Served with 4 Sqd, 5 Sqd, 6 Sqd AFC
The Sopwith Camel was a British First World War single-seat biplane fighter aircraft that was introduced on the Western Front in 1917. It was developed by the Sopwith Aviation Company as a successor to the Sopwith Pup and became one of the best known fighter aircraft of the Great War. The Camel was powered by a single rotary engine and was armed with twin synchronized Vickers machine guns. Though proving difficult to handle, it provided for a high level of manoeuvrability to an experienced pilot, an attribute which was highly valued in the type's principal use as a fighter aircraft. In total, Camel pilots have been credited with downing 1,294 enemy aircraft, more than any other Allied fighter of the conflict. Towards the end of the First World War, the type had also seen use as a ground-attack aircraft, partially due to it having become increasingly outclassed as the capabilities of fighter aircraft on both sides were rapidly advancing at that time.
016Apr18 Rebuilt from the wreckage of several Camel aircraft by Southern Aircraft Repair Depot (SARD), South Farnborough, as a Model 1F.1 Camel and issued the new RFC Serial B778. Fitted with a 140hp (104kW) Clérget 9Bf nine-cylinder air-cooled rotary engine Serial No.2357WD35165
16Apr18 Allocated to the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) in France. Aircraft disassembled, packed into cases and dispatched to No.1 Aeroplane Servicing Depot (1ASD) at St Omer airfield, Pas-de-Calais France for assembly and testing.
30Jun18 Received on charge by HQ EF.
00Jul18 Allocated to No.4 (F) Sqn Australian Flying Corps (AFC) at Reclinghem airfield, 17km SW of St Omer.
02Jul18 Received by 1ASD Issues Section
09Jul18 Lt L.E Taplin DFC departed 1ASD at 0700hrs for the 20min ferry flight to Reclinghem airfield.
10Jul18 Lt R.F McRae departed Bruay with 11 other aircraft at 0945 hrs on the aircraft’s 1st combat mission, a planned two hour Bombing and Offensive Patrol in the Lille area. After 15 min Lt McRae was forced to return to Bruay with a broken engine valve.
11Jul18 Clérget 9Bf engine No.2357 replaced by 9Bf engine No.R2151
12Jul18 Post maintenance test flight flown by Lt R.G Smallwood.
13Jul18 Lt R.F McRae departed Bruay at 0450 hrs with Lt Smallwood (D19127) for a one hour Line Patrol.
Lt R.F McRae departed Bruay at 0820 hrs five other machines for an OP between Estaires and Armentières.
29Jul18 Lt R.F McRae departed Bruay at 0420hrs with Lt H.G Watson [D8159] and Lt E.R King [E1416] for a Special Mission to attack troop billets at La Gorgue. At 3000ft over the battlefield Lt McRae became lost in the mist and upon breaking out of the mist at 0505hrs he spotted an LVG.C approaching from the east at the same height. He dived beneath the dark green and grey camouflaged LVG then pulled up and fired 200 rounds from a range of less than 50 yards. The LVG then pitched up and stalled before turning on to its back and spun away to the ground below with thick smoke issuing from the machine.
12Aug18 the squadron was tasked to operate from Allonville aerodrome near Amiens to support the Allied advance on the Amiens Front of the Somme Sector. The following 12 Camels departed Reclinghem at 0530hrs and carried out an Offensive Patrol enroute to Allonville aerodrome where they all landed by 0620hrs:
E1416 CPT A.H Cobby D9432 Lt T.R Edols B778 2nd Lt M.H Eddie
D1895 Lt E.R King D9426 Lt J.H Weingarth D9428 2nd Lt A.E James
F1403 Lt M.T.G Cottam E1505 Lt J.W Wright E1557 Lt A.T Heller
D1961 Lt E.P.E McCleery D1901 Lt G. Jones D1957 Lt V.G.M Sheppard
11 Camels then flew three more Offensive Patrols at 0930, 1630 and 1900hrs and returned to Reclinghem after the last patrol.
05Sep18 2nd Lt M.H Eddie departed Reclinghem at 1700hrs as one of five machines under the command of Lt N.C Trescowthick [E1592] to rendezvous with two RAF Squadrons and carry out an Offensive Patrol in the Douai region. However, the rendezvous failed and Trescowthick pushed on toward Douai. At approximately 1800hrs the flight was at 14000ft over Brebieres when it was attacked from above by two formations of Fokker biplanes each consisting of 12 to 15 machines. Trescowthick gave the signal to dive away and promptly headed for the deck but the other four aircraft could not manage to break away. At this time a third larger German formation joined the fight and of the four Camels three were shot down and the other shot down by ground fire when crossing the German front lines on his way home. The following four aircraft failed to RTB and were declared MIA: B778 2nd Lt M.H Eadie shot down and killed by Vizefeldwebel Friedrich Classen in a Fokker D.VIII from Jasta 26 based at Émerchicourt aerodrome; D8136 Lt A.H Hockley shot down and killed; E7174 Lt D.C Carter shot down and killed; and E1407 Lt L.E Taplin shot down by ground fire and taken prisoner..
2nd Lt Maxwell Hardwicke Eddie (25) single, mechanical engineer, of Launceston, Tasmania has no known grave. He is honoured on the Arras Flying Services Memorial in the Faubourg-d'Amiens Cemetery, Nord Pas de Calais, France. He is also remembered at Location 187 in the Commemorative Area at the Australian War Memorial, Canberra ACT.
00Sep18 Aircraft struck off charge.
00Aug17 Built as B2387 the 87th of 300 Sopwith Camel 1F.1 aircraft built in the Serial Range B2301 to B2550 under license by Ruston, Proctor & Co. Ltd in their UK factory at Lincoln, Lincolnshire UK. Built to Contract AS1809/17 dated 02 March 1917. Fitted with a 130hp (97kW) Clérget 9B nine-cylinder air-cooled rotary engine Serial No.R1666.
00Sep17 Taken on charge by the Royal Flying Corps (RFC) for acceptance checks by No.4 Aircraft Acceptance Park (4AAP) at Lincoln, Lincolnshire.
19Sep17 Allocated to the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) in France.
24Sep17 Received by No.1 Aeroplane Supply Depot at St Omer airfield in Nord Pas-de-Calais, France.
27Sep17 Received for use by No.70 Squadron RFC
28Sep17 Crashed on take-off. Pilot 2nd Lt E.B Booth was uninjured.
30Sep17 Received for repair by No.1Aircraft Depot (1AD) at St Omer airfield.
00Nov17 Received by 1ASD Issues Section at Serny airfield, 22km SE of St Omer airfield Nord Pas-de-Calais, France.
05Nov17 Received for use by 70 Sqn. Now fitted with Clérget 9B Engine No.R1245.
11Nov17 2nd Lt E.B Booth was on an Offensive Patrol when severe weather caused a forced landing at 45 Sqn but after touchdown the aircraft was wrecked in a collision with infantry men on the aerodrome. The pilot sustained moderate injuries and the aircraft was heavily damaged.
30Nov17 Aircraft received by 1ASD Salvage Section at St Omer airfield.
17Feb18 Received by 1ASD Issues Section at Serny airfield, 22km SE of St Omer airfield Nord Pas-de-Calais, France.
00Mar18 Allocated to No.4 (F) Sqn Australian Flying Corps (AFC) at Bruay airfield Burgundy, 44km SE of St Omer airfield Nord Pas-de-Calais, France. Now fitted with Clérget 9B Engine No.R1537.
24Mar18 Lt G.M Elwyn departed 1ASD Issues Section at Serny airfield, 22km SE of St Omer airfield at 1155hrs for 15 min ferry flight to Bruay.
01Apr18 1st Combat Mission. 2nd Lt A.E Robertson departed Bruay at 1455hrs for a 45min Line Patrol.
11Apr18 Lt J.P.G Basclain was taking off at 1345hrs on a Bombing Sortie but lost power and crashed in a ploughed field just near the Bruay airfield. The pilot sustained serious injury and the aircraft was extensively damaged.
12Apr18 Wrecked machine transported to 1ASD Repair Park at St Omer airfield.
20Apr18 Machine assessed as Not Worthy of Repair. SOC and converted to components.
00Aug17 Built as B2395 the 95th of 250 Sopwith Camel 1F.1 aircraft built in the Serial Range B2301 to B2550 under license by Ruston, Proctor & Co. Ltd in their UK factory at Lincoln, Lincolnshire UK. Built to Contract AS1809/17 dated 02 March 1917. Fitted with a 130hp (97kW) Clérget 9B nine-cylinder air-cooled rotary engine Serial No.R20764.
00Sep17 Taken on charge by the Royal Flying Corps (RFC) for acceptance checks by No.4 Aircraft Acceptance Park (4AAP) at Lincoln, Lincolnshire.
21Sep17 Allocated to the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) in France.
27Sep18 Despatched to 3AAP Norwich.
28Sep18 Despatched to 8AAP Lympne.
29Sep17 Received by No.1 Aeroplane Supply Depot at St Omer airfield in Nord Pas-de-Calais, France.
03Oct17 Received for storage by No.2 Aeroplane Supply Depot (2ASD) at Fienvillers, 22km NNW of Amiens, France.
07Oct17 Received for use by No.3 Sqn RFC at Amiens, France.
11Oct17 CPT R.A James departed for a formation practice flight. Soon after take-off the engine failed which resulted in a forced landing 3km from Amiens. The pilot sustained minor injuries but the aircraft was damaged beyond Unit repair capability.
12Oct17 Wrecked machine transported to 2ASD at Candas.
00Nov17 Aircraft repaired and held for issue.
12Nov17 Received for use by No.46 (F) Sqn RFC at La Gorgue airfield 25Km east of St Omer airfield. Now fitted with Clérget 9B Engine No.R1355.
22Nov17 Lt S.K Dusgate was on an Offensive Patrol when an engine failure resulted in a forced landing near Bertincourt. The pilot was uninjured but the aircraft was damaged beyond Unit repair capability.
23Nov17 Wreckage transported for repair to 2ASD at Candas.
16Jan18 Issued to 2ASD Issues Section at Candas. Now fitted with Clérget 9B Engine No.R1557.
00Feb18 Allocated to No.4 (F) Sqn Australian Flying Corps (AFC) at Bruay airfield Burgundy, 44km SE of St Omer airfield Nord Pas-de-Calais, France.
20Feb18 Five Camels under the command of acting CPT A.H Cobby departed 2AD Candas at 1640hrs for the 30min ferry flt to Bruay. Aircraft and pilots were:
B6393 Lt A.H Cobby B7303 Lt W.B Tunbridge B2440 2ndLt W.B Randell
B5208 2nd Lt W.H Brasch B2395 2nd Lt A.E Robertson
21Feb18 Machine TOC and issued to B Flight, assigned to 2nd Lt P.K Schafer and Coded with the number ‘8’.
15Mar18 1st Combat Mission. 2nd Lt C.M Feez departed Bruay at 0845hrs with 10 other Camels for a 75min Offensive Patrol near The Scarpe. Four enemy Scouts were shot down on this patrol.
At 1240hrs Lt J.W Davies made a heavy landing when returning from a Gunnery Practice sortie which broke an axle and the tail skid. The pilot was uninjured.
18Mar18 Lt J.W Davies departed at 1440hrs for a Gunnery Practice sortie and at 1515hrs crash landed beside the runway. The aircraft suffered moderate damage that was repaired at the Unit. Lt Davies sustained minor injuries.
28Mar18 One of four aircraft that departed at 0930hrs for a Bombing/Interdiction mission against advancing enemy troops and vehicles to the SE of Arras. At approximately 1030hrs the engine of B2395 seized and 2nd Lt C.M Feez was forced to land to the SE of Arras and was captured by advancing German Troops. The aircraft was destroyed by Feez before his capture. The aircraft was claimed as shot down by Leutnant Paul Billik from Jasta 52 at Etaing aerodrome.
AFC pilot Lieutenant Cecil Molle Feez (21) a grazier from Yeronga, QLD was made a PoW and interned at the Holzminden POW Camp, Lower Saxony in Germany until his release after the Armistice. He was repatriated to the UK on 13Dec18.
00Sep17 Built as B2435 the 135th of 250 Sopwith Camel 1F.1 aircraft built in the Serial Range B2301 to B2550 under license by Ruston, Proctor & Co. Ltd in their UK factory at Lincoln, Lincolnshire UK. Built to Contract AS1809/17 dated 02 March 1917. Fitted with a 130hp (97kW) Clérget 9B nine-cylinder air-cooled rotary engine Serial No.20715.
05Oct17 Allocated to the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) in France.
22Oct17 Despatched in cases from Ruston, Proctor & Co to No.2 Aircraft Depot (2AD) at Candas, 34km NW of Amiens, France.
31Oct17 Aircraft assembled, tested and held in immediate issue storage.
07Nov17 Received for use by No.3 Sqn RFC at Amiens, France.
05Dec17 2nd Lt H.M Beck shared a victory with Lt A.G.D Alderson [B2518] over an enemy two-seater Scout near Awoingt, 2km SSE of Cambrai.
12Jan18 Received for overhaul by 1ASD Repair Park at St Omer airfield in Nord Pas-De-Calais, France.
07Mar18 Aircraft damaged at 1ASD, probably on a test flight.
00Apr18 Allocated to No.4 (F) Sqn Australian Flying Corps (AFC) at Bruay airfield Burgundy, 44km SE of St Omer airfield Nord Pas-de-Calais, France.
00Apr18 The aircraft’s engine was upgraded to the 140hp (104kW) Clerget 9Bf standard.
08Apr18 Aircraft serviceable, now fitted with Clérget 9Bf Engine No.R1539. Assigned to 1ASD Issues Section at Serny airfield, 22km SE of St Omer airfield in Nord Pas-De-Calais, France.
11Apr18 Lt R.G Smallwood departed 1ASD Issues Section at 1045hrs for the 15min ferry flight to Bruay airfield.
15Apr18 1st Combat Mission. Lt J.H Weingarth departed Bruay with six other Camels at 1340hrs for a Bombing and Interdiction mission against advancing enemy troops and vehicles to the SE of Arras. Lt Weingarth dropped four 25lb Cooper Bombs on a light rail line near Merville and strafed enemy troops near Estaires.
29Apr18 All of 4 Sqn’s Camels were forced by the German Spring Offensive to move from Bruay to Clairmarais North Aerodrome 6km NE of St Omer, Pas-de-Calais where they joined 11th Wing, part of the British 2nd Army. The following 23 machines flew to Clairmarais at the times shown:
A Flight B Flight C Flight
1645-1715hrs 1705-1745hrs 1715-1745hrs
D1818 CPT W.B Tunbridge C8261 CPT G.F Malley B5646 CPT N.L Petchler
B2527 2nd Lt W.A Armstrong B2435 Lt G. Nowland B5644 2nd Lt T.G Oliver
B2535 2nd Lt L.R Sinclair B5625 2nd Lt A. Rintoul B7382 Lt F.W Webster
C8226 Lt G.H Pierce B5629 2nd Lt B.W Wright B7406 Lt H.G Watson
D1838 Lt N.C Trescowthick B5647 Lt A. Finnie B7480 Lt O.C Barry
D6506 Lt E.R King C8300 Lt J.H Weingarth B7494 Lt O. Lamplough
D6520 Lt A.D Pate C8231 Lt E.R Jeffree D1846 Lt V.G.Sheppard
D1863 LT P.K Schafer D1884 Lt R.C Nelson
Group portrait of the officers of No. 4 Squadron of the Australian Flying Corps, at Clairmarais, France. Back row, left to right: Lieutenant (Lt) C. R. Burton; Lt R. F. McRae RAF; Lt C. S. Scobie RAF; Lt J. S. M. Browne RAF; Lt E. V. Culverwell RAF; Lt G. S. Jones Evans RAF; Lt A. T. Heller; Lt O. B. Ramsay; Lt J. C. F. Wilkinson RAF. Middle row: Lt R. C. Nelson; Lt E. C. Crosse; Lt R. Sly; Lt A. H. Lockley; Lt R. Moore RAF; Lt R. G. Smallwood; Captain (Capt) R. King DFC; Lt H. F. Davison RAF; Lt W. A. Armstrong RAF; Lt Roy Harold Youdale. Front row (sitting): Lt V. G. M. Sheppard; Lt H. G. Watson DFC; Capt E. J. McCloughry OBE; Major W. A. McCloughry DSO MC DFC; Capt Arthur H. Cobby DSO DFC; Major F. I. Tanner RAF; Lt J. H. Weingarth. (Courtesy: Austalian War Memorial EO3543)
06May18 Lt G. Nowland was one of 10 Camels that departed Clairmarais at 1455hrs for an Offensive Patrol. When landing at the completion of the patrol the pilot lost control and crashed onto the runway crash landed at 1635hrs causing moderate damage.
14May18 Lt A. Rintoul departed Clairmarais at 1700hrs with eleven other Camels for an Offensive Patrol near Poperinghe. At 1745hrs Rintoul attacked a Fokker Dr.1 which was attacking a British Balloon near Poperinghe and the Fokker went down out of control emitting smoke but Rintoul was unable to observe the outcome.
19May18 Lt A.T Heller departed Clairmarais for an Offensive Patrol at 0700hrs. However, a misfiring engine caused a RTB at 0705hrs.
20May18 Lt A.T Heller departed Clairmarais for an Offensive Patrol at 1315hrs. However, a misfiring engine caused a RTB at 1330hrs.
06Jun18 CPT G.F Malley departed Clairmarais for an Offensive Patrol at 0805hrs. However, a misfiring engine caused a RTB at 0815hrs.
00Jun18 Clérget 9Bf engine Serial No.R1539 replaced by 9Bf engine No.1949WD30548.
16Jun18 Aircraft declared as unfit for further front line service.
17Jun18 Aircraft flown back to 1ASD Repair Park for assessment. Assessed as fit for raining purposes.
06Jul18 Aircraft flown back to No.8AAP at RAF Station Lympne, Kent.
08Jul18 Received by No.1 SARD at Farnborough.
00Jul18 Received for use by No.63 Training Squadron at RAF Station Joyce Green in Dartford, Kent.
02Aug18 Whilst firing at ground target the pilot made a quick flat turn to avoid another machine. The aircraft entered into a spin and nosedived into Dartford Creek. The aircraft was destroyed and pilot Lt C.H Williams was killed.
00Oct17 Built as B2464 the 164th of 250 Sopwith Camel 1F.1 aircraft built in the Serial Range B2301 to B2550 under license by Ruston, Proctor & Co. Ltd in their UK factory at Lincoln, Lincolnshire UK. Built to Contract AS1809/17 dated 02 March 1917. Fitted with a 130hp (97kW) Clérget 9B nine-cylinder air-cooled rotary engine Serial No.R2455.
This machine was a Presentation Aircraft from the Australian Air Squadrons Fund scheme. Australia No.13, New South Wales No.12 called “The Macintyre Kayuga Estate”.
00Oct17 Taken on charge by the Royal Flying Corps (RFC) for acceptance checks.
00Oct17 Allocated to No.71 (Australian) Squadron at RFC Castle Bromwich, West Midlands.
00Oct17 Received for use by 71 Sqn.
00Nov17 Allocated to the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) in France.
22Nov17 One of 12 Camels that departed Castle Bromwich flown by 71 Sqn pilots for the ferry flight to St Omer airfield in Pas-de-Calais, France via RFC Lympne, Kent. The 12 Camels were:
B2464 B2465 B2467 B2468 B2469 B2470
B2472 B2475 B2477 B2479 B2487 B6444
23Nov17 Received by No.1 Aeroplane Supply Depot (1ASD) at St Omer aerodrome and moved to 1ASD Issues Section.
28Nov17 Allocate to and received by No.65 (F) Sqn RFC at Poperinge airfield, Belgium.
06Dec17 2nd Lt Herbert Arthur Dyer departed Poperinge on a Special Mission to Comines-Warneton. At 1415hrs the aircraft was shot down near Hollebeke and Dyer killed.
Arras Flying Services Memorial, Arras France
08Dec17 Aircraft struck off charge.
00Oct17 Built as B2468 the 168th of 250 Sopwith Camel 1F.1 aircraft built in the Serial Range B2301 to B2550 under license by Ruston, Proctor & Co. Ltd in their UK factory at Lincoln, Lincolnshire UK. Built to Contract AS1809/17 dated 02 March 1917. Fitted with a 130hp (97kW) Clérget 9B nine-cylinder air-cooled rotary engine Serial No.R20807.
00Oct17 Taken on charge by the Royal Flying Corps (RFC) for acceptance checks.
00Oct17 Allocated to No.71 (Australian) Squadron at RFC Castle Bromwich, West Midlands.
00Oct17 Received for use by 71 Sqn.
00Nov17 Allocated to the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) in France.
22Nov17 One of 12 Camels that departed Castle Bromwich flown by 71 Sqn pilots for the ferry flight to St Omer airfield in Pas-de-Calais, France via RFC Lympne, Kent. The 12 Camels were:
B2464 B2465 B2467 B2468 B2469 B2470
B2472 B2475 B2477 B2479 B2487 B6444
23Nov17 Received by No.1 Aeroplane Supply Depot (1ASD) at St Omer aerodrome and moved to 1ASD Issues Section.
29Nov17 Allocate to and received by No.65 (F) Sqn RFC at Poperinge airfield, Belgium.
00Dec18 Clérget 9B rotary engine Serial No.R20807 replaced by Serial No.R1808.
19Jan18 A flight of five Camels was on an Offensive Patrol between Westroosebeke and Staden when they spotted and attacked a group of approximately 17 Albatros Scouts. 2nd Lt Eric Trezise Baker (age 27) was last seen spinning away with two Albatros machines on his tail. Later learned that Baker had been shot down and killed. He is commemorated on the Arras Flying Services, Arras France.
00Oct17 Built as B2469 the 169th of 250 Sopwith Camel 1F.1 aircraft built in the Serial Range B2301 to B2550 under license by Ruston, Proctor & Co. Ltd in their UK factory at Lincoln, Lincolnshire UK. Built to Contract AS1809/17 dated 02 March 1917. Fitted with a 130hp (97kW) Clérget 9B nine-cylinder air-cooled rotary engine Serial No.R2448.
This machine was a Presentation Aircraft from the Australian Air Squadrons Fund scheme. Australia No.19, Victoria No.1 called “The Sargood Bros” presented by F.G & A.H Sargood of Sydney and Melbourne.
00Oct17 Taken on charge by the Royal Flying Corps (RFC) for acceptance checks.
00Oct17 Allocated to No.71 (Australian) Squadron at RFC Castle Bromwich, West Midlands.
00Oct17 Received for use by 71 Sqn.
00Nov17 Allocated to the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) in France.
22Nov17 One of 12 Camels that departed Castle Bromwich flown by 71 Sqn pilots for the ferry flight to St Omer airfield in Pas-de-Calais, France via RFC Lympne, Kent. The 12 Camels were:
B2464 B2465 B2467 B2468 B2469 B2470
B2472 B2475 B2477 B2479 B2487 B6444
23Nov17 Received by No.1 Aeroplane Supply Depot (1ASD) at St Omer aerodrome and moved to 1ASD Issues Section.
20Jan18 Received by 1ASD Issues Section. Now fitted with a Clérget 9B rotary engine Serial No.R2449
21Jan18 Received by No.73 (F) Sqn at Liettres airfield.
11Mar18 Lt R.G Lawson drove down a Fokker Dr.1 Triplane 5km SE of Caudry. The aircraft received damage during the engagement but the pilot was OK.
14Mar18 Received for repair by 2ASD Repair Park at Candas aerodrome.
18Mar18 Aircraft flown back to England. Now fitted with a Clérget 9B rotary engine Serial No.R20995WD38398.
1918 Aircraft received for use by No.42 Training Squadron at RAF Wye, Kent. Now fitted with a Clérget 9B rotary engine Serial No.R21577WD45932.
15Sep18 2nd Lt David Hegler McGibbon was killed when he pulled out of a dive on a ground target which caused the wings to fold. Buried at Wye SS Gregory and Martin Churchyard, Kent.
Wye SS Gregory and Martin Churchyard, Kent
00Oct17 Built as B2470 the 170th of 250 Sopwith Camel 1F.1 aircraft built in the Serial Range B2301 to B2550 under license by Ruston, Proctor & Co. Ltd in their UK factory at Lincoln, Lincolnshire UK. Built to Contract AS1809/17 dated 02 March 1917. Fitted with a 130hp (97kW) Clérget 9B nine-cylinder air-cooled rotary engine Serial No.R20812.
00Oct17 Taken on charge by the Royal Flying Corps (RFC) for acceptance checks.
00Oct17 Allocated to No.71 (Australian) Squadron at RFC Castle Bromwich, West Midlands.
00Oct17 Received for use by 71 Sqn.
00Nov17 Allocated to the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) in France.
22Nov17 One of 12 Camels that departed Castle Bromwich flown by 71 Sqn pilots for the ferry flight to St Omer airfield in Pas-de-Calais, France via RFC Lympne, Kent. The 12 Camels were:
B2464 B2465 B2467 B2468 B2469 B2470
B2472 B2475 B2477 B2479 B2487 B6444
23Nov17 Received by No.1 Aeroplane Supply Depot (1ASD) at St Omer aerodrome and moved to 1ASD Issues Section.
00Dec17 Allocated to and received by No.70 (F) Sqn RAF at Fienvillers aerodrome.
05Dec17 2nd Lt C.G.V Runnels-Moss departed at 1250hrs for an Offensive Patrol. He was shot down in flames and killed SE of Westroosbeke by Leutnant J. Kőpsch of Jasta 4.
00Sep17 Built as B2474 the 174th of 250 Sopwith Camel 1F.1 aircraft built in the Serial Range B2301 to B2550 under license by Ruston, Proctor & Co. Ltd in their UK factory at Lincoln, Lincolnshire UK. Built to Contract AS1809/17 dated 02 March 1917. Fitted with a 130hp (97kW) Clérget 9B nine-cylinder air-cooled rotary engine Serial No.2429.
00Oct17 Allocated to No.71 Sqn (Australian) Royal Flying Corps at RFC Station Castle Bromwich, West Midlands.
00Oct17 Received for use by 71 Sqn. Issued to C Flight and assigned to Lt J.N Cash
29Nov17 One 18 Camels held by 71Sqn at Castle Bromwich awaiting embarkation orders.
18Dec17 Departed Castle Bromwich with 17 other Camels in a Squadron Formation of 3 flights of six aircraft. Ordered to fly to St Omer airfield France via RFC Station Lympne, Kent. Remained at St Omer awaiting further orders.
The 18 Camels were:
B2474 B2478 B2482 B2483 B2488 B2489 B2490 B2527 B2531
B2535 B4623 B5217 B5229 B5552 B5553 B5568 B5602 B5625
22Dec17 Remained at St Omer awaiting further orders. Ten of the above Camels departed for Bruay airfield in Burgundy Province, France. However, B2474, B2489, B2535, B5217 and B5553 all remained at St Omer for repair of defects detected on the 1st leg of the ferry flight. Additionally, B4623, B5229 and B5602 were taken to 1ASD Repair Park to have more substantial problems repaired.
28Dec17 2nd Lt J.N Cash departed St Omer airfield at 1320 for 1hr 35min ferry flight to Bruay airfield.
01Jan18 At 1315hrs the aircraft was on a practice formation flying exercise when an engine problem caused Lt Cash to make a forced landing at in a field near the small village of Bergueneuse, some 20km east of Bruay.
03Jan18 A ground from Bruay repaired the aircraft at Bergueneuse and Lt Cash flew back to Base at 1205hrs.
06Jan18 Five C Flight Camels were practicing formation flying and when crossing during a turn Lt A.M Anderson [B5217] collided with Lt R.H Curtis [B4623] and both aircraft crashed to the ground. During the above collision a large piece of wreckage fell down onto Lt J.N Cash [B2474] and caused him to also crash. All three pilots were killed in the accident.
AFC pilot Lieutenant James Normans Cash (22) single of Brisbane QLD is buried in Row E Grave 6 of the Sailly Labourse Communal Cemetery Extension, 5km SE of Bethune in the Pas-De-Calais province, France. He is also remembered at Location 187 in the Commemorative Area at the Australian War Memorial, Canberra ACT.
Sailly-Labourse Communal Cemetery, France
09Jan18 Wreckage transported to 1ASD
11Jan18 Assessed as Not Worthy of Repair. SOC and converted to components.
00Oct17 Built as B2475 the 175th of 250 Sopwith Camel 1F.1 aircraft built in the Serial Range B2301 to B2550 under license by Ruston, Proctor & Co. Ltd in their UK factory at Lincoln, Lincolnshire UK. Built to Contract AS1809/17 dated 02 March 1917. Fitted with a 130hp (97kW) Clérget 9B nine-cylinder air-cooled rotary engine Serial No.20774.
22Oct17 Taken on charge by the Royal Flying Corps (RFC) for acceptance checks by No.4 Aircraft Acceptance Park (4AAP) at Lincoln, Lincolnshire.
00Oct17 Allocated to No.71 (Australian) Squadron at RFC Castle Bromwich, West Midlands.
00Oct17 Received for use by 71 Sqn.
00Nov17 Allocated to the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) in France.
22Nov17 One of 12 Camels that departed Castle Bromwich flown by 71 Sqn pilots for the ferry flight to St Omer airfield in Pas-de-Calais, France via RFC Lympne, Kent. The 12 Camels were:
B2464 B2465 B2467 B2468 B2469 B2470
B2472 B2475 B2477 B2479 B2487 B6444
23Nov17 Received by No.1 Aeroplane Supply Depot (1ASD) at St Omer aerodrome and moved to 1ASD Issues Section.
03Dec17 Received by 2ASD at Fienvillers, 22km NNW of Amiens, France.
13Dec17 Allocated to 7th Brigade RFC Reserve Pool, at San Pelagio aerodrome Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy.
26Dec17 Allocated to No.66 (F) Sqn at Verona aerodrome in Veneto, Italy.
28Dec17 CPT E.W French departed San Pelagio for the ferry flight to Verona.
31Dec17 MAJ R. Gregory flew an acceptance check flight.
23Jan18 MAJ R Gregory was killed near Monasteiro when he went into a spin at 2000ft with the engine on full power and could not recover before crashing. Military Cross, Chevalier of the Legion of Honour. Buried PADUA MAIN CEMETERY A. 12. Italy
00Sep17 Built as B2485 the 185th of 250 Sopwith Camel 1F.1 aircraft built in the Serial Range B2301 to B2550 under license by Ruston, Proctor & Co. Ltd in their UK factory at Lincoln, Lincolnshire UK. Built to Contract AS1809/17 dated 02 March 1917. Fitted with a 130hp (97kW) Clérget 9B nine-cylinder air-cooled rotary engine Serial No.1800WD111929.
00Oct17 Allocated to No.71 Sqn (Australian) Royal Flying Corps at RFC Station Castle Bromwich, West Midlands.
00Oct17 Received for use by 71 Sqn. Issued to B Flight and assigned to 2nd Lt A.V Lawson.
07Nov17 On a local training flight the aircraft suffered an engine failure at 200ft, stalled and nosedived into the ground. 2nd Lt John Topliffe sustained serious injuries and the aircraft was extensively damaged.
Lt Topliffe was admitted to the 1st Southern General Hospital with a fractured skull, fractured ribs, upper torso injuries and a fractured right ankle. After discharge he was categorized as no longer fit to fly and was transferred to the 3rd London General Hospital before being returned to Australia in March 1918 aboard the Union Castle Mail Company 8,114ton vessel the SS Dunluce Castle.
00Nov17 Aircraft SOC and converted to components.
00Sep17 Built as B2490 the 190th of 250 Sopwith Camel 1F.1 aircraft built in the Serial Range B2301 to B2550 under license by Ruston, Proctor & Co. Ltd in their UK factory at Lincoln, Lincolnshire UK. Built to Contract AS1809/17 dated 02 March 1917. Fitted with a 130hp (97kW) Clérget 9B nine-cylinder air-cooled rotary engine Serial No.R1804
This machine was a Presentation Aircraft from the City of Adelaide South Australia. Presented by Mrs Harry Bickford
00Oct17 Allocated to No.71 Sqn (Australian) Royal Flying Corps at RFC Station Castle Bromwich, West Midlands.
00Oct17 Received for use by 71 Sqn. Issued to B Flight and assigned to CPT A.H O’Hara-Wood
29Nov17 One 18 Camels held by 71Sqn at Castle Bromwich awaiting embarkation orders.
18Dec17 Departed Castle Bromwich with 17 other Camels in a Squadron Formation of 3 flights of six aircraft. Ordered to fly to St Omer airfield France via RFC Station Lympne, Kent. Remained at St Omer awaiting further orders.
18Dec17 Departed Castle Bromwich with 17 other Camels in a Squadron Formation of 3 flights of six aircraft. Ordered to fly to St Omer airfield France via RFC Station Lympne, Kent. Remained at St Omer awaiting further orders.
The 18 Camels were:
B2474 B2478 B2482 B2483 B2488 B2489 B2490 B2527 B2531
B2535 B4623 B5217 B5229 B5552 B5553 B5568 B5602 B5625
22Dec17 One of 10 Camels that departed for Bruay airfield in Burgundy Province, France. The 10 Camels were:
B2478 B2482 B2483 B2488 B2490
B2527 B2531 B5552 B5568 B5625
01Jan18 On a Gunnery practice mission the airscrew was shot through. CPT A.H O’Hara-Wood landed safely at Bruay.
09Jan18 1st Combat Mission. 2nd Lt W.H Brasch departed Bruay at 1030hrs with five B Flight Camels for an Offensive Patrol near Lille. RTB safely at 1200hrs.
26Jan18 2nd Lt W.B Randell departed Bruay at 1410 hrs on a practice & gunnery flight. At 1520hrs the aircraft crashed at Berck-sur-Mer, 70km west of Bruay. Moderate damage to the machine and no injury to the pilot.
19Feb18 Lt W.B Tunbridge departed Bruay at 1100hrs on a test flight. At 1145hrs he was forced to land at Auchel aerodrome with engine problems where he landed heavily and two wheels and the tail skid were broken. The aircraft was repaired at Auchel and RTB at 1650hrs.
07Mar18 An eventful day for 2nd Lt A.E Robertson. B2490 dep at 1155hrs with 11 other aircraft for an Offensive Patrol near Armentières. Engine began losing power and RTB at 1205hrs. Robertson then took the spare aircraft [B2489] and departed at 1215hrs but this aircraft also had to RTB with a dud engine at 1225hrs. At 1425 hrs Robertson took B2489 for an engine test flight but again force landed at 1430hrs after another engine failure.
00Mar18 Clérget 9B engine Serial No.R1804 replaced by Serial No.R1470
21Mar18 10 machines in two flights of five under the Command of Lt J.C Courtney departed Bruay at 0800hrs for an OP in the Bapaume area. At 0900hrs the two flights were at 4000 and 4500ft respectively between Scarpe and Bapaume when they saw in the mists below a group of between seven and ten EA aircraft and dived to attack [the enemy were in fact a portion of Richtofen’s Red Circus]. In the ensuing dog-fight Lt A.H Cobby [B2585] shot down two Albatross Scouts and Lts E.F Pflaum [B5229] and A.E Robertson [B2489] each shot down a Pfalz Scout. Lt G.M Elwyn [B2490] was damaged but managed to reach an emergency landing ground at Courcelles.
23Mar18 Lt E.R King was taking off from Bruay for a Gun test flight at 1420hrs when a wheel came off causing the aircraft to crash. The pilot sustained minor injuries but the aircraft was extensively damaged.
25Mar18 Wreckage transported to 1ASD Repair Park. Aircraft assessed as Worthy of Reconstruction and reconstruction commenced.
09May18 Aircraft reconstructed and transferred to 1ASD Issue Section. Now fitted with an 110hp (98kW) Le Rhone 9-cylinder rotary engine Serial No.35961.
11May18 Received for use by No.54 (F) Sqn RFC at Chipilly aerodrome in the Somme Department.
00Jun18 Clérget 9B Engine No.35961 replaced by No.35877.
21Jul18 Last seen over Fère at 13000ft while on an Offensive Patrol. 2nd Lt Bertram Fisher failed to return. Later earned the aircraft was shot down and Lt Fisher killed, aged 20. Commemorated Arras Flying Services Memorial
Arras Flying Services Memorial, France
00Sep17 Built as B4623 the 23rd of 50 Sopwith Camel 1F.1 aircraft built in the Serial Range B4601 to B4650 under licence by Portholme Aerodrome Ltd in their facility at Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire. Built to Contract 87/A/1836 dated 02 June 1917. Fitted with a 130hp (97kW) Clérget 9B nine-cylinder air-cooled rotary engine Serial No.2456.
00Oct17 Allocated to No.71 Sqn (Australian) Royal Flying Corps at RFC Station Castle Bromwich, West Midlands.
00Oct17 Received for use by 71 Sqn. Issued to B Flight.
29Nov17 One 18 Camels held by 71Sqn at Castle Bromwich awaiting embarkation orders.
18Dec17 Departed Castle Bromwich with 17 other Camels in a Squadron Formation of 3 flights of six aircraft. Ordered to fly to St Omer airfield France via RFC Station Lympne, Kent. Remained at St Omer awaiting further orders.
The 18 Camels were:
B2474 B2478 B2482 B2483 B2488 B2489 B2490 B2527 B2531
B2535 B4623 B5217 B5229 B5552 B5553 B5568 B5602 B5625
22Dec17 Remained at St Omer awaiting further orders. Ten of the above Camels departed for Bruay airfield in Burgundy Province, France. However, B2474, B2489, B2535, B5217 and B5553 all remained at St Omer for repair of defects detected on the 1st leg of the ferry flight. Additionally, B4623, B5229 and B5602 were taken to 1ASD Repair Park to have more substantial problems rectified.
00Dec17 Flown to 1ASD Issues Park after repairs completed.
04Jan18 2nd Lt R.H Curtis departed St Omer at 1320hrs accompanied by Lt W.B Tunbridge in B2478 for the 35min ferry flt to Bruay airfield.
05Jan18 Aircraft TOC, issued to C Flight and assigned to 2nd Lt R.H Curtis
06Jan18 Five Camels were practicing formation flying and when crossing during a turn Lt A.M Anderson [B5217] collided with Lt H. Curtis [B4623] and both aircraft crashed to the ground. During the above collision a large piece of wreckage fell down onto Lt J.N Cash [B2474] which also caused him to crash. All three pilots were killed in the accident.
AFC pilot Lieutenant Richard Haddon Curtis (24) single of Glen Innes NSW is buried in Row E Grave 7 of the Sailly Labourse Communal Cemetery Extension, 5km SE of Bethune in the Pas-De-Calais province, France. He is also remembered at Location 187 in the Commemorative Area at the Australian War Memorial, Canberra ACT.
Sailly-Labourse Communal Cemetery, France
08Jan18 Wreckage transported to 1ASD Repair Park.
09Jan18 Aircraft assessed as Not Worthy of Repair. SOC and converted to components.
00Sep17 Built as B5207 the 57th of 100 Sopwith Camel 1F.1 aircraft built in the Serial Range B5151 to B5250 under licence by Boulton & Paul Ltd in their facility at Norwich, Norfolk. Built to Contract AS7737 dated 02 August 1917. Fitted with a 130hp (97kW) Clérget 9B nine-cylinder air-cooled rotary engine Serial No.R1788.
00Oct17 Taken on charge by the Royal Flying Corps (RFC) for acceptance checks by No.3 Aircraft Acceptance Park (3AAP) at Norwich, Norfolk.
26Oct17 Allocated to the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) in France
00Oct17 Received by No.2 Aeroplane Supply Depot (2ASD) Reception Park at Candas, 34km NW of Amiens, France.
09Nov17 Received for use by No.3 (F) Sqn at Léchelle aerodrome, 65km east of Amiens.
20Nov17 2nd Lt Roy Coop RFC was attacking Estourmel aerodrome when his machine was racked by ground based machine gun fire. Coop was able to get back to base but the aircraft was damaged beyond Unit repair.
20Nov17 Transported to 2ASD for repair.
00Dec17 Received by 2ASD Issues Section.
22Dec17 Aircraft repaired and transferred to 1ASD Issues Section at Serny airfield, 22km SE of St Omer airfield Nord Pas-de-Calais, France. Now fitted with Clérget 9B rotary engine Serial No.1591.
00Jan18 Allocated to No.4 (F) Sqn Australian Flying Corps at Bruay airfield, Burgundy France.
20Jan18 2nd Lt E.F Pflaum departed 1ASD at 1555hrs for the 25min ferry flight to Bruay airfield.
28Jan18 1st Combat Mission CPT R. Hughes-Chamberlain departed Bruay at 1925hrs with three other Camels for an Offensive Patrol near Loos. RTB safely at 1200hrs.
00Feb18 Clérget 9B rotary engine Serial No.R1788 replaced by No.R1076.
17Feb18 2nd Lt C.H Martin departed Bruay at 1300hrs with three other Camels for an Offensive Patrol near Lille. At 1415hrs the aircraft was flying in clear air when it was seen to suddenly fly apart. Lt Martin was posted as MIA. In all probability Lt Martin had been hit in flight by a large caliber artillery shell
In early 1919 a search of German Records in Berlin stated that Lt Martin’s body had been recovered and buried by the Germans in the Cemetery of Honour, Lambersart near Lille, and a cross erected over his grave. Another German report stated that Lt Martin was buried at Premesques, North of the Lille-Armentieres Road. However, a thorough search of all the Cemeteries by the War Graves Commission around Lille failed to find any trace of Lt Martin’s grave.
AFC pilot Lieutenant Charles Henry Martin (23) single of Port Melbourne, VIC has no known grave and is commemorated on The Arras Flying Services Memorial in the Faubourg-d'Amiens Cemetery, Arras France. He is also remembered at Location 187 in the Commemorative Area at the Australian War Memorial, Canberra
Canberra War Memorial, Canberra Australia
00Nov17 Built as B5217 the 67TH of 100 Sopwith Camel 1F.1 aircraft built in the Serial Range B5151 to B5250 under licence by Boulton & Paul Ltd in their facility at Norwich, Norfolk. Built to Contract AS7737 dated 02 August 1917. Fitted with a 130hp (97kW) Clérget 9B nine-cylinder air-cooled rotary engine Serial No.R1555.
00Dec17 Taken on charge by the Royal Flying Corps (RFC) for acceptance checks by No.3 Aircraft Acceptance Park (3AAP) at Norwich, Norfolk.
00Dec17 Allocated to No.71 Sqn (Australian) Royal Flying Corps at RFC Station Castle Bromwich, West Midlands.
00Dec17 Received for use by 71 Sqn. Issued to A Flight and assigned to Lt E.F Pflaum.
18Dec17 Departed Castle Bromwich with 17 other Camels in a Squadron Formation of 3 flights of six aircraft. Ordered to fly to St Omer airfield France via RFC Station Lympne, Kent. Remained at St Omer awaiting further orders.
The 18 Camels were:
B2474 B2478 B2482 B2483 B2488 B2489 B2490 B2527 B2531
B2535 B4623 B5217 B5229 B5552 B5553 B5568 B5602 B5625
22Dec17 Remained at St Omer awaiting further orders. Ten of the above Camels departed for Bruay airfield in Burgundy Province, France. However, B2474, B2489, B2535, B5217 and B5553 all remained at St Omer for repair of defects detected on the 1st leg of the ferry flight. Additionally, B4623, B5229 and B5602 were taken to 1ASD Repair Park to have more substantial problems rectified.
25Dec17 B2535 [CPT G.C Matthews], B5553 [Lt E.B Nelson] and B5217 [2nd Lt E.F Pflaum] departed St Omer at 1210hrs for the 20min ferry flight Bruay airfield.
01Jan18 2nd Lt H.H Browning was on a formation practice flight with eight other Camels when an engine fault resulted in a force landing at 1315hrs near Bergueneuse 16km west of Bruay. A ground crew from Bruay repaired the engine and the aircraft RTB at 1205hrs on 03Jan18.
02Jan18 Aircraft issued to B Flight and assigned to 2nd Lt A.M Anderson.
06Jan18 Five Camels were practicing formation flying and when crossing during a turn Lt A.M Anderson [B5217] collided with Lt H. Curtis [B4623] and both aircraft crashed to the ground. During the above collision a large piece of wreckage fell down onto Lt J.N Cash [B2474] which also caused him to crash. All three pilots were killed in the accident.
AFC pilot Lieutenant Albert Mendelssohn Anderson (26) single of Wahroonga, Sydney NSW is buried in Row E Grave 5 of the Sailly Labourse Communal Cemetery Extension, 5km SE of Bethune in the Pas-De-Calais province, France. He is also remembered at Location 187 in the Commemorative Area at the Australian War Memorial, Canberra ACT.
08Jan18 Wreckage transported to 1ASD Repair Park.
09Jan18 Aircraft assessed as Not Worthy of Repair. SOC and converted to components.
00Nov17 Built as B5552 the 2nd of 100 Sopwith Camel 1F.1 aircraft built in the Serial Range B5551 to B5650 under licence by Ruston, Proctor & Co. Ltd in their UK factory at Lincoln, Lincolnshire UK. Built to Contract AS1809/17 dated 06 June 1917. Fitted with a 130hp (97kW) Clérget 9B nine-cylinder air-cooled rotary engine Serial No.R1016.
00Oct17 Allocated to No.71 Sqn (Australian) Royal Flying Corps at RFC Station Castle Bromwich, West Midlands.
00Oct17 Received for use by 71 Sqn. Issued to B Flight.
29Nov17 One 18 Camels held by 71Sqn at Castle Bromwich awaiting embarkation orders.
18Dec17 Departed Castle Bromwich with 17 other Camels in a Squadron Formation of 3 flights of six aircraft. Ordered to fly to St Omer airfield France via RFC Station Lympne, Kent. Remained at St Omer awaiting further orders.
The 18 Camels were:
B2474 B2478 B2482 B2483 B2488 B2489 B2490 B2527 B2531
B2535 B4623 B5217 B5229 B5552 B5553 B5568 B5602 B5625
22Dec17 One of 10 Camels that departed for Bruay airfield in Burgundy Province, France. The 10 Camels were:
B2478 B2482 B2483 B2488 B2490
B2527 B2531 B5552 B5568 B5625
03Jan18 CPT N.L Petchler ferried the machine from 1ASD to Bruay airfield. TOC and issued to C Flight.
09Jan18 1st Combat Mission. CPT N.L Petchler departed Bruay at 1030hrs leading five B Flight Camels for an Offensive Patrol and escort for British photography machines in the Arras region. RTB safely at 1200hrs.
30Jan18 CPT N.L Petchler was returning from a Close Offensive Patrol when his engine cut out when landing causing the machine to crash land. Moderate damage to the machine and no injury reported.
00Feb18 Clérget 9B rotary engine Serial No.R1016 replaced by Serial No. R1804.
21Feb18 2nd Lt A.W Couston departed Bruay with three other A Flight Camels for a Close Offensive Patrol near Loos. The aircraft failed to return and was last seen engaging two enemy Scouts near Haubourdin on the outskirts of Loos. Lt Couston was reported MIA but was later learned he had been shot down and made a POW.
AFC pilot Lieutenant Alexander Wallace Couston MC MID was wounded in action and Interned in the Holzminden POW Camp, Lower Saxony in Germany until his release after the Armistice. He was initially repatriated to the Prince of Wales Hospital UK on 19Dec18 and then repatriated to Australia on 16Mar19 aboard the SS Czarita.
00Nov17 Built as B5553 the 3rd of 100 Sopwith Camel 1F.1 aircraft built in the Serial Range B5551 to B5650 under licence by Ruston, Proctor & Co. Ltd in their UK factory at Lincoln, Lincolnshire UK. Built to Contract AS1809/17 dated 06 June 1917. Fitted with a 130hp (97kW) Clérget 9B nine-cylinder air-cooled rotary engine Serial No.20939.
00Nov17 Taken on charge by the Royal Flying Corps (RFC) for acceptance checks by No.4 Aircraft Acceptance Park (4AAP) at Lincoln.
20Nov17 Allocated to the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) in France
21Nov17 Allocation cancelled. Reallocated to No.71 Sqn (Australian) Royal Flying Corps at RFC Station Castle Bromwich, West Midlands.
00Nov17 Received for use by 71Sqn (Australian).
18Dec17 Departed Castle Bromwich with 17 other Camels in a Squadron Formation of 3 flights of six aircraft. Ordered to fly to St Omer airfield France via RFC Station Lympne, Kent. Remained at St Omer awaiting further orders.
The 18 Camels were:
B2474 B2478 B2482 B2483 B2488 B2489 B2490 B2527 B2531
B2535 B4623 B5217 B5229 B5552 B5553 B5568 B5602 B5625
22Dec17 Remained at St Omer awaiting further orders. Ten of the above Camels departed for Bruay airfield in Burgundy Province, France. However, B2474, B2489, B2535, B5217 and B5553 all remained at St Omer for repair of defects detected on the 1st leg of the ferry flight. Additionally, B4623, B5229 and B5602 were taken to 1ASD Repair Park to have more substantial problems rectified.
25Dec17 B2535 [CPT G.C Matthews], B5553 [Lt E.B Nelson] and B5217 [2nd Lt E.F Pflaum] departed St Omer at 1210hrs for the 20min ferry flight Bruay airfield.
03Jan18 On a Gunnery practice mission the airscrew was shot through. Lt E.B Nelson landed safely at Bruay.
09Jan18 1st Combat Mission. Lt E.B Nelson departed Bruay at 1030hrs with five B Flight Camels for an Offensive Patrol and escort for British photography machines in the Arras region. RTB safely at 1200hrs.
11Jan18 Clérget rotary engine Serial No.20939 replaced by No.5103.
28Jan18 Lt E.B Nelson was about to land after returning from an Offensive Patrol when he lost control and crashed on the runway. Nelson was pulled alive from the wreckage and rushed to the 18th Casualty Clearance Station but died from his wounds the following day.
AFC pilot Lieutenant Eric Benjamin Nelson (26) of McMahons Point Sydney, NSW is buried in Grave No VI.B.5 of the B.E.F Cemetery Lapugnoy in Nord Pas De Calais, France. He is also remembered at Location 187 in the Commemorative Area at the Australian War Memorial, Canberra ACT.
Lapugnoy Military Cemetery, France
29Jan18 Wreckage transported to 1ASD Repair Park
31Jan18 Wreckage assessed as Not Worthy of Repair. SOC and converted to components.
00Nov17 Built as B5614 the 64th of 100 Sopwith Camel 1F.1 aircraft built in the Serial Range B5551 to B5650 under licence by Ruston, Proctor & Co. Ltd in their UK factory at Lincoln, Lincolnshire UK. Built to Contract AS1809/17 dated 06 June 1917. Fitted with a 130hp (97kW) Clérget 9B nine-cylinder air-cooled rotary engine Serial No.R1931WD1560.
00Nov17 Taken on charge by the Royal Flying Corps (RFC) for acceptance checks by No.4 Aircraft Acceptance Park (4AAP) at Lincoln.
00Dec17 Allocated to No.30 (Australian) Training Squadron at RFC Station Ternhill, Shropshire UK.
12Dec17 Received by 30TS.
24Dec17 Lt A.E P Mott was on a local aerobatics test flight over the sea when, for reasons unknown, he lost control at approximately 1110hrs. Four witnesses saw the aircraft descending in inverted flight before it crashed into the sea 2km from Scurdyness. Lt Mott was drowned and is body not recovered until late January 1918
23Jan18 AFC pilot Lieutenant Arthur Ernest Percival Mott (22) single, of Moonee Ponds, Melbourne VIC is buried in Grave No.33 Section 7 Class A of the Sleepy Hillock Cemetery in Montrose, Scotland. He is also remembered at Location 187 in the Commemorative Area at the Australian War Memorial, Canberra ACT.
Sleepyhillock Montrose, Scotland
00Nov17 Built as B5629 the 79th of 100 Sopwith Camel 1F.1 aircraft built in the Serial Range B5551 to B5650 under licence by Ruston, Proctor & Co. Ltd in their UK factory at Lincoln, Lincolnshire UK. Built to Contract AS1809/17 dated 06 June 1917. Fitted with a 130hp (97kW) Clérget 9B nine-cylinder air-cooled rotary engine Serial No.21106.
00Dec17 Taken on charge by the Royal Flying Corps (RFC) for acceptance checks by No.4 Aircraft Acceptance Park (4AAP) at Lincoln.
07Dec17 Allocated to the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) in France
00Dec17 Received by No.8AAP at RFC Station Lympne, Kent.
00Dec17 Received by No.1 Aeroplane Supply Depot (1ASD) at St Omer airfield in Nord Pas-de-Calais, France.
00Dec17 Allocated to No.71 Sqn (Australian) Royal Flying Corps at Bruay airfield in Burgundy, France.
22Dec17 Received by 1ASD Issues Section at Serny airfield, 22km SE of St Omer airfield in Nord Pas-de-Calais.
03Jan18 2nd Lt W.H Brasch departed 1ASD at 1545hrs for the 20min ferry flight to Bruay. TOC and issued to A Flight and assigned to CPT G.C Matthews.
10Jan18 1st Combat Mission. CPT G.C Matthews departed Bruay at 1020hrs leading three other A Flight Camels for an Offensive Patrol near Lille. RTB Safely at 1150hrs.
06Feb18 Lt A.H Cobby departed Bruay with four other Camels for a Close Offensive Patrol near Radinghen. Lt Cobby failed to return and was reported as Missing. It was later learned that Lt Cobby had engine problems and landed at Poperinghe where he remained until his engine was repaired. RTB at 1440hrs on 08Feb18.
16Mar18 2nd Lt P.K Schafer departed Bruay at 0910hrs with four other A Flight Camels for a Bombing sortie against the Douai Railway Station along with five Camels from B Flight. Three of the B Flight Camels were forced to abort but the remaining seven pressed on to bomb the station. After climbing back to altitude the Camels were attacked by 16+ Fokkers from Richtofen’s Red Circus. Lt Schafer was attacked by six EA but managed to escape and eventually crash landed at Bruay airfield with more than 60 bullet holes in the aircraft.
02Apr18 2nd Lt P.K Schafer MM departed Bruay at 0700hrs for an Offensive Patrol. RTB at 0725 with engine problems.
00Apr18 Clérget 9B rotary engine Serial No.21106 replaced by the upgraded 140hp (104kW) Clérget 9Bf engine Serial No.R1365
29Apr18 All of 4 Sqn’s Camels were forced by the German Spring Offensive to move from Bruay to Clairmarais North Aerodrome 6km NE of St Omer, Pas-de-Calais where they joined 11th Wing, part of the British 2nd Army. The following 23 machines flew to Clairmarais at the times shown:
A Flight B Flight C Flight
1645-1715hrs 1705-1745hrs 1715-1745hrs
D1818 CPT W.B Tunbridge C8261 CPT G.F Malley B5646 CPT N.L Petchler
B2527 2nd Lt W.A Armstrong B2435 Lt G. Nowland B5644 2nd Lt T.G Oliver
B2535 2nd Lt L.R Sinclair B5625 2nd Lt A. Rintoul B7382 Lt F.W Webster
C8226 Lt G.H Pierce B5629 2nd Lt B.W Wright B7406 Lt H.G Watson
D1838 Lt N.C Trescowthick B5647 Lt A. Finnie B7480 Lt O.C Barry
D6506 Lt E.R King C8300 Lt J.H Weingarth B7494 Lt O. Lamplough
D6520 Lt A.D Pate C8231 Lt E.R Jeffree D1846 Lt V.G.M Sheppard
D1863 LT P.K Schafer D1884 Lt R.C Nelson
04May18 Lt B.W Wright departed Bruay at 0530hrs with four other Camels for a Close Offensive Patrol between Vieux Berquin and Nerf Berquin. At 0605hrs the machine was shot down in flames by enemy aircraft and seen to crash near Berquin. Lt Wright was posted as MIA but it was later earned that he had been shot down and killed by Leutnant Schultz of Jasta 18.
RAF pilot Lieutenant B W Wright (23) single, bank clerk from Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire was buried in the Outtersteene Communal Cemetery Extension, Bailleul
Outtersteene Communal Cemetery, Bailleul France
06May18 Aircraft SOC.
00Nov17 Built as B5635 the 85th of 100 Sopwith Camel 1F.1 aircraft built in the Serial Range B5551 to B5650 under licence by Ruston, Proctor & Co. Ltd in their UK factory at Lincoln, Lincolnshire UK. Built to Contract AS1809/17 dated 06 June 1917. Fitted with a 130hp (97kW) Clérget 9B nine-cylinder air-cooled rotary engine Serial No.21099.
00Dec17 Taken on charge by the Royal Flying Corps (RFC) for acceptance checks by No.4 Aircraft Acceptance Park (4AAP) at Lincoln.
10Dec17 Allocated to the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) in France
00Dec17 Allocated to No.71 Sqn (Australian) Royal Flying Corps at Bruay airfield in Burgundy, France.
25Dec17 Received by No.1 Aeroplane Supply Depot (1ASD) at St Omer airfield in Nord Pas-de-Calais, France.
04Jan18 Received by 1ASD Issues Section at Serny airfield, 22km SE of St Omer airfield in Nord Pas-de-Calais.
07Jan18 2nd Lt J.C Courtney accompanied by Lt E.B Nelson in B5219 and 2nd Lt L.M Sampson in B7292 departed 1ASD 1400hrs for the 15min ferry flight to Bruay. TOC and issued to B Flight, assigned to 2nd Lt J.C Courtney.
09Jan18 1st Combat Mission. 2nd Lt J.C Courtney departed Bruay at 1030hrs with four B Flight Camels for an Offensive Patrol and escort for British photography machines in the Arras region. RTB safely at 1200hrs.
30Jan18 2nd Lt J.C Courtney departed Bruay with three other Camels for a Close Offensive Patrol over Douai. Upon return to Base the weather was atrocious and two machines [B5552 & B5635] crashed attempting to land; the two remaining machines diverted to alternate lading fields. Lt Courtney was uninjured and the aircraft sustained moderate to severe damage.
00Mar18 Aircraft repaired at unit. Clérget 9B engine Serial No.21099 replaced by No.20804.
15Mar18 10 machines departed Bruay in two flights of five at 0835 and 0845hrs for a Close Offensive Patrol and encountered several EA enroute. Lt J.C Courtney [B5635] and 2nd Lt A.W Adams both shot down an unidentified enemy Scout machine over Vitry-en-Artois.
16Mar18 Lt J.C Courtney departed Bruay at 0910hrs with four other B Flight Camels for a Bombing sortie against the Douai Railway Station along with five Camels from A Flight. Three of the B Flight Camels were forced to abort but the remaining seven pressed on to bomb the station. After climbing back to altitude the Camels were attacked by 16+ Fokkers from Richtofen’s Red Circus.
07Apr18 2nd Lt J.C Courtney departed Bruay with three other B Flight Camels for a Bombing & Close Offensive Patrol in the Armentières region. Amid heavy AAA fire Lt Courtney was last seen going down in flames near the village of Marquillies at 1115hrs. A message dropped by a German Flyer stated that Lt Courtney had died in the crash and was buried there by the Germans.
AFC pilot Lieutenant John Classon Courtney (24) of Manly, NSW has no known grave and is commemorated on the Arras Flying Services Memorial in the Faubourg-d'Amiens Cemetery, Arras, France. He is also remembered at Location 187 in the Commemorative Area at the Australian War Memorial, Canberra ACT.
00Nov17 Built as B5646 the 96th of 100 Sopwith Camel 1F.1 aircraft built in the Serial Range B5551 to B5650 under licence by Ruston, Proctor & Co. Ltd in their UK factory at Lincoln, Lincolnshire UK. Built to Contract AS1809/17 dated 06 June 1917. Fitted with a 130hp (97kW) Clérget 9B nine-cylinder air-cooled rotary engine Serial No.R1942.
00Dec17 Taken on charge by the Royal Flying Corps (RFC) for acceptance checks by No.4 Aircraft Acceptance Park (4AAP) at Lincoln.
04Dec17 Despatched in cases from Ruston, Proctor & Co to No.1 Aeroplane Supply Depot (1ASD) Reception Park at St Omer airfield, Pas De Calais, France. Aircraft assembled, tested and held in immediate issue storage.
09Mar18 Received by 1ASD Issues Section at Rely airfield, 20km SE of St Omer airfield.
00Mar18 Allocated to No.4 Sqn Australian Flying Corps at Bruay airfield in Burgundy, France.
27Mar18 2nd Lt H.H Browning departed 1ASD at 1525hrs for the 15min ferry flight to Bruay airfield.
03Apr18 1st Combat Mission. CPT N.L Petchler departed Bruay at 1125hrs for a Bombing mission against entrenched enemy troops in front of Lens. RTB safely at 1215hrs.
22Apr18 CPT N.L Petchler departed Bruay at 1620hrs with four other Camels for an Offensive Patrol near Melville. At 1640hrs the Patrol engaged a mixed force of Fokker and Albatros Scouts. CPT Petchler shot down an Albatross Scout near Melville at 1650hrs.
26Apr18 Clérget 9B rotary engine Serial No.R1942 replaced by the upgraded 140hp (104kW) Clerget 9Bf Serial No.R1971.
29Apr18 All of 4 Sqn’s Camels were forced by the German Spring Offensive to move from Bruay to Clairmarais North Aerodrome 6km NE of St Omer, Pas-de-Calais where they joined 11th Wing, part of the British 2nd Army. The following 23 machines flew to Clairmarais at the times shown:
A Flight B Flight C Flight
1645-1715hrs 1705-1745hrs 1715-1745hrs
D1818 CPT W.B Tunbridge C8261 CPT G.F Malley B5646 CPT N.L Petchler
B2527 2nd Lt W.A Armstrong B2435 Lt G. Nowland B5644 2nd Lt T.G Oliver
B2535 2nd Lt L.R Sinclair B5625 2nd Lt A. Rintoul B7382 Lt F.W Webster
C8226 Lt G.H Pierce B5629 2nd Lt B.W Wright B7406 Lt H.G Watson
D1838 Lt N.C Trescowthick B5647 Lt A. Finnie B7480 Lt O.C Barry
D6506 Lt E.R King C8300 Lt J.H Weingarth B7494 Lt O. Lamplough
D6520 Lt A.D Pate C8231 Lt E.R Jeffree D1846 Lt V.G.M Sheppard
D1863 LT P.K Schafer D1884 Lt R.C Nelson
11May18 10 Camels in two flights of five led by CPT N.L Petchler and CPT G.F Malley departed Clairmarais at 1835hrs as escorts for No.110 (Naval) Sqn RAF on a bombing mission against ammunition dumps at Armentières. After successfully bombing the dumps the formation was attacked by 30+ enemy scouts. CPT Petchler shot down an Albatros D.V and severely damaged two others during this engagement.
29May18 Lt W.S Martin was departing Clairmarais at 1025hrs for an Offensive Patrol when the tail skid broke off. Upon return the aircraft sustained further damage to the lower rear fuselage.
30May18 Lt W.S Martin was departing Clairmarais at 1525hrs for an Offensive Patrol when the engine seized after a connecting rod sheared away.
12Jun18 Lt W.S Martin was one of 10 Camels that departed Clairmarais at 1040hrs for a combined Bombing & Offensive Patrol in the Merville-Bailleul area. When engaging enemy balloons near Estaires Lt Martin shot down one balloon before being attacked and shot down by Pfalz scouts. Lt Martin was posted as MIA but it was later learned he was killed in the engagement. Martin was probably shot down by Leutnant von Barnekow of Jasta 20.
AFC pilot No.12468 2nd Lieutenant William Stanberry Martin (22) single of East Geelong, VIC is buried in Plot II, Row D, Grave No.34 of the Ebblinghem Military Cemetery 6km WNW of Hazebrouck in th Pas-De-Calais France.
Ebblinghem Military Cemetery, France
00Nov17 Built as B5649 the 99th of 100 Sopwith Camel 1F.1 aircraft built in the Serial Range B5551 to B5650 under licence by Ruston, Proctor & Co. Ltd in their UK factory at Lincoln, Lincolnshire UK. Built to Contract AS1809/17 dated 06 June 1917. Fitted with a 130hp (97kW) Clérget 9B nine-cylinder air-cooled rotary engine Serial No.1968WD15097.
00Dec17 Taken on charge by the Royal Flying Corps (RFC) for acceptance checks by No.4 Aircraft Acceptance Park (4AAP) at Lincoln.
13Dec17 Allocated to the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) in France
00Dec17 Allocated to No.71 Sqn (Australian) Royal Flying Corps at Bruay airfield in Burgundy, France.
04Jan18 Received by No.1 Aeroplane Supply Depot (1ASD) at St Omer airfield in Nord Pas-de-Calais, France.
10Jan18 Transferred from 1ASD Reception Park to 1ASD Issues Section at Serny airfield, 22km SE of St Omer airfield Nord Pas-de-Calais, France.
18Jan18 Lt F.S Woolhouse departed 1ASD at 1145hrs accompanied by Lt A.V Lawson in B3903 and Lt A.H Cobby in B5647 for the 15min ferry flight to Bruay airfield. However, at 1210hrs developed engine problems and crashed at Choques Airfield when attempting to land.
20Jan18 Machine repaired and flown to Bruay at 1320hrs. TOC and issued to B Flight, assigned to Lt F.S Woolhouse.
22Jan18 1st Combat Mission. Lt F.S Woolhouse departed Bruay at 1500hrs with two other B Flight Camels for an Offensive Patrol near Lille. RTB Safely at 1610hrs.
17Feb18 2nd Lt F.S Woolhouse crashed a Rumpler C west of Lille at 14145hrs.
18Feb18 2nd Lt F.S Woolhouse departed Brauy at 1600hrs for a Close Offensive Patrol near Lens. The flight was subjected to heavy AA fire and all three aircraft suffered damage to some degree. When landing at 1720hrs the aircraft crash landed on the runway as a result of combat damage. Lt Woolhouse was uninjured.
00Feb18 Aircraft repaired at Unit.
08Mar18 At 1000hrs 12 machines departed Bruay on an Offensive Patrol near Armentieres. A force of enemy aircraft was spotted and attacked West of Douai. CPT D.P Flockart [B5625] and Lt F.S Woolhouse [B5649] shot down an enemy Albatross Scout between Lens and Arras and Lt F.J Scott [B3903] forced down a two-seater Rumpler near Lens.
17Mar18 2nd Lt P.K Schafer was forced to abort a take-off for an Offensive patrol at 1605hrs when he suffered a complete engine failure.
00Mar18 Clérget 9B engine Serial No. 968WD15097 replaced by No.R1002.
26Mar18 Lt G.F Malley aborted take-off for a Bombing Mission at 1105hrs with engine problems. Repairs were effected and LT Malley departed at 1205hrs for a 55min Bombing sortie against advancing enemy troops. After a quick re-arm Lt Malley began to take-off at 1455hrs for another Bombing sortie but crashed immediately after lift-off when the engine failed. The aircraft suffered minor to moderate damage and the pilot was uninjured.
10Apr18 Lt F.S Woolhouse departed Bruay with five other A Flight Camels at 0800hrs for a Bombing/Interdiction Patrol against a large body of enemy troops at the Rouge Croix crossroads between Neuve Chapelle and Estaires. At approximately 0835hrs Woolhouse was strafing enemy troops when his machine was hit by AA fire. He was then seen to zoom up then nose dive into the ground east of Laventie. Lt F.S Woolhouse was initially posted as MIA, but a later Court of Enquiry determined that he had been killed in action.
AFC pilot Lieutenant Fred Smith Woolhouse (22) of Roebourne, WA has no known grave and is commemorated on Memorial No.18 in the Pont-De-Hem Military Cemetery, La Gorgue 5km south of Estaires in Nord-Pas-de-Calais-Picardie, France. He is also remembered at Location 187 in the Commemorative Area at the Australian War Memorial, Canberra ACT.
00Feb18 Built as B7180 the 50th of 50 Sopwith Camel 1F.1 aircraft built in the Serial Range B7131 to B7180 under licence by Portholme Aerodrome Company in their facility at Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire. Built to Contract 87/A/1836 dated 24 July 1917. Fitted with a 130hp (97kW) Clérget 9B nine-cylinder air-cooled rotary engine Serial No.R1479.
00Mar18 Taken on charge by the Royal Flying Corps (RFC) for acceptance checks by No.3 Aircraft Acceptance Park (3AAP) at Norwich, Norfolk.
28Mar18 Allocated to the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) in France.
00Apr18 Received by No.8AAP at RFC Station Lympne, Kent.
06May18 Despatched by air to the Reception Park of No. 1 Aeroplane Supply Depot (1ASD) at St Omer airfield in Nord Pas-de-Calais, France.
00May18 Allocated to No.4 (F) Sqn Australian Flying Corps (AFC) at Clairmarais North Aerodrome 6km NE of St Omer, Pas-de-Calais
14May18 Transferred to 1ASD Issues Section at Rely airfield, 20km SE of St Omer airfield.
00May18 The aircraft’s engine was upgraded to the 140hp (104kW) Clerget 9Bf standard.
24May18 Lt V.G M Sheppard departed 1ASD Issues Section at 1315hrs for the 10min ferry flight to Clairmarais.
26May18 1st Combat Mission. Lt V.G Sheppard departed Clairmarais at 1610hrs with 11 other Camels for a combined Bombing & Close Offensive Patrol near Estaires. RTB safely at 1715hrs.
00Jun18 Clérget 9B rotary engine Serial No.R1479 replaced by No2430LWD34727.
30Jun18 24 Camels departed Clairmarais at various times to move to the Squadron’s new operating base at Reclinghem airfield, 23km SW of Clairmarais. The following eight C Flight Camels departed at 1150hrs and arrived Reclinghem aerodrome at 1205hrs:
D1961 CPT E.J McClaughry D1957 Lt V.G.M Sheppard D6526 2nd Lt R.H Youdale
B7180 2nd Lt R.T.C Baker D9452 Lt E.V Culverwell D6690 Lt E.C Crosse
C8300 Lt H.G Watson D1901 Lt R.C Nelson.
22Jul18 Aircraft declared as unfit for further front line service.
29Jul18 CPT G.F Malley departed Reclinghem at 1230hrs for the 40min ferry flight to 1ASD Repair Park at Marquise airfield for assessment. Assessed as fit for training purposes.
00Jul18 Flown to the UK and issued to No.29 Training Depot Squadron at Beaulieu, Hampshire. Now fitted with a Le Rhône 9J 110hp (82kW) rotary engine No.101997WD45496.
30Oct18 2nd Lt E.P.A Topley was killed when the aircraft stalled in a climbing turn and crashed to earth.
He was buried at EAST BOLDRE (ST. PAUL) CHURCHYARD Beaulieu
East Boldre Churchyard
00Feb18 Built as B7480 the 200th of 200 Sopwith Camel 1F.1 aircraft built in the Serial Range B7281 to B7480 under licence by Ruston, Proctor & Co. Ltd in their UK factory at Lincoln, Lincolnshire UK. Built to Contract AS1809/19 dated 24 July 1917. Fitted with a 130hp (97kW) Clérget 9B nine-cylinder air-cooled rotary engine Serial No.R2151.
23Jan18 Allocated to the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) in France.
18Feb18 Despatched in cases from Ruston, Proctor & Co to No.1 Aeroplane Servicing Depot (1ASD) at St Omer airfield, Pas-de-Calais France for assembly and testing.
24Feb18 Received by 1ASD.
00Mar18 Allocated to No.4 (F) Sqn Australian Flying Corps (AFC) at Bruay airfield Burgundy, 44km SE of St Omer airfield Nord Pas-de-Calais, France.
15Mar18 Received by 1ASD Issues Section at Serny airfield, 22km SE of St Omer airfield Nord Pas-de-Calais, France.
08Apr18 Lt E.R King departed 1ASD at 1540hrs for the 30min ferry flight to Bruay airfield. Aircraft TOC and issued to C Flight, assigned to Lt O.G Barry.
00Apr18 Clérget 9B rotary engine Serial No.R2151 replaced by the upgraded 140hp (104kW) Clérget 9Bf engine Serial No.R1915WD30514.
10Apr18 1st Combat Mission. Lt O.G Barry departed Bruay at 1350hrs with seven other C Flight Camels for a Bombing/Interdiction mission against advancing enemy troops and vehicles near Vieille-Chapelle.
29Apr18 All of 4 Sqn’s Camels were forced by the German Spring Offensive to move from Bruay to Clairmarais North Aerodrome 6km NE of St Omer, Pas-de-Calais where they joined 11th Wing, part of the British 2nd Army. The following 23 machines flew to Clairmarais at the times shown:
A Flight B Flight C Flight
1645-1715hrs 1705-1745hrs 1715-1745hrs
D1818 CPT W.B Tunbridge C8261 CPT G.F Malley B5646 CPT N.L Petchler
B2527 2nd Lt W.A Armstrong B2435 Lt G. Nowland B5644 2nd Lt T.G Oliver
B2535 2nd Lt L.R Sinclair B5625 2nd Lt A. Rintoul B7382 Lt F.W Webster
C8226 Lt G.H Pierce B5629 2nd Lt B.W Wright B7406 Lt H.G Watson
D1838 Lt N.C Trescowthick B5647 Lt A. Finnie B7480 Lt O.C Barry
D6506 Lt E.R King C8300 Lt J.H Weingarth B7494 Lt O. Lamplough
D6520 Lt A.D Pate C8231 Lt E.R Jeffree D1846 Lt V.G.M Sheppard
D1863 LT P.K Schafer D1884 Lt R.C Nelson
11May18 10 Camels in two flights of five led by CPT N.L Petchler and CPT G.F Malley departed Clairmarais at 1835hrs as escorts for No.110 (Naval) Sqn RAF on a bombing mission against ammunition dumps at Armentières. After successfully bombing the dumps the formation was attacked by 30+ enemy scouts. Lt Barry was engaged by multiple enemy and despite a strenuous defence he seen to go down in flames just west of Armentieres.
AFC pilot Lieutenant Owen Cressy Barry (25) single Neutral Bay, Sydney NSW has no known grave and is commemorated on The Arras Flying Services Memorial in the Faubourg-d'Amiens Cemetery, Arras France. He is also remembered at Location 187 in the Commemorative Area at the Australian War Memorial, Canberra ACT.
Faubourg d'Amiens Cemetery, Arras France
00Nov17 Built as B9248 the 118th of 200 Sopwith Camel 1F.1 aircraft built in the Serial Range B9131 to B9330 under licence by Boulton & Paul Ltd in their facility at Norwich, Norfolk. Built to Contract AS7737 dated 02 August 1917. Fitted with a 130hp (97kW) Clérget 9B nine-cylinder air-cooled rotary engine Serial No.R1834WD14963.
00Nov17 Taken on charge by the Royal Flying Corps (RFC) for acceptance checks by No.3 Aircraft Acceptance Park (3AAP) at Norwich, Norfolk.
14Jan18 Allocated to No.6 Training Squadron, 1st Wing, Australian Flying Corps at RFC Ternhill, Shropshire UK.
19Jan18 Received for use by 6TS.
25Feb18 Moved from Ternhill to RFC Minchinhampton, Gloucestershire when 6TS was relocated
04Apr18 Instructor pilot 2nd Lt E.D Grant was stunting over the airfield at Minchinhampton when he tried to half roll at 100ft above the ground and was unable to regain control before crashing to earth. The machine was destroyed and Lt Grant was killed.
09Apr18 AFC pilot 2nd Lieutenant Eric Duncan Grant (20), single of Putney, London was buried in a Private Family Grave in the Putney Vale Cemetery in Putney, London England. He is also remembered at Location 187 in the Commemorative Area at the Australian War Memorial, Canberra
PMcG 2020-04-13
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning we will remember them. - Laurence Binyon
All site material (except as noted elsewhere) is owned or managed by Aircrew Remembered and should not be used without prior permission.