike-off charge and convert to components.


00May18 Built as Serial C1916 the 166th of 200 S.E.5a aircraft manufactured under license in the Serial range C1751 to C1950 by the Air Navigation Co Ltd in Addlestone, Surrey UK under Contract A.S.20367 dated 20 August 1917.

00May18 Received by RAF and placed into storage.

29May19 Allocated to the Australian Commonwealth by UK Air Ministry as part of the Imperial Gift.

00Dec19 Allocated to No 5 (Eastern) Aircraft Repair Depot at RAF Henlow, Bedfordshire UK for shipment preparation by the Australian Packing Section of 5AD led by Australian AIF Officer Lt George Mackinolty.

1920 Arrived at Victoria Docks, Port Melbourne VIC.

1920 Received by the Aeroplane Repair Section (ARS) of the Central Flying School (CFS), Australian Air Corps (AAC) at No 1 Station Point Cook VIC. Unassembled aircraft placed in long term storage at the Spotswood Storage Area 7km SW of the Melbourne CBD.

31Mar21 Became part of the Australian Air Force (AAF) on this day.

13Aug21 Became part of the Royal Australian Air Force when the Royal prefix was Gazetted on this day.

00Oct21 At some time after October 1921 the RAF Serial C1916 was removed and the new RAAF Serial A2-4 applied on both sides of the rear fuselage.

1926 Received by No 1 Aircraft Depot (1AD) at No 1 Station Point Cook for assembly and testing.

1926 Issued for use to C Flight, No 1 Flying Training School (1FTS) at Point Cook.

20Oct27 Forced landing near Anakie, 56km west of Point Cook. Minor damage. Pilot CPL G.E. Douglas was uninjured.

16Nov28 Force landed at Laverton. Cadet G.W. Boucher was uninjured.

12Dec28 Broken oil pipe caused a forced landing 2km west of Werribee, no damage. Pilot PLTOFF F.N Wright was uninjured.

20Feb29 Forced landing at Point Cook, no damage. Cadet G.L McHenry was uninjured.

27May29 Air Board approval for destruction by burning as the aircraft was no longer fit to fly and was unrepairable.

31Jul29 Approved for issue to the Australian War Memorial (AWM) in Canberra ACT.

00Sep29 Displayed as part of the 2nd AWM Display in the Exhibition Building, Melbourne.

00Jun36 Received for reconditioning by No 1 Aircraft Depot Workshops at RAAF Base Laverton VIC. After reconditioning and repair the aircraft was transported by tender to the AWM in Canberra where it was reassembled by 1AD staff.

1936 Returned to AWM for static display.

2020 On display in Anzac Hall at the AWM, Canberra ACT. Currently painted and marked to represent C9539 flown by the Australian ace Captain H.G Forrest DFC of No 2 Sqn, Australian Flying Corps, in which Capt Forrest twice shot down three German aircraft on two separate occasions.


00May18 Built as Serial C1917 the 167th of 200 S.E.5a aircraft manufactured under license in the Serial range C1751 to C1950 by the Air Navigation Co Ltd in Addlestone, Surrey UK under Contract A.S.20367 dated 20 August 1917.

00May18 Received by RAF and placed into storage.

29May19 Allocated to the Australian Commonwealth by UK Air Ministry as part of the Imperial Gift.

00Dec19 Allocated to No 5 (Eastern) Aircraft Repair Depot at RAF Henlow, Bedfordshire UK for shipment preparation by the Australian Packing Section of 5AD led by Australian AIF Officer Lt George Mackinolty.

1920 Arrived at Victoria Docks, Port Melbourne VIC.

1920 Received by the Aeroplane Repair Section (ARS) of the Central Flying School (CFS), Australian Air Corps (AAC) at No 1 Station Point Cook VIC. Unassembled aircraft placed in long term storage at the Spotswood Storage Area 7km SW of the Melbourne CBD.

31Mar21 Became part of the Australian Air Force (AAF) on this day.

13Aug21 Became part of the Royal Australian Air Force when the Royal prefix was Gazetted on this day.

00Oct21 At some time after October 1921 the RAF Serial C1917 was removed and the new RAAF Serial A2-5 applied on both sides of the rear fuselage.

00May23 Received by No 1 Aircraft Depot (1AD) at No 1 Station Point Cook for assembly and testing.

00Jun23 Issued for use to No 1 Flying Training School at Point Cook.

22Aug23 Crashed at Point Cook causing extensive damage. Pilot SQNLDR G. Jones received minor injuries and shock.

23Aug23 Court of Inquiry held at Point Cook.

08Apr24 Board of Survey at 1AD stated the aircraft was uneconomical to repair and recommended conversion.

22Apr24 Air Board Agenda No.496/24 gave approval to strike-off charge and convert to components.


00Jun18 Built as Serial E3169, one of 100 S.E.5a aircraft manufactured by Martinsyde Ltd at Brooklands, Surrey UK under Contract 35a/222/C.137 dated 14 March 1918 in the Serial range E3154 to E3253.

00Jun18 Received by RAF and placed into storage.

29May19 Allocated to the Australian Commonwealth by UK Air Ministry as part of the Imperial Gift.

29Dec19 Allocated to No 5 (Eastern) Aircraft Repair Depot at RAF Henlow, Bedfordshire UK for shipment preparation by the Australian Packing Section of 5AD led by Australian AIF Officer Lt George Mackinolty.

07Mar20 Loaded aboard the 6,570 ton Australian Commonwealth Line vessel SS Boorara at Liverpool docks.

26Apr20 Arrived at No 5 Victoria Docks, Port Melbourne VIC.

28Apr20 Received for assembly and testing by the Aircraft Depot section of the Central Flying School, Australian Air Corps at No 1 Station Point Cook VIC.

14Jun20 Test flown by Captain A. T. L. Cole at Point Cook.

16Jun20 Issued for use to AAC CFS.

31Mar21 Became part of the Australian Air Force (AAF) on this day. Issued for use to RAAF No 1 Flying Training School (1FTS) at No 1 Station Point Cook.

13Aug21 Became part of the Royal Australian Air Force when the Royal prefix was Gazetted on this day.

00Oct21 At some time after October 1921 the RAF Serial E3169 was removed and the new RAAF Serial A2-6 applied on both sides of the rear fuselage.

04May22 Departed Point Cook at 1300hrs with three other SE5a and two DH.9 aircraft to participate in the inaugural NSW Air Pageant at Victoria Park Racecourse in Sydney on 6th May. Route flown was Point Cook, Benalla, Cootamundra (overnight stop) then on to Mascot. Pilot was FLTLT A.N.D Pentland.

01Jul22 Issued to C Flight 1FTS.

27Nov25 While on a routine training flight from Point Cook the aircraft developed engine problems at 1130 hrs and the pilot decided to make a precautionary landing on the Melbourne Road one mile from Werribee VIC. Just before landing the aircraft stuck a power line strung across the road which caused the aircraft to crash land. Aircraft was extensively damaged but the pilot FLGOFF F.W Cross walked away without a scratch.

28Nov25 Aircraft recovered by a crew from Point Cook and transported by Crossley Tender back to Base.

04Dec25 Point Cook HQ received a bill from the Victorian Electricity Commission for £5/18/6 for damages to their equipment.

18Dec25 Board of Survey inspection at No 1 Aircraft Depot recommended conversion.

10Feb26 Air Board Agenda No.725/26 gave approval to strike-off charge and convert to components.


00Jun18 Built as Serial E3170, one of 100 S.E.5a aircraft manufactured by Martinsyde Ltd at Brooklands, Surrey UK under Contract 35a/222/C.137 dated 14 March 1918 in the Serial range E3154 to E3253.

00Jun18 Received by RAF and placed into storage.

29May19 Allocated to the Australian Commonwealth by UK Air Ministry as part of the Imperial Gift.

00Dec19 Allocated to No 5 (Eastern) Aircraft Repair Depot at RAF Henlow, Bedfordshire UK for shipment preparation by the Australian Packing Section of 5AD led by Australian AIF Officer Lt George Mackinolty.

1920 Arrived at Victoria Docks, Port Melbourne VIC.

1920 Received by the Aeroplane Repair Section (ARS) of the Central Flying School (CFS), Australian Air Corps (AAC) at No 1 Station Point Cook VIC. Unassembled aircraft placed in long term storage at the Spotswood Storage Area 7km SW of the Melbourne CBD.

31Mar21 Became part of the Australian Air Force (AAF) on this day.

13Aug21 Became part of the Royal Australian Air Force when the Royal prefix was Gazetted on this day.

00Oct21 At some time after October 1921 the RAF Serial E3170 was removed and the new RAAF Serial A2-7 applied on both sides of the rear fuselage.

00Oct27 Received by No 1 Aircraft Depot (1AD) at RAAF Base Laverton for assembly and testing.

28Oct27 Test flown after assembly at 1AD.

00Nov27 Received for use by B Flight, No 1 Sqn at RAAF Base Point Cook.

23Nov27 Accompanied by two other SE.5a, two DH.9 and three DH.9A aircraft from 1 Sqn, departed Point Cook 0900hrs to participate in the SA Aero Club Air Pageant at Parafield airport, Adelaide SA on 26Nov27. The eight aircraft arrived safely at Parafield 1330 hrs.

26Nov27 Took part in the 1927 Adelaide Air Pageant with an estimated crowd of 40,000. Display pilot was FLTLT J.H. Summers.

28Nov27 Departed Parafield airport at 0930 hrs. Crash landed near Ararat 160km west of Point Cook causing significant damage to the aircraft but the pilot FLTLT J.H. Summers was unscathed. Wreckage railed back to Point Cook.

00Dec27 Held unserviceable at 1Sqn and deemed uneconomical to repair.

16Jan28 Placed is storage with 1FTS when 1Sqn relocated to RAAF Base Laverton.

20Mar28 Air Board approval to strike-off charge and convert to components.


00Jun18 Built as Serial E3171, one of 100 S.E.5a aircraft manufactured by Martinsyde Ltd at Brooklands, Surrey UK under Contract 35a/222/C.137 dated 14 March 1918 in the Serial range E3154 to E3253.

00Jun18 Received by RAF and placed into storage.

29May19 Allocated to the Australian Commonwealth by UK Air Ministry as part of the Imperial Gift.

00Dec19 Allocated to No 5 (Eastern) Aircraft Repair Depot at RAF Henlow, Bedfordshire UK for shipment preparation by the Australian Packing Section of 5AD led by Australian AIF Officer Lt George Mackinolty.

1920 Arrived at Victoria Docks, Port Melbourne VIC.

1920 Received by the Aeroplane Repair Section (ARS) of the Central Flying School (CFS), Australian Air Corps (AAC) at No 1 Station Point Cook VIC. Unassembled aircraft placed in long term storage at the Spotswood Storage Area 7km SW of the Melbourne CBD.

31Mar21 Became part of the Australian Air Force (AAF) on this day.

13Aug21 Became part of the Royal Australian Air Force when the Royal prefix was Gazetted on this day.

00Oct21 At some time after October 1921 the RAF Serial E3171 was removed and the new RAAF Serial A2-8 applied on both sides of the rear fuselage.

00Mar27 Received by No 1 Aircraft Depot (1AD) at RAAF Base Laverton for assembly and testing.

28Mar27 Crash landed after engine failure causing moderate damage. Pilot PLTOFF D.U Macintosh was uninjured.

00Apr27 Under repair at 1FTS Workshops.

00Nov27 Received for use by B Flight, No 1 Sqn at RAAF Base Point Cook.

23Nov27 Accompanied by two other SE.5a, two DH.9 and three DH.9A aircraft from 1 Sqn, departed Point Cook 0900hrs to participate in the SA Aero Club Air Pageant at Parafield airport, Adelaide SA on 26Nov27. The eight aircraft arrived safely at Parafield 1330 hrs.

26Nov27 Took part in the 1927 Adelaide Air Pageant with an estimated crowd of 40,000. Display pilot was FLGOFF J.G Cardale.

28Nov27 Departed Parafield airport at 0930 hrs and arrived Point Cook at 1330 hrs, with a refuelling stop at Nhill, VIC.

16Jan28 Moved with 1 Sqn to RAAF Base Laverton VIC.

00Mar28 Deemed uneconomical to repair and held unserviceable by 1 Sqn.

20Mar28 Air Board approval to strike-off charge and convert to components.


00May18 Built as Serial D8471, one of 150 S.E.5a aircraft manufactured by Vickers Ltd at Crayford, Kent UK under Contract A.S.37767 dated 17 January 1918 in the Serial range D8431 to D8580.

1918 Received by RAF and placed into storage.

29May19 Allocated to the Australian Commonwealth by UK Air Ministry as part of the Imperial Gift.

00Dec19 Allocated to No 5 (Eastern) Aircraft Repair Depot at RAF Henlow, Bedfordshire UK for shipment preparation by the Australian Packing Section of 5AD led by Australian AIF Officer Lt George Mackinolty.

1920 Arrived at Victoria Docks, Port Melbourne VIC.

1920 Received by the Aeroplane Repair Section (ARS) of the Central Flying School (CFS), Australian Air Corps (AAC) at No 1 Station Point Cook VIC. Unassembled aircraft placed in long term storage at the Spotswood Storage Area 7km SW of the Melbourne CBD.

31Mar21 Became part of the Australian Air Force (AAF) on this day.

13Aug21 Became part of the Royal Australian Air Force when the Royal prefix was Gazetted on this day.

20Dec27 Timber aircraft components were removed from storage and sent to the Munitions Supply Board Laboratories located at Maribyrnong, VIC for comparison testing against parts from the recently crashed A2-25.

20Mar28 Air Board approval to strike-off charge and convert to components.

Note: This aircraft was never assembled and flown.


00May18 Built as Serial D8473, one of 150 S.E.5a aircraft manufactured by Vickers Ltd at Crayford, Kent UK under Contract A.S.37767 dated 17 January 1918 in the Serial range D8431 to D8580.

00May18 Received by RAF and placed into storage.

29May19 Allocated to the Australian Commonwealth by UK Air Ministry as part of the Imperial Gift.

00Dec19 Allocated to No 5 (Eastern) Aircraft Repair Depot at RAF Henlow, Bedfordshire UK for shipment preparation by the Australian Packing Section of 5AD led by Australian AIF Officer Lt George Mackinolty.

1920 Arrived at Victoria Docks, Port Melbourne VIC.

1920 Received by the Aeroplane Repair Section (ARS) of the Central Flying School (CFS), Australian Air Corps (AAC) at No 1 Station Point Cook VIC. Unassembled aircraft placed in long term storage at the Spotswood Storage Area 7km SW of the Melbourne CBD.

31Mar21 Became part of the Australian Air Force (AAF) on this day.

13Aug21 Became part of the Royal Australian Air Force when the Royal prefix was Gazetted on this day.

00Oct21 At some time after October 1921 the RAF Serial D8473 was removed and the new RAAF Serial A2-10 applied on both sides of the rear fuselage.

00Jun25 Received by No 1 Aircraft Depot (1AD) at No 1 Station Point Cook for assembly and testing.

00Jun25 Received for use by No 1 Flying Training School (1FTS) at RAAF No 1 Station Point Cook

23Jul25 Allocated to B Flight, No 1 (Composite) Squadron at RAAF No 1 Station Point Cook VIC.

29Jul25 Received for use by B Flight, 1 Sqn.

15Aug26 One of three SE5a aircraft and six other 1 Sqn machines that escorted Alan Cobham to Essendon Airport at the end of his UK-Australia flight in DH50J G-EBFO.

21Aug26 One of nine 1 Sqn aircraft (3 x DH9A; 3 x Avro 504K; and, 3 X SE5a) that took part in the 1926 Essendon Air Pageant. Attended by an estimated 25,000 people

18Sep26 Landing accident at Point Cook caused moderate damage. Pilot PLTOFF D.G Mack was uninjured.

21Apr27 Together with two other SE5a aircraft from Point Cook was part of the 40+ RAAF formation that performed an early morning Meet and Greet display above the RN Battleship HMS Renown as it entered Port Phillip Bay carrying HRH The Duke & Duchess of York.

The same three SE5a aircraft participated in the Royal Salute formation later that day over the Melbourne CBD.

20Mar28 Air Board approval to strike-off charge.


00May18 Built as Serial D8474, one of 150 S.E.5a aircraft manufactured by Vickers Ltd at Crayford, Kent UK under Contract A.S.37767 dated 17 January 1918 in the Serial range D8431 to D8580.

00May18 Received by RAF and placed into storage.

29May19 Allocated to the Australian Commonwealth by UK Air Ministry as part of the Imperial Gift.

00Dec19 Allocated to No 5 (Eastern) Aircraft Repair Depot at RAF Henlow, Bedfordshire UK for shipment preparation by the Australian Packing Section of 5AD led by Australian AIF Officer Lt George Mackinolty.

1920 Arrived at Victoria Docks, Port Melbourne VIC.

1920 Received by the Aeroplane Repair Section (ARS) of the Central Flying School (CFS), Australian Air Corps (AAC) at No 1 Station Point Cook VIC. Unassembled aircraft placed in long term storage at the Spotswood Storage Area 7km SW of the Melbourne CBD.

31Mar21 Became part of the Australian Air Force (AAF) on this day.

13Aug21 Became part of the Royal Australian Air Force when the Royal prefix was Gazetted on this day.

00Oct21 At some time after October 1921 the RAF Serial D8474 was removed and the new RAAF Serial A2-11 applied on both sides of the rear fuselage.

00Dec25 Received by No 1 Aircraft Depot (1AD) at No 1 Station Point Cook for assembly and testing.

00Jan26 Allocated to and received for use by No 1 Flying Training School at No 1 Station Point Cook.

30Apr27 Departed Laverton with A2-23 & A2-24 to participate in the Parliament House official opening on 09May27. Route taken was Laverton, Wangaratta, Cootamundra then Canberra. A2-11 and A2-23 arrived Canberra 1720hrs. A2-24 was delayed at Cootamundra with a blown tyre.

09May27 One of the 21 aircraft in the fly past at the official opening of Parliament House.

11May27 Departed Canberra at 0900hrs for a flight back to Point Cook via Cootamundra and Wangaratta. The aircraft was carrying the official photographs of the Canberra ceremony which were to be made into a presentation album for the Duke of York. After take-off from Cootamundra the aircraft was forced off-course by a thunderstorm. Oil pressure dropped and the engine seized over the Mount Buffalo National Park, 350km NE of Melbourne. The pilot tried to land in the tree tops with the result that the aircraft was almost totally destroyed and the pilot thrown clear of the wreckage. A179 SGT Orm A. Denny spent the night on the mountain then walked out the next day and returned to Point Cook. At the start of his egress Denny carried the heavy package of official photographs but was forced to cache them in a secure location because of the very rugged terrain.

28May27 Air Board gave approval to salvage selected items from the wreckage.

16Jun27 Wreckage found by local farmer in rugged mountainous terrain. A ground party from Point Cook, including SGT Denny, returned to the site and recovered some aircraft items but the official photographs were not found.

10Oct27 Air Board Agenda No.955/27 gave approval to strike off charge and write-off the airframe and Viper II engine No.74725 to the value of £1,994/13/2. Total airframe time: 154 hrs. 40min and the Engine was: 158hrs 30min.


12Apr63 Wreckage rediscovered on Mt Buffalo by a sawmiller, Mr Keith Trotter. Parts of Viper engine No.74725 were recovered from the site and donated to the RAAF Museum.

09Feb93 A 2nd visit was made to the site by a group of Army & RAAF Cadets led by the very same Mr Keith Trotter. The group placed a memorial brass plaque at the site and brought out remains from the crash site which were donated to the RAAF Museum. Additionally, the team mounted an unsuccessful search for the missing photographic records.


00May18 Built as Serial D8475, one of 150 S.E.5a aircraft manufactured by Vickers Ltd at Crayford, Kent UK under Contract A.S.37767 dated 17 January 1918 in the Serial range D8431 to D8580.

00May18 Received by RAF and placed into storage.

29May19 Allocated to the Australian Commonwealth by UK Air Ministry as part of the Imperial Gift.

00Dec19 Allocated to No 5 (Eastern) Aircraft Repair Depot at RAF Henlow, Bedfordshire UK for shipment preparation by the Australian Packing Section of 5AD led by Australian AIF Officer Lt George Mackinolty.

1920 Arrived at Victoria Docks, Port Melbourne VIC.

1920 Received by the Aeroplane Repair Section (ARS) of the Central Flying School (CFS), Australian Air Corps (AAC) at No 1 Station Point Cook VIC. Unassembled aircraft placed in long term storage at the Spotswood Storage Area 7km SW of the Melbourne CBD.

31Mar21 Became part of the Australian Air Force (AAF) on this day.

13Aug21 Became part of the Royal Australian Air Force when the Royal prefix was Gazetted on this day.

00Oct21 At some time after October 1921 the RAF Serial D8475 was removed and the new RAAF Serial A2-12 applied on both sides of the rear fuselage.

00Jun25 Received by No 1 Aircraft Depot (1AD) at No 1 Station Point Cook for assembly and testing.

00Jul27 Allocated to and received for use by No 1 Flying Training School at No 1 Station Point Cook.

18Sep27 Forced landing at Point Cook after engine failure caused minor damage.

13Oct27 Issued to A Flight, 1FTS for overhaul.

26Oct27 Received by A Flight, 1FTS.

00Jan28 Issued for use to C Flight, 1FTS.

28Nov28 Engine cut out soon after take-off resulting in a forced landing about 1km from the runway. Investigation showed the fuel filter was blocked with sand. Aircraft suffered only minor damage and pilot Cadet G.W Boucher was uninjured.

00Feb29 Issued for use to A Flight, 1FTS.

27May29 Air Board approved destruction of the aircraft rather than sale to the public.

13Jun29 Aircraft destroyed by burning at Point Cook.


00May18 Built as Serial D8476, one of 150 S.E.5a aircraft manufactured by Vickers Ltd at Crayford, Kent UK under Contract A.S.37767 dated 17 January 1918 in the Serial range D8431 to D8580.

00May18 Received by RAF and placed into storage.

29May19 Allocated to the Australian Commonwealth by UK Air Ministry as part of the Imperial Gift.

29Dec19 Allocated to No 5 (Eastern) Aircraft Repair Depot at RAF Henlow, Bedfordshire UK for shipment preparation by the Australian Packing Section of 5AD led by Australian AIF Officer Lt George Mackinolty.

07Mar20 Loaded aboard the 6,570 ton Australian Commonwealth Line vessel SS Boorara at Liverpool docks.

26Ap20 Arrived at No 5 Victoria Docks, Port Melbourne VIC.

28Apr20 Received for assembly and testing by the Aircraft Depot section of the Central Flying School, Australian Air Corps at No 1 Station Point Cook VIC.

15Jun20 Test flown by Captain A.L.T Cole at Point Cook.

16Jun20 Issued for use to AAC CFS.

31Mar21 Became part of the Australian Air Force (AAF) on this day. Issued for use to AAF No 1 Flying Training School (1FTS) at No 1 Station Point Cook.

13Aug21 Became part of the Royal Australian Air Force when the Royal prefix was Gazetted on this day.

00Oct21 At some time after October 1921 the RAF Serial D8476 was removed and the new RAAF Serial A2-13 applied on both sides of the rear fuselage.

04May22 Departed Point Cook at 1300hrs with three other SE5a and two DH.9 aircraft to participate in the inaugural NSW Air Pageant at Victoria Park Racecourse in Sydney on 6th May. Route flown was Point Cook, Benalla, Cootamundra (overnight stop) then on to Mascot. Pilot was FLGOFF J.H Summers.

01Jul22 Issued for use to C Flight, 1FTS.

02Oct22 Forced landing after engine failure, no damage. Pilot FLTLT F.H McNamara VC was uninjured.

31Jul24 Damaged while taxying.

01May25 Forced landing after engine failure, no damage. Pilot FLGOFF F.M Bladin was uninjured.

01Mar26 Crashed at Point Cook after pilot lost control at low altitude. Aircraft came to rest upside down and was extensively damaged; pilot Cadet H.T Johnston received cuts, abrasions and shock.

00Mar26 HQ Point Cook declared the aircraft was uneconomical to repair and recommended conversion.

22Jul26 Air Board Agenda No.783/26 gave approval to write-off the wreckage and strike off charge.

Total airframe time: 217 hrs. 40min.


00May18 Built as Serial D8477, one of 150 S.E.5a aircraft manufactured by Vickers Ltd at Crayford, Kent UK under Contract A.S.37767 dated 17 January 1918 in the Serial range D8431 to D8580.

00May18 Received by RAF and placed into storage.

29May19 Allocated to the Australian Commonwealth by UK Air Ministry as part of the Imperial Gift.

00Dec19 Allocated to No 5 (Eastern) Aircraft Repair Depot at RAF Henlow, Bedfordshire UK for shipment preparation by the Australian Packing Section of 5AD led by Australian AIF Officer Lt George Mackinolty.

1920 Arrived at Victoria Docks, Port Melbourne VIC.

1920 Received by the Aeroplane Repair Section (ARS) of the Central Flying School (CFS), Australian Air Corps (AAC) at No 1 Station Point Cook VIC. Unassembled aircraft placed in long term storage at the Spotswood Storage Area 7km SW of the Melbourne CBD.

31Mar21 Became part of the Australian Air Force (AAF) on this day.

13Aug21 Became part of the Royal Australian Air Force when the Royal prefix was Gazetted on this day.

00Oct21 At some time after October 1921 the RAF Serial D8477 was removed and the new RAAF Serial A2-14 applied on both sides of the rear fuselage.

00Sep22 Received by Aircraft Depot section of No 1 Flying Training School (1FTS) for assembly and testing.

00Oct22 Received for use by 1FTS.

01Oct26 Cadet H.J Branch got too low when landing in a paddock 3km from Werribee ALG and the stbd wing struck the ground causing some minor damage. The pilot landed, inspected the damage and took-off for a return to Point Cook. The engine failed soon after take-off and, in turning toward a landing site, he stalled the aircraft and crash landed about 5km from Point Cook. The airscrew and undercarriage were destroyed and the lower wings badly damaged.

02Oct26 Aircraft recovered to Point Cook on a Crossley tender by 1FTS staff.

09Oct26 1FTS Technical Investigation revealed damage consisted of four broken fwd longerons; smashed airscrew; three cracked mainplanes; two destroyed wing root mounts; broken tail skid ; and, badly damaged lower fin undercarriage. The report declared the aircraft was uneconomical to repair and recommended conversion.

16Oct26 Air Board Agenda No.837/26 gave approval to write-off the wreckage and strike off charge.

04Dec26 Aircraft converted to components. Total airframe time: 260 hrs.


1918 Built as Serial D8480, one of 150 S.E.5a aircraft manufactured by Vickers Ltd at Crayford, Kent UK under Contract A.S.37767 dated 17 January 1918 in the Serial range D8431 to D8580.

00May18 Received by RAF and placed into storage.

29May19 Allocated to the Australian Commonwealth by UK Air Ministry as part of the Imperial Gift.

00Dec19 Allocated to No 5 (Eastern) Aircraft Repair Depot at RAF Henlow, Bedfordshire UK for shipment preparation by the Australian Packing Section of 5AD led by Australian AIF Officer Lt George Mackinolty.

1920 Arrived at Victoria Docks, Port Melbourne VIC.

1920 Received by the Aeroplane Repair Section (ARS) of the Central Flying School (CFS), Australian Air Corps (AAC) at No 1 Station Point Cook VIC. Unassembled aircraft placed in long term storage at the Spotswood Storage Area 7km SW of the Melbourne CBD.

31Mar21 Became part of the Australian Air Force (AAF) on this day.

13Aug21 Became part of the Royal Australian Air Force when the Royal prefix was Gazetted on this day.

1924 Some references state this aircraft was never erected and flown whereas other references purport the aircraft was erected and issued to C Flight, 1FTS by May 1924. No further information has been found to support either contention.

20Mar28 Air Board approval to strike-off charge and convert to components.


00May18 Built as Serial D8482, one of 150 S.E.5a aircraft manufactured by Vickers Ltd at Crayford, Kent UK under Contract A.S.37767 dated 17 January 1918 in the Serial range D8431 to D8580.

00May18 Received by RAF and placed into storage.

29May19 Allocated to the Australian Commonwealth by UK Air Ministry as part of the Imperial Gift.

00Dec19 Allocated to No 5 (Eastern) Aircraft Repair Depot at RAF Henlow, Bedfordshire UK for shipment preparation by the Australian Packing Section of 5AD led by Australian AIF Officer Lt George Mackinolty.

1920 Arrived at Victoria Docks, Port Melbourne VIC.

1920 Received by the Aeroplane Repair Section (ARS) of the Central Flying School (CFS), Australian Air Corps (AAC) at No 1 Station Point Cook VIC. Unassembled aircraft placed in long term storage at the Spotswood Storage Area 7km SW of the Melbourne CBD.

31Mar21 Became part of the Australian Air Force (AAF) on this day.

13Aug21 Became part of the Royal Australian Air Force when the Royal prefix was Gazetted on this day.

00Oct21 At some time after October 1921 the RAF Serial D8482 was removed and the new RAAF Serial A2-16 applied on both sides of the rear fuselage.

00Dec25 Received by No 1 Aircraft Depot (1AD) at RAAF Laverton for assembly and testing.

00Feb26 Issued for use to C Flight, No 1 Flying Training School (1FTS) at RAAF Point Cook.

14Jun26 During landing approach to the western runway at Point Cook the pilot allowed the aircraft to get too low with the result that the undercarriage was ripped off when it struck the boundary fence. Aircraft continued on to land causing severe damage to the airscrew, lower fuselage and lower wings. Pilot FLGOFF H.W. Ross was uninjured.

1926 Repaired at 1FTS Workshop and returned to use with 1FTS.

02Feb27 Pilot was ‘requested’ by the CO of 1FTS, WNGCDR A.T. ‘King’ Cole, to drop a message container onto the SS Canberra as it was departing Melbourne. Said pilot did as was ‘requested’ but could not let the chance go by without doing a bit of aerobatics to show his prowess to all and sundry. A fast, very low pass between the Canberra and the dock was followed by an immaculate climbing roll. Unfortunately for the then young FLGOFF Fred Scherger (Later AVM Sir F.R.W Scherger KBE CB DSO AFC) a Melbourne press photographer was at the dock doing a shoot and captured the event on film. Scherger was subsequently summonsed to Air Force Headquarters to explain his exuberance.

22Feb27 Crash landed at Point Cook causing moderate damage. Pilot Cadet W.R Garrett received minor injuries.

28Mar27 Received by B Flight 1FTS for repairs and returned to use when repairs completed.

23Sep27 Light damage inflicted during landing incident at Point Cook. Pilot Cadet C.C Seach was uninjured.

00Dec27 Aircraft repaired at 1FTS and returned to use.

10Nov28 Forced landing at Point Cook following engine failure, no damage. Pilot Cadet C.A Shaw was uninjured.

00Dec28 Engine repaired at 1FTS and returned to use.

27May29 Air Board approved destruction of the aircraft rather than sale to the public.

13Jun29 Aircraft destroyed by burning at Point Cook.


00Jun18 Built as Serial D8486, one of 150 S.E.5a aircraft manufactured by Vickers Ltd at Crayford, Kent UK under Contract A.S.37767 dated 17 January 1918 in the Serial range D8431 to D8580.

00Jun18 Received by RAF and placed into storage.

29May19 Allocated to the Australian Commonwealth by UK Air Ministry as part of the Imperial Gift.

00Dec19 Allocated to No 5 (Eastern) Aircraft Repair Depot at RAF Henlow, Bedfordshire UK for shipment preparation by the Australian Packing Section of 5AD led by Australian AIF Officer Lt George Mackinolty.

1920 Arrived at Victoria Docks, Port Melbourne VIC.

1920 Received by the Aeroplane Repair Section (ARS) of the Central Flying School (CFS), Australian Air Corps (AAC) at No 1 Station Point Cook VIC. Unassembled aircraft placed in long term storage at the Spotswood Storage Area 7km SW of the Melbourne CBD.

31Mar21 Became part of the Australian Air Force (AAF) on this day.

13Aug21 Became part of the Royal Australian Air Force when the Royal prefix was Gazetted on this day.

20Mar28 Air Board approval to strike-off charge and convert to components.

Note: This aircraft was never assembled and flown.


00Jun18 Built as Serial D8488, one of 150 S.E.5a aircraft manufactured by Vickers Ltd at Crayford, Kent UK under Contract A.S.37767 dated 17 January 1918 in the Serial range D8431 to D8580.

00Jun18 Received by RAF and placed into storage.

29May19 Allocated to the Australian Commonwealth by UK Air Ministry as part of the Imperial Gift.

00Dec19 Allocated to No 5 (Eastern) Aircraft Repair Depot at RAF Henlow, Bedfordshire UK for shipment preparation by the Australian Packing Section of 5AD led by Australian AIF Officer Lt George Mackinolty.

1920 Arrived at Victoria Docks, Port Melbourne VIC.

1920 Received by the Aeroplane Repair Section (ARS) of the Central Flying School (CFS), Australian Air Corps (AAC) at No 1 Station Point Cook VIC. Unassembled aircraft placed in long term storage at the Spotswood Storage Area 7km SW of the Melbourne CBD.

31Mar21 Became part of the Australian Air Force (AAF) on this day.

13Aug21 Became part of the Royal Australian Air Force when the Royal prefix was Gazetted on this day.

20Mar28 Air Board approval to strike-off charge and convert to components.

Note: This aircraft was never assembled and flown.


00Jun18 Built as Serial D8490, one of 150 S.E.5a aircraft manufactured by Vickers Ltd at Crayford, Kent UK under Contract A.S.37767 dated 17 January 1918 in the Serial range D8431 to D8580.

00Jun18 Received by RAF and placed into storage.

29May19 Allocated to the Australian Commonwealth by UK Air Ministry as part of the Imperial Gift.

29Dec19 Allocated to No 5 (Eastern) Aircraft Repair Depot at RAF Henlow, Bedfordshire UK for shipment preparation by the Australian Packing Section of 5AD led by Australian AIF Officer Lt George Mackinolty.

07Mar20 Loaded aboard the 6,570 ton Australian Commonwealth Line vessel SS Boorara at Liverpool docks.

26Ap20 Arrived at No 5 Victoria Docks, Port Melbourne VIC.

28Apr20 Received for assembly and testing by the Aircraft Depot section of the Central Flying School, Australian Air Corps at No 1 Station Point Cook VIC.

17Jun20 Test flown by Captain A.L.T Cole at Point Cook.

20Jun20 Issued for use to AAC CFS.

30Mar21 Became part of the Australian Air Force (AAF) on this day. Issued for use to No1 Flying Training School (1FTS) AAF.

13Aug21 Became part of the Royal Australian Air Force when the Royal prefix was Gazetted on this day.

00Oct21 At some time after October 1921 the RAF Serial D8490 was removed and the new RAAF Serial A2-19 applied on both sides of the rear fuselage.

04May22 Departed Point Cook at 1300hrs with three other SE5a and two DH.9 aircraft to participate in the inaugural NSW Air Pageant at Victoria Park Racecourse in Sydney on 6th May. Route flown was Point Cook, Benalla, Cootamundra (overnight stop) then on to Mascot. Pilot was FLGOFF R.J Brownell.

01Jul22 Issued for use to C Flight, 1FTS at Point Cook.

02Oct22 Forced landing after engine failure, aircraft crashed into one of the Bessoneau hangars beside the strip. Damage to the aircraft was extensive; undercarriage ripped off, top wing torn off and lower wing crumpled and distorted. The pilot SQNLDR A. M Jones received cuts, abrasions and shock.

1922-23 Aircraft repaired at Point Cook and returned for use with A Flight, 1FTS.

18Sep24 Port undercarriage collapsed after landing, minor damage. Pilot FLGOFF J.H Summers was uninjured.

12Jan26 Damaged (minor) in landing accident. Pilot WGCDR W.H Anderson was uninjured.

22Feb27 Cadet Alexander Dix (20) single of Malvern VIC lost control of the aircraft at approximately 200ft and ‘spun-in’ on approach to Point Cook. Dix was pulled from the wreckage and taken to Caulfield Military Hospital where he later died from his injuries. It was the 3rd crash involving Cadet Dix in the previous six weeks.

10Mar27 Air Board Agenda No.870/27 approved the airframe and Viper engine No.63071 for write-off. Write-off value was £1,150 for the airframe and £814 for the engine.

Total airframe time: 363 hrs 9min, most hours of any RAAF S.E.5a. Engine time was: 83hrs 19min.


00Jun18 Built as Serial D8491, one of 150 S.E.5a aircraft manufactured by Vickers Ltd at Crayford, Kent UK under Contract A.S.37767 dated 17 January 1918 in the Serial range D8431 to D8580.

00Jun18 Received by RAF and placed into storage.

29May19 Allocated to the Australian Commonwealth by UK Air Ministry as part of the Imperial Gift.

00Dec19 Allocated to No 5 (Eastern) Aircraft Repair Depot at RAF Henlow, Bedfordshire UK for shipment preparation by the Australian Packing Section of 5AD led by Australian AIF Officer Lt George Mackinolty.

1920 Arrived at Victoria Docks, Port Melbourne VIC.

1920 Received by the Aeroplane Repair Section (ARS) of the Central Flying School (CFS), Australian Air Corps (AAC) at No 1 Station Point Cook VIC. Unassembled aircraft placed in long term storage at the Spotswood Storage Area 7km SW of the Melbourne CBD.

31Mar21 Became part of the Australian Air Force (AAF) on this day.

13Aug21 Became part of the Royal Australian Air Force when the Royal prefix was Gazetted on this day.

20Mar28 Air Board approval to strike-off charge and convert to components.

Note: This aircraft was never assembled and flown.


1918 Built as Serial D8495, one of 150 S.E.5a aircraft manufactured by Vickers Ltd at Crayford, Kent UK under Contract A.S.37767 dated 17 January 1918 in the Serial range D8431 to D8580.

00Jun18 Received by RAF and placed into storage.

29May19 Allocated to the Australian Commonwealth by UK Air Ministry as part of the Imperial Gift.

00Dec19 Allocated to No 5 (Eastern) Aircraft Repair Depot at RAF Henlow, Bedfordshire UK for shipment preparation by the Australian Packing Section of 5AD led by Australian AIF Officer Lt George Mackinolty.

1920 Arrived at Victoria Docks, Port Melbourne VIC.

1920 Received by the Aeroplane Repair Section (ARS) of the Central Flying School (CFS), Australian Air Corps (AAC) at No 1 Station Point Cook VIC. Unassembled aircraft placed in long term storage at the Spotswood Storage Area 7km SW of the Melbourne CBD.

31Mar21 Became part of the Australian Air Force (AAF) on this day.

13Aug21 Became part of the Royal Australian Air Force when the Royal prefix was Gazetted on this day.

1927 Received [unassembled] for structural testing by Experimental Section Randwick, Sydney.

20Mar28 Air Board approval to strike-off charge and convert to components.

Note: This aircraft was never assembled and flown.


00Jul18 Built as Serial D8567, one of 150 S.E.5a aircraft manufactured by Vickers Ltd at Crayford, Kent UK under Contract A.S.37767 dated 17 January 1918 in the Serial range D8431 to D8580.

00Jul18 Received by RAF and placed into storage.

29May19 Allocated to the Australian Commonwealth by UK Air Ministry as part of the Imperial Gift.

00Dec19 Allocated to No 5 (Eastern) Aircraft Repair Depot at RAF Henlow, Bedfordshire UK for shipment preparation by the Australian Packing Section of 5AD led by Australian AIF Officer Lt George Mackinolty.

1920 Arrived at Victoria Docks, Port Melbourne VIC.

1920 Received by the Aeroplane Repair Section (ARS) of the Central Flying School (CFS), Australian Air Corps (AAC) at No 1 Station Point Cook VIC. Unassembled aircraft placed in long term storage at the Spotswood Storage Area 7km SW of the Melbourne CBD.

31Mar21 Became part of the Australian Air Force (AAF) on this day.

13Aug21 Became part of the Royal Australian Air Force when the Royal prefix was Gazetted on this day.

00Oct21 At some time after October 1921 the RAF Serial D8567 was removed and the new RAAF Serial A2-22 applied on both sides of the rear fuselage.

1926 Received by No 1 Aircraft Depot (1AD) at RAAF Base Laverton for assembly and testing.

00Jul26 Allocated to and received for use by B Flight, No 3 Squadron at RAAF Base Richmond NSW.

26Aug27 Part of a formation of aircraft from 1 Sqn & 1FTS that provided a formation display over the first memorial tree planting ceremony on Geelong Rd at Kororoit Creek catchment area.

04Sep27 Forced landing at Windsor NSW after engine failure, no damage. Pilot PLTOFF C.R. Gurney was uninjured.

09Nov27 Departed Richmond for a flight to Brisbane to participate in the inaugural Queensland Aero Club Air Pageant at Eagle Farm airport on Saturday 12th November. Left Richmond in company with A2-1 and A2-2, planned route was Scone, Armidale (overnight) then on 10Nov to Brisbane (Eagle Farm) via Warwick (Canning Downs). Aircraft arrived Scone 1300hrs and bad weather ensured the aircraft remained there overnight.

10Nov27 Departed Scone 0900hrs, when landing at Armidale racecourse at 1045hrs the engine cut out at 50ft resulting in a heavy landing which caused minor damage to the port wheel and port wing. Pilot FLGOFF C.W Lord was uninjured. All three aircraft remained overnight at Armidale while the damage to A2-22 was rectified.

11Nov27 Departed Armidale at 0930hrs and arrived at Warwick 1500hrs, refueled and departed for Eagle Farm at 1600hrs. Soon after leaving the three aircraft encountered a severe thunderstorm near Killarney QLD and the flight became separated. A2-22 pilot FLGOFF C.W Lord pressed on for Eagle Farm but was forced well south of his intended track. The pilot decided to land when the wing fabric showed signs of damage and the engine began running rough. The aircraft landed in a field near Old Koreelah, NSW 76km south-east of Warwick. After landing it was discovered that the airscrew was badly damaged by the heavy rain and would need replacement.

18Nov27 A new airscrew was delivered to Koreelah and FLGOFF C.W Lord flew to Brisbane on 20Nov.

25Nov27 Departed Brisbane for Richmond with planned stops at Toowoomba, Armidale and Scone. Arrived Armidale at 1430hrs and departed again at 1530hrs. Arrived Scone at 1700hrs and remained overnight.

26Nov27 Departed Scone 0930hrs and arrived Richmond 1140hrs.

00Dec27 Aircraft held unserviceable at 3 Sqn, deemed uneconomical to repair.

20Mar28 Air Board approval to strike-off charge and convert to components.


00Jun18 Built as Serial C8994, one of 650 S.E.5a aircraft manufactured by Austin Motor Company Ltd at Longbridge, Birmingham UK under Contract A.S. 22251 dated 02 November 1917 in the Serial range C8661 to C9310.

00Jun18 Received by RAF and placed into storage.

29May19 Allocated to the Australian Commonwealth by UK Air Ministry as part of the Imperial Gift.

00Dec19 Allocated to No 5 (Eastern) Aircraft Repair Depot at RAF Henlow, Bedfordshire UK for shipment preparation by the Australian Packing Section of 5AD led by Australian AIF Officer Lt George Mackinolty.

1920 Arrived at Victoria Docks, Port Melbourne VIC.

31Mar21 Became part of the Australian Air Force (AAF) on this day.

13Aug21 Became part of the Royal Australian Air Force when the Royal prefix was Gazetted on this day.

00Oct21 At some time after October 1921 the RAF Serial C8994 was removed and the new RAAF Serial A2-23 applied on both sides of the rear fuselage.

00Apr26 Received by No 1 Aircraft Depot (1AD) at RAAF Base Laverton for assembly and testing.

00May26 Allocated to and received for use by B Flight, No 1 Sqn at RAAF Point Cook.

15Aug26 One of three SE5a aircraft and six other 1 Sqn machines that escorted Alan Cobham to Essendon Airport at the end of his UK-Australia flight in DH50J G-EBFO.

18Aug26 Minor taxying accident. Pilot FLGOFF F.R.W Scherger was uninjured. Repaired at 1 Sqn, 9hrs accumulated.

21Aug26 One of nine 1 Sqn aircraft (3 x DH9A; 3 x Avro 504K; and, 3 X SE5a) that took part in the 1926 Essendon Air Pageant. Attended by an estimated 75,000 people

06Nov26 Forced landing after engine failure at Little River Satellite airfield near Werribee VIC resulted in damage to undercarriage, lower wings and airscrew. No record of the pilot or any injuries.

19Dec26 Aircraft repaired at 1 Sqn and returned for use.

14Feb27 Crash landing caused moderate damage. Pilot PLTOFF W.D Brookes received minor injuries and shock.

21Apr27 Together with two other SE5a aircraft from Point Cook was part of the 40+ RAAF formation that performed an early morning Meet and Greet display above the RN Battleship HMS Renown as it entered Port Phillip Bay carrying HRH The Duke & Duchess of York.

The same three SE5a aircraft participated in the Royal Salute formation later that day over the Melbourne CBD.

30Apr27 Departed Point Cook ( FLGOFF A.M Charlesworth) with A2-11 & A2-24 for Canberra to participate in the aerial salute for HRH Duke of York upon the opening of Parliament House. Route taken was Point Cook, Wangaratta, Cootamundra then Canberra. A2-11 and A2-23 arrived Canberra 1720hrs. A2-24 was delayed at Cootamundra with a blown tyre and damaged propeller. Reached Canberra on 02May27.

07May27 After a practice mission at Canberra the aircraft was struck by a strong wind gust when landing which caused a ground loop and made the machine overturn. Pilot A303 SGT D.M Carroll walked away uninjured but the aircraft suffered major damage.

00May27 Wreckage was railed back to Point Cook where it was deemed uneconomical to repair.

12Jul27 Air Board Agenda No.935/27 gave approval to strike off charge and convert the airframe to components.


1918 Built as Serial C8995, one of 650 S.E.5a aircraft manufactured by Austin Motor Company Ltd at Longbridge, Birmingham UK under Contract A.S. 22251 dated 02 November 1917 in the Serial range C8661 to C9310.

00Jun18 Received by RAF and placed into storage.

29May19 Allocated to the Australian Commonwealth by UK Air Ministry as part of the Imperial Gift.

00Dec19 Allocated to No 5 (Eastern) Aircraft Repair Depot at RAF Henlow, Bedfordshire UK for shipment preparation by the Australian Packing Section of 5AD led by Australian AIF Officer Lt George Mackinolty.

1920 Arrived at Victoria Docks, Port Melbourne VIC.

31Mar21 Became part of the Australian Air Force (AAF) on this day.

13Aug21 Became part of the Royal Australian Air Force when the Royal prefix was Gazetted on this day.

00Oct21 At some time after October 1921 the RAF Serial C8995 was removed and the new RAAF Serial A2-24 applied on both sides of the rear fuselage.

00Nov26 Received by No 1 Aircraft Depot (1AD) at RAAF Base Laverton for assembly and testing.

30Nov26 Test flown after assembly.

01Dec26 Allocated to and received for use by B Flight, No 1 Sqn at RAAF Point Cook.

21Apr27 Together with two other SE5a aircraft from Point Cook was part of the 40+ RAAF formation that performed an early morning Meet and Greet display above the RN Battleship HMS Renown as it entered Port Phillip Bay carrying HRH The Duke & Duchess of York.

The same three SE5a aircraft participated in the Royal Salute formation later that day over the Melbourne CBD.

30Apr27 Departed Point Cook with A2-11 & A2-23 for Canberra to participate in the aerial salute for HRH Duke of York upon the opening of Parliament House. Route taken was Wangaratta-Cootamundra-Canberra. When landing at Cootamundra the aircraft burst a tyre and the machine somersaulted onto its back. The pilot A303 SGT D.M Carroll was uninjured and the aircraft suffered only minor damage to the upper wings and airscrew.

05May27 Waited at Cootamundra until spares arrived. Flew to Canberra after repairs completed.

07May27 Attached to B Flight, No 3 Squadron for the duration of the squadron’s Canberra deployment.

09May27 During the 21-Aircraft Royal Salute fly-past above a mass military review after the opening of Parliament House the aircraft was seen to peel away from the formation passing overhead at 500 feet before entering a dive and crashing on Cork Hill (a small feature directly in front of the Old Parliament House which was removed in the early 1960s during the landscaping of Lake Burley Griffin). The aircraft ploughed into the ground 600 metres from the legislative building, landing on its nose and port wing before turning over amid a cloud of dust which rose 15 metres high. The pilot, Flying Officer Francis Ewen, died from his injuries that evening without recovering consciousness and was buried two days later in St Johns churchyard. The aircraft was totally destroyed.

(Thanks to for this correction.)

Francis Ewen was born on 27th July 1899 in Auckland NZ and after finishing his schooling at Auckland Grammar School he joined the New Zealand Army and was then accepted into the Australian Royal Military College at Duntroon in January 1917. After graduating in 1920 he spent the next six years on various postings wit then NZ Army. After attending an Aeronautical Observers course of instruction at Wigram airfield he resigned his New Zealand commission in 1926 and enlisted in the RAAF and moved to RAAF Base Point Cook to undergo flight training. After gaining his wings he was posted to No.3 Sqn RAAF at Richmond airfield.

RAAF pilot FLGOFF Francis Charles Ewen (27) of Auckland NZ was buried in the Cemetery of the St John the Baptist Church at Ainslie in Canberra.

28Jun27 Air Board Agenda No.915/27 gave approval for write-off to the value of £2,052 for the airframe, engine and fitted machine gun. The Viper engine No.74828 was allocated to the R.M.C Duntroon for display purposes.


00Jun18 Built as Serial C8996, one of 650 S.E.5a aircraft manufactured by Austin Motor Company Ltd at Longbridge, Birmingham UK under Contract A.S. 22251 dated 02 November 1917 in the Serial range C8661 to C9310.

00Jun18 Received by RAF and placed into storage.

29May19 Allocated to the Australian Commonwealth by UK Air Ministry as part of the Imperial Gift.

00Dec19 Allocated to No 5 (Eastern) Aircraft Repair Depot at RAF Henlow, Bedfordshire UK for shipment preparation by the Australian Packing Section of 5AD led by Australian AIF Officer Lt George Mackinolty.

1920 Arrived at Victoria Docks, Port Melbourne VIC.

1920 Received by the Aeroplane Repair Section (ARS) of the Central Flying School (CFS), Australian Air Corps (AAC) at No 1 Station Point Cook VIC. Unassembled aircraft placed in long term storage at the Spotswood Storage Area 7km SW of the Melbourne CBD.

31Mar21 Became part of the Australian Air Force (AAF) on this day.

13Aug21 Became part of the Royal Australian Air Force when the Royal prefix was Gazetted on this day.

29Jul27 Aircraft was removed from its transportation case and was inspected by the Director of Technical Services (SQNLDR R. Sandford). The machine was declared as unusable in its present condition and would require extensive rebuild.

05Aug27 The aircraft, along with two mainplanes and one centre plane which had previously been returned from A2-25 to stock, were sent for destruction testing of the timber components to the Munitions Supply Board Laboratories (MSBL) located at Maribyrnong, VIC.

01Feb29 MSBL reported the results of the testing and the decision was made to recommend the aircraft for write-off. MSBL requested retention of all remaining components from A2-25 for further destruction testing and laboratory training needs.

11Feb29 Air Board Agenda No.1215/29 gave approval to strike-off charge to the value of £1,150. All aircraft components to be retained by MSB for their continued use.

Note: Se5A G-ECAE was rebuilt by Hawker Restorations in Suffolk over the 2009/2011period, claiming to be based on the MSB components of A2-25.

The Hawker Web Site states: “This SE5a, Serial Number C8996, is one of 35 examples sent out to Australia after WWI. Two of the 35 survive, one in Canberra and the other as a wreck, rescued from the bush in 1992, at Point Cook. The remainder were written off in accidents, ‘destroyed by burning’ or scrapped. Only one was recorded as ‘Components retained by Munitions Supply Board’ – this was C8996. The Munitions Supply Board was located in Victoria, which is where this aeroplane came from. The engine now fitted was originally in an SE5a, and had only run for 23 hours before being returned to England to be converted back to direct drive – it has remained unused ever since! The wings were found in Germany, having previously spent 50 years as partitions in a Norfolk chicken farm. There is evidence (repairs) to show that they have been flown and significant amounts of original fabric remain on two of them. The unused but original 1918 propeller was found in Edinburgh.”


00Dec18 Built as Serial F9106, one of 200 S.E.5a aircraft manufactured by Vickers Ltd at Weybridge, Surrey UK under Contract 35a/1758/C.1882 dated 19 July 1918 in the Serial range F8946 to F9145.

00Dec18 Received by RAF and placed in No 10 Aircraft Acceptance Park at Brooklands, Surrey UK.

18Dec18 Allocated to the European Expeditionary Force.

16Jan19 Above allocation cancelled, reallocated to No 10 AAP at Brooklands.

29May19 Allocated to the Australian Commonwealth by UK Air Ministry as part of the Imperial Gift.

00Jan20 Allocated to No 5 (Eastern) Aircraft Repair Depot at RAF Henlow, Bedfordshire UK for shipment preparation by the Australian Packing Section of 5AD led by Australian AIF Officer Lt George Mackinolty.

1920 Arrived at Victoria Docks, Port Melbourne VIC.

1920 Received by the Aeroplane Repair Section (ARS) of the Central Flying School (CFS), Australian Air Corps (AAC) at No 1 Station Point Cook VIC. Unassembled aircraft placed in long term storage at the Spotswood Storage Area 7km SW of the Melbourne CBD.

31Mar21 Became part of the Australian Air Force (AAF) on this day.

13Aug21 Became part of the Royal Australian Air Force when the Royal prefix was Gazetted on this day.

00Oct21 At some time after October 1921 the RAF Serial F9106 was removed and the new RAAF Serial A2-26 applied on both sides of the rear fuselage.

00Jun25 Received by No 1 Aircraft Depot (1AD) at RAAF Base Laverton for assembly and testing.

00Jun25 Allocated to B Flight, No 3 (Composite) Sqn at No 1 Station Point Cook.

29Jun25 One of a flight of four SE5a aircraft that departed Point Cook for the relocation of 3 Sqn from Point Cook to No 2 Station Richmond NSW. Planned route was Point Cook to Wangaratta (refuel), to Cootamundra for refuel and overnight stop then on to Richmond. However, a large storm front near Cootamundra forced the aircraft to divert to Wagga Wagga, NSW.

30Jun25 Departed Wagga 0830 hours and ran into very dense fog near Gunning 205km SW of Richmond. The flight leader, SQNLDR A.T. L Cole, opted to land near Gunning but became bogged in the soft ground. Pilot FLTLT G.F Malley then elected to return to Goulburn and fly to Richmond the following day.

30Sep25 Crash landed at Richmond following engine failure, minor damage. Pilot SQNDR F.W Lukis was uninjured.

00Apr26 Aircraft was modified for fitment of seat and lap type parachutes.

12Oct26 Bird strike caused minor damage to windshield. Pilot FLGOFF L.V Lauchal was uninjured.

22Oct26 One of three SE5a aircraft detached for display purposes to the Royal Military College, Duntroon, Canberra. Departed Richmond 0930 hrs and flew direct to Duntroon, arriving 1140 hrs.

24Oct26 After a solo display the aircraft was at 50ft on finals when the engine stalled causing the aircraft to drop rapidly and catch the top strands of a wire fence surrounding the Duntroon landing field. The aircraft somersaulted onto its back causing severe damage to the tail unit, airscrew, upper wings and fwd fuselage. The pilot FLGOFF L.W Sutherland MC DCM received cuts, abrasions and shock. Two weeks later Sutherland complained of a sore neck and severe headaches. X-rays at Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney revealed he had fractured the first two vertebrae of his spine (i.e. a broken neck). Complete rehabilitation proved impossible and FLGOFF Sutherland was [very reluctantly] invalided out of the RAAF in 1927.

00Nov26 Aircraft wreckage transported back to Richmond where a survey by the 1st Air Member (GRPCPT R. Williams) recommended conversion of the airframe and retention of the Liberty engine.

10Dec27 Air Board Agenda No.849 of 1926 gave approval for write-off and conversion of the airframe to components.

24Dec27 Conversion completed.

Note: When Les Sutherland was invalided out of the RAAF he wrote an excellent history of No 1 Squadron Australian Flying Corps entitled ‘Aces and Kings – No 1 Squadron’.


1918 Built as Serial F9107, one of 200 S.E.5a aircraft manufactured by Vickers Ltd at Weybridge, Surrey UK under Contract 35a/1758/C.1882 dated 19 July 1918 in the Serial range F8946 to F9145.

00Dec18 Received by RAF and placed in No 10 Aircraft Acceptance Park at Brooklands, Surrey UK.

18Dec18 Allocated to the European Expeditionary Force.

16Jan19 Above allocation cancelled, reallocated to No 10 AAP at Brooklands.

29May19 Allocated to the Australian Commonwealth by UK Air Ministry as part of the Imperial Gift.

00Jan20 Allocated to No 5 (Eastern) Aircraft Repair Depot at RAF Henlow, Bedfordshire UK for shipment preparation by the Australian Packing Section of 5AD led by Australian AIF Officer Lt George Mackinolty.

1920 Arrived at Victoria Docks, Port Melbourne VIC.

1920 Received by the Aeroplane Repair Section (ARS) of the Central Flying School (CFS), Australian Air Corps (AAC) at No 1 Station Point Cook VIC. Unassembled aircraft placed in long term storage at the Spotswood Storage Area 7km SW of the Melbourne CBD.

31Mar21 Became part of the Australian Air Force (AAF) on this day.

13Aug21 Became part of the Royal Australian Air Force when the Royal prefix was Gazetted on this day.

00Oct21 At some time after October 1921 the RAF Serial F9107 was removed and the new RAAF Serial A2-27 applied on both sides of the rear fuselage.

00Jun25 Received by No 1 Aircraft Depot (1AD) at RAAF Laverton for assembly and testing.

00Jun25 Allocated to B Flight, No 3 (Composite) Sqn at No 1 Station Point Cook.

29Jun25 One of a flight of four SE5a aircraft that departed Point Cook for the relocation of 3 Sqn from Point Cook to No 2 Station Richmond NSW. Planned route was Point Cook to Wangaratta (refuel), to Cootamundra for refuel and overnight stop then on to Richmond. However, a large storm front near Cootamundra forced the aircraft to divert to Wagga Wagga, NSW.

30Jun25 Departed Wagga 0830 hours and ran into very dense fog near Gunning 205km SW of Richmond. The flight leader, SQNLDR A.T. L Cole, opted to land near Gunning but became bogged in the soft ground. Pilot FLGOFF F.C Hawley then elected to return to Goulburn and fly to Richmond the following day but his engine developed problems and he was forced to crash land at Frankfield, 6km SW of Gunning.

23Oct25 One of three SE5a aircraft from 3 Sqn that flew to Canberra via Goulburn to perform displays for the students and staff at the Royal Military College, Duntroon. Aircraft remained at Duntroon for two days returning to Richmond on 25Oct25.

00Apr26 Aircraft was modified for fitment of seat and lap type parachutes.

30Apr27 Departed Richmond 0900hrs along with two other SE5a aircraft (A2-1 & A2-2); four DH.9 aircraft; and, four DH.9a aircraft to participate in the official opening of Parliament House on 09May27. Route taken was direct Richmond to Canberra, all 12 aircraft arrived in formation at 1115hrs.

09May27 One of the 21 aircraft in the fly past at the official opening of Parliament House.

11May27 All 3 Sqn aircraft departed Canberra at 1130hrs for the flight back to Richmond and arrived back at 1200hrs.

07Sep27 Pilot stalled landing at 25ft resulting in heavy landing. Both longerons were split and buckled; moderate to severe damage inflicted on the undercarriage, fwd fuselage and airscrew. Pilot Cadet A.R Roberts received minor injuries and shock.

00Dec27 Survey at 3Sqn stated the aircraft was uneconomical to repair, recommended conversion.

20Mar28 Air Board approval to strike-off charge and convert to components.


00Dec18 Built as Serial F9110, the 165th of 200 S.E.5a aircraft manufactured by Vickers Ltd at Weybridge, Surrey UK under Contract 35a/1758/C.1884 dated 19 July 1918 in the Serial range F8946 to F9145.

00Dec18 Received by RAF and placed in No 10 Aircraft Acceptance Park at Brooklands, Surrey UK.

18Dec18 Allocated to the European Expeditionary Force.

00Jan19 Allocated to No.2 (Australian) Sqn AFC at Hellemmes airfield, Hauts-de-France, 3km east of Lille.

21Jan19 1st recorded flight with 2Sqn when Lt F.L Roberts flew a 2hr 40min formation practice flight.

22Jan19 Lt F.L Roberts flew a 1hr formation practice flight.

00Mar19 Handed back to the RAF.

29May19 Allocated to the Australian Commonwealth by UK Air Ministry as part of the Imperial Gift.

00Jan20 Allocated to No 5 (Eastern) Aircraft Repair Depot at RAF Henlow, Bedfordshire UK for shipment preparation by the Australian Packing Section of 5AD led by Australian AIF Officer Lt George Mackinolty.

1920 Arrived at Victoria Docks, Port Melbourne VIC.

1920 Received by the Aeroplane Repair Section (ARS) of the Central Flying School (CFS), Australian Air Corps (AAC) at No 1 Station Point Cook VIC. Unassembled aircraft placed in long term storage at the Spotswood Storage Area 7km SW of the Melbourne CBD.

31Mar21 Became part of the Australian Air Force (AAF) on this day.

13Aug21 Became part of the Royal Australian Air Force when the Royal prefix was Gazetted on this day.

00Oct21 At some time after October 1921 the RAF Serial F9110 was removed and the new RAAF Serial A2-28 applied on both sides of the rear fuselage.

00Jan26 Received by No 1 Aircraft Depot (1AD) at RAAF Base Laverton for assembly and testing.

00Feb26 Allocated to and received for use by C Flight, No 1 Flying Training School at RAAF Point Cook.

19Feb26 Cadet Albert John Freeman Greenwood (19) single of Heidelburg, Melbourne was killed at Point Cook when he stalled the aircraft and spun in from 200ft. Cadet Greenwood was buried at Box Hill Cemetery on 20Feb.

31Mar26 Air Board approval to strike-off charge and convert to components. Total airframe time: 17 hours.


00Dec18 Built as Serial F9113, one of 200 S.E.5a aircraft manufactured by Vickers Ltd at Weybridge, Surrey UK under Contract 35a/1758/C.1882 dated 19 July 1918 in the Serial range F8946 to F9145.

00Dec18 Received by RAF and placed in No 10 Aircraft Acceptance Park at Brooklands, Surrey UK.

18Dec18 Allocated to the European Expeditionary Force.

16Jan19 Above allocation cancelled, reallocated to No 10 AAP at Brooklands.

29May19 Allocated to the Australian Commonwealth by UK Air Ministry as part of the Imperial Gift.

00Jan20 Allocated to No 5 (Eastern) Aircraft Repair Depot at RAF Henlow, Bedfordshire UK for shipment preparation by the Australian Packing Section of 5AD led by Australian AIF Officer Lt George Mackinolty.

1920 Arrived at Victoria Docks, Port Melbourne VIC.

1920 Received by the Aeroplane Repair Section (ARS) of the Central Flying School (CFS), Australian Air Corps (AAC) at No 1 Station Point Cook VIC. Unassembled aircraft placed in long term storage at the Spotswood Storage Area 7km SW of the Melbourne CBD.

31Mar21 Became part of the Australian Air Force (AAF) on this day.

13Aug21 Became part of the Royal Australian Air Force when the Royal prefix was Gazetted on this day.

20Mar28 Air Board approval to strike-off charge and convert to components.

Note: This aircraft was never assembled and flown.


00Dec18 Built as Serial F9119, one of 200 S.E.5a aircraft manufactured by Vickers Ltd at Weybridge, Surrey UK under Contract 35a/1758/C.1882 dated 19 July 1918 in the Serial range F8946 to F9145.

00Dec18 Received by RAF and placed in No 10 Aircraft Acceptance Park at Brooklands, Surrey UK.

18Dec18 Allocated to the European Expeditionary Force.

16Jan19 Above allocation cancelled, reallocated to No 10 AAP at Brooklands.

29May19 Allocated to the Australian Commonwealth by UK Air Ministry as part of the Imperial Gift.

00Jan20 Allocated to No 5 (Eastern) Aircraft Repair Depot at RAF Henlow, Bedfordshire UK for shipment preparation by the Australian Packing Section of 5AD led by Australian AIF Officer Lt George Mackinolty.

1920 Arrived at Victoria Docks, Port Melbourne VIC.

1920 Received by the Aeroplane Repair Section (ARS) of the Central Flying School (CFS), Australian Air Corps (AAC) at No 1 Station Point Cook VIC. Unassembled aircraft placed in long term storage at the Spotswood Storage Area 7km SW of the Melbourne CBD.

31Mar21 Became part of the Australian Air Force (AAF) on this day.

13Aug21 Became part of the Royal Australian Air Force when the Royal prefix was Gazetted on this day.

00Oct21 At some time after October 1921 the RAF Serial F9119 was removed and the new RAAF Serial A2-30 applied on both sides of the rear fuselage.

20Dec27 Timber aircraft components were removed from storage and sent to the Munitions Supply Board Laboratories (MSBL) located at Maribyrnong, VIC for comparison testing against parts from the recently crashed A2-25.

00Feb28 The MSBL report advised that critical components of the aircraft had decayed beyond safe load limits and recommended the aircraft be either rebuilt or converted to components. MSBL requested retention of the components if the later recommendation was adopted.

20Mar28 Air Board approval to strike-off charge. Components to be retained by MSBL.


00Dec18 Built as Serial F9122, one of 200 S.E.5a aircraft manufactured by Vickers Ltd at Weybridge, Surrey UK under Contract 35a/1758/C.1882 dated 19 July 1918 in the Serial range F8946 to F9145.

00Dec18 Received by RAF and placed in No 10 Aircraft Acceptance Park at Brooklands, Surrey UK.

18Dec18 Allocated to the European Expeditionary Force.

16Jan19 Above allocation cancelled, reallocated to No 10 AAP at Brooklands.

29May19 Allocated to the Australian Commonwealth by UK Air Ministry as part of the Imperial Gift.

00Jan20 Allocated to No 5 (Eastern) Aircraft Repair Depot at RAF Henlow, Bedfordshire UK for shipment preparation by the Australian Packing Section of 5AD led by Australian AIF Officer Lt George Mackinolty.

1920 Arrived at Victoria Docks, Port Melbourne VIC.

1920 Received by the Aeroplane Repair Section (ARS) of the Central Flying School (CFS), Australian Air Corps (AAC) at No 1 Station Point Cook VIC. Unassembled aircraft placed in long term storage at the Spotswood Storage Area 7km SW of the Melbourne CBD.

00Mar21 Received by CFS Aircraft Depot for assembly and testing.

31Mar21 Issued for use to No 1 Flying Training School (1FTS) at Point Cook. Became part of the Australian Air Force (AAF) on this day.

13Aug21 Became part of the Royal Australian Air Force when the Royal prefix was Gazetted on this day.

00Oct21 At some time after October 1921 the RAF Serial F9122 was removed and the new RAAF Serial A2-31 applied on both sides of the rear fuselage.

04May22 Departed Point Cook at 1300hrs with three other SE5a and two DH.9 aircraft to participate in the inaugural NSW Air Pageant at Victoria Park Racecourse in Sydney on 6th May. Route flown was Point Cook, Benalla, Cootamundra (overnight stop) then on to Mascot. Pilot was FLGOFF E.J Stephens.

01Jul22 Issued for use to C Flight, RAAF No 1 Flying Training School (1FTS) at No 1 Station Point Cook.

04Nov27 Crash landed after engine failure. Pilot FLTT D.E.L Wilson was uninjured but shaken.

29Nov28 Damaged when it taxied into DH.9 A6-16 on the Point Cook flightline. Pilot CPL S. Austin was uninjured.

11Dec28 Damaged in a forced landing near Point Cook, Pilot Cadet D.A Connelly was uninjured.

08Jan29 Engine failure caused a forced landing in Dunhill Farm near Laverton, VIC. No damage. Pilot Cadet C.A Shaw was uninjured.

05Mar29 On a cross-country Navex the pilot crash landed at Deniliquin, minor damage. Pilot Cadet A.G Grant unhurt.

27May29 Air Board approved destruction of the aircraft rather than sale to the public.

13Jun29 Aircraft destroyed by burning at Point Cook.


2001-15 The RAAF Museum has on static display an exact S.E.5A replica of A2-31 built by AJD Engineering (now known as Hawker Restorations) in Britain.


00Dec18 Built as Serial F9131, one of 200 S.E.5a aircraft manufactured by Vickers Ltd at Weybridge, Surrey UK under Contract 35a/1758/C.1882 dated 19 July 1918 in the Serial range F8946 to F9145.

00Dec18 Received by RAF and placed in No 10 Aircraft Acceptance Park at Brooklands, Surrey UK.

18Dec18 Allocated to the European Expeditionary Force.

16Jan19 Above allocation cancelled, reallocated to No 10 AAP at Brooklands.

29May19 Allocated to the Australian Commonwealth by UK Air Ministry as part of the Imperial Gift.

00Jan20 Allocated to No 5 (Eastern) Aircraft Repair Depot at RAF Henlow, Bedfordshire UK for shipment preparation by the Australian Packing Section of 5AD led by Australian AIF Officer Lt George Mackinolty.

1920 Arrived at Victoria Docks, Port Melbourne VIC.

1920 Received by the Aeroplane Repair Section (ARS) of the Central Flying School (CFS), Australian Air Corps (AAC) at No 1 Station Point Cook VIC. Unassembled aircraft placed in long term storage at the Spotswood Storage Area 7km SW of the Melbourne CBD.

31Mar21 Became part of the Australian Air Force (AAF) on this day.

13Aug21 Became part of the Royal Australian Air Force when the Royal prefix was Gazetted on this day.

00Oct21 At some time after October 1921 the RAF Serial F9131 was removed and the new RAAF Serial A2-32 applied on both sides of the rear fuselage.

00Dec24 Received by No 1 Aircraft Depot (1AD) at RAAF Base Laverton for assembly and testing.

00Jan25 Issued for use to C Flight, No 1 Flying Training School at RAAF Point Cook.

09Oct25 One of four aircraft used to provide an escort for the arrival of the new Governor General (Lord Stonehaven). The aircraft flew at heights ranging from 100-200ft alongside the GG’s Train and performed aerial salutes by diving on the train and performing low level aerobatics. During one such dive the engine of A2-32 cut out and the aircraft crashed into a ploughed field near Rockbank 27km w of Melbourne. The aircraft was totally destroyed but the pilot FLGOFF T.A. Swinburne waked away without a scratch.

13Oct25 Board of Survey at 1AD recommended conversion.

13Jan26 Air Board approval to strike-off charge and convert to components.


00Mar19 Built as Serial F9143, one of 200 S.E.5a aircraft manufactured by Vickers Ltd at Weybridge, Surrey UK under Contract 35a/1758/C.1882 dated 19 July 1918 in the Serial range F8946 to F9145.

00Mar19 Received by RAF and placed in storage at No 10 Aircraft Acceptance Park at Brooklands, Surrey UK.

29May19 Allocated to the Australian Commonwealth by UK Air Ministry as part of the Imperial Gift.

00Jan20 Allocated to No 5 (Eastern) Aircraft Repair Depot at RAF Henlow, Bedfordshire UK for shipment preparation by the Australian Packing Section of 5AD led by Australian AIF Officer Lt George Mackinolty.

1920 Arrived at Victoria Docks, Port Melbourne VIC.

1920 Received by the Aeroplane Repair Section (ARS) of the Central Flying School (CFS), Australian Air Corps (AAC) at No 1 Station Point Cook VIC. Unassembled aircraft placed in long term storage at the Spotswood Storage Area 7km SW of the Melbourne CBD.

31Mar21 Became part of the Australian Air Force (AAF) on this day.

13Aug21 Became part of the Royal Australian Air Force when the Royal prefix was Gazetted on this day.

00Oct21 At some time after October 1921 the RAF Serial F9143 was removed and the new RAAF Serial A2-33 applied on both sides of the rear fuselage.

00Jan27 Received by No 1 Aircraft Depot (1AD) at RAAF Base Laverton for assembly and testing.

00Feb27 Allocated to and received for use by C Flight, No 1 Flying Training School (1FTS) at RAAF Point Cook.

00May27 Detached to Canberra as a replacement for A3-24 which had been damaged at Cootamundra. Flown to Canberra via Wangaratta and Cootamundra.

00May27 When landing after completing a training flight the aircraft overturned causing severe damage to airscrew, upper wing and tail unit. Pilot OK.

00Dec27 Portions of the aircraft sent for destruction testing to the Munitions Supply Board Laboratories located at Maribyrnong, VIC.

20Mar28 Air Board approval to strike-off charge. Components to be retained by MSB. Airframe time: 43hrs.


00Mar19 Built as Serial F9144, one of 200 S.E.5a aircraft manufactured by Vickers Ltd at Weybridge, Surrey UK under Contract 35a/1758/C.1882 dated 19 July 1918 in the Serial range F8946 to F9145.

00Mar19 Received by RAF and placed in storage at No 10 Aircraft Acceptance Park at Brooklands, Surrey UK.

29May19 Allocated to the Australian Commonwealth by UK Air Ministry as part of the Imperial Gift.

00Jan20 Allocated to No 5 (Eastern) Aircraft Repair Depot at RAF Henlow, Bedfordshire UK for shipment preparation by the Australian Packing Section of 5AD led by Australian AIF Officer Lt George Mackinolty.

1920 Arrived at Victoria Docks, Port Melbourne VIC.

1920 Received by the Aeroplane Repair Section (ARS) of the Central Flying School (CFS), Australian Air Corps (AAC) at No 1 Station Point Cook VIC. Unassembled aircraft placed in long term storage at the Spotswood Storage Area 7km SW of the Melbourne CBD.

31Mar21 Became part of the Australian Air Force (AAF) on this day.

13Aug21 Became part of the Royal Australian Air Force when the Royal prefix was Gazetted on this day.

00Oct21 At some time after October 1921 the RAF Serial F9144 was removed and the new RAAF Serial A2-34 applied on both sides of the rear fuselage.

00Jun25 Received by No 1 Aircraft Depot (1AD) at RAAF Base Laverton for assembly and testing.

00Jun25 Received for use by No 1 Flying Training School (1FTS) at RAAF No 1 Station Point Cook

23Jul25 Allocated to B Flight, No 1 (Composite) Squadron at RAAF Base Point Cook VIC.

12Aug25 Received for use by B Flight, 1 Sqn.

15Aug26 One of three SE5a aircraft and six other 1 Sqn machines that escorted Alan Cobham to Essendon Airport at the end of his UK-Australia flight in DH50J G-EBFO.

21Aug26 One of nine 1 Sqn aircraft (3 x DH9A; 3 x Avro 504K; and, 3 X SE5a) that took part in the 1926 Essendon Air Pageant. Attended by an estimated 25,000 people

00May27 Allocated to and received for use by C Flight, No 1 Flying Training School RAAF Point Cook.

08Jun27 Crash landing at Point Cook, minor damage. Pilot PLTOFF W.R Garrett was uninjured.

00Nov27 Received for use by B Flight, 1 Sqn.

23Nov27 Accompanied by two other SE.5a, two DH.9 and three DH.9A aircraft from 1 Sqn, departed Point Cook 0900hrs to participate in the SA Aero Club Air Pageant at Parafield airport, Adelaide SA on 26Nov27. The eight aircraft arrived safely at Parafield 1330 hrs.

26Nov27 Took part in the 1927 Adelaide Air Pageant with an estimated crowd of 40,000. Display pilot was FLGOFF W.R Garrett.

28Nov27 Departed Parafield airport at 0930 hrs and arrived Point Cook at 1330 hrs, with a refuelling stop at Nhill, VIC.

00Dec27 Survey at 1Sqn stated the aircraft was uneconomical to repair, recommended conversion.

20Mar28 Air Board approval to strike-off charge and convert to components.

04May28 Conversion completed.


00Mar19 Built as Serial F9145, one of 200 S.E.5a aircraft manufactured by Vickers Ltd at Weybridge, Surrey UK under Contract 35a/1758/C.1882 dated 19 July 1918 in the Serial range F8946 to F9145.

00Mar19 Received by RAF and placed in storage at No 10 Aircraft Acceptance Park at Brooklands, Surrey UK.

29May19 Allocated to the Australian Commonwealth by UK Air Ministry as part of the Imperial Gift.

00Jan20 Allocated to No 5 (Eastern) Aircraft Repair Depot at RAF Henlow, Bedfordshire UK for shipment preparation by the Australian Packing Section of 5AD led by Australian AIF Officer Lt George Mackinolty.

1920 Arrived at Victoria Docks, Port Melbourne VIC.

1920 Received by the Aeroplane Repair Section (ARS) of the Central Flying School (CFS), Australian Air Corps (AAC) at No 1 Station Point Cook VIC. Unassembled aircraft placed in long term storage at the Spotswood Storage Area 7km SW of the Melbourne CBD.

31Mar21 Became part of the Australian Air Force (AAF) on this day.

13Aug21 Became part of the Royal Australian Air Force when the Royal prefix was Gazetted on this day.

00Oct21 At some time after October 1921 the RAF Serial F9145 was removed and the new RAAF Serial A2-35 applied on both sides of the rear fuselage.

00Jan25 Received by No 1 Aircraft Depot (1AD) at RAAF Station Laverton for assembly and testing.

00Feb25 Received for use by No 1 Flying Training School (1FTS) at RAAF No 1 Station Point Cook

23Jul25 Allocated to B Flight, No 1 (Composite) Squadron at RAAF No 1 Station Point Cook VIC.

12Aug25 Received for use by B Flight, 1 Sqn.

17Aug26 Crash landed at Point Cook, light to medium damage. Pilot FLTLT D.E.L Wilson was uninjured.

00Sep26 Received for use by C Flight, No 1 Flying Training School at RAAF Point Cook.

28Sep26 No 1 Aircraft Depot technical staff conducted a Board of Survey No.7/26 at RAAF Point Cook. Aircraft was deemed as uneconomical to repair and recommended conversion of the airframe.

08Oct26 Air Board Agenda No.827/26 gave approval to strike-off charge and convert the airframe to components.


30May25 Air Board approved the purchase of one S.E.5a @ of £650 from Aircraft Disposal Co of Croydon UK. It is impossible to determine the original RAF Serial because the aircraft was an amalgamation of different airframes. Similarly, it is also impossible to determine when the aircraft was manufactured.

00Dec25 Converted into a two-seater by the Aircraft Experimental Section, Randwick Sydney.

00Feb26 Received for use by No 1 Flying Training School RAAF Base Point Cook VIC. Aircraft was known as the ‘flying pig’ because of its unusual flying characteristics.

14Oct26 Wings modified at 1FTS Workshops.

14Oct26 Heavy landing at Point Cook. Minor damage. Crew of FLGOFF G. A Wells and Cadet A Dix were uninjured.

10Feb27 Crash landed at Point Cook, no other details.

16Feb27 Crash landed at Point Cook. Pilot FLGOFF G. A Wells was uninjured.

00Feb27 Issued to 1FTS Workshop for repairs.

29Aug27 Test flown after repairs completed.

30Aug27 Issued for use to A Flight, 1FTS.

27Jun28 Rebuilt and overhauled by A Flight, 1FTS.

24Oct28 Received minor damage when taxied into DH.9A A1-16 at Point Cook. Crew of FSGT O.A Denny and Cadet A.G Grant were uninjured.

29Oct28 Repaired by Unit, test flown and returned for use to A Flight, 1FTS.

27May29 Air Board approved destruction of the aircraft rather than sale to the public.

13Jun29 Aircraft destroyed by burning at Point Cook.

SY 2020-04-20

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At the going down of the sun, and in the morning we will remember them. - Laurence Binyon

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Last Modified: 08 April 2021, 18:44

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