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Paul McGuiness RAAF Archive
Paul McGuiness is an Australian aviation researcher and historian. Using primary sources he has assembled detailed information on the history of each plane
used by Australians and Australian forces in WWl and WW2, and on personnel involved.

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Paul McGuiness Biography

History of Australian Military Aviation

First World War

Armstrong Whitworth FK3

Avro 504

Bristol F2b Fighter

Fairey Aviation Model lllD Seaplane

Martinsyde G.100 G 102 Elephant

Maurice Farman S.11 Shorthorn

Royal Aircraft Factory BE2

Royal Aircraft Factory BE12

Royal Aircraft Factory RE.8

Royal Aircraft Factory SE5A Experimental Scout

Sopwith Camel B Series

Sopwith Camel C D E F Series

Sopwith Snipe

Sopwith Scout (Pup)

Sopwith 1½ Strutter

Supermarine Seagull lll

Supermarine Southampton Mk 1

Westland Wapiti

Post First World War

Bristol Bulldog

De Havilland DH.9A

Hawker Demon

Royal Aircraft Factory SE.5A

Avro 504K

Second World War

3 Sqn Gladiators 1940-1941

3 Sqn Gauntlets 1940-1941

10 Sqn Sunderlands

451 Sqn Spitfires Med 43-44 Europe 44-46

452 Sqn Spitfires Europe 41-42

455 Sqn Hampdens 1941-43

458 Sqn Wellingtons

460 Sqn Wellingtons

461 Sqn Sunderlands

462 Sqn Halifax Part 1 MTO

462 Sqn Aug 44 May 45 Part 2 ETO

466 Sqn Wellingtons

Further Information:

Aces and Aviators WWl Database

Material Relating to Australia

RAAF/Australia Links

Allied Losses Database - RAAF

RAAF Honour Roll

Kracker Luftwaffe Archive - RAAF

Battle of Britain Database - RAAF

Allied Graves Worldwide - RAAF

Aircraft Types Used By Australian Forces 1914 - 1918

Sopwith Snipe

Used by 5 Sqd (Australia) Training AFC, 8 Sqd (Australia) Training AFC

The Sopwith 7F.1 Snipe was a British single-seat biplane fighter of the Royal Air Force (RAF). It was designed and built by the Sopwith Aviation Company during the First World War, and came into squadron service a few weeks before the end of the conflict, in late 1918. The Snipe was not a fast aircraft by the standards of its time, but its excellent climb and manoeuvrability made it a good match for contemporary German fighters. It was selected as the standard postwar single-seat RAF fighter and the last examples were not retired until 1926.


00Aug18 Built as Serial E8038 the 52nd of 300 Sopwith 7F.1 Snipe aircraft built in the Serial Range E7987 to E8286 by the Sopwith Aviation Company in their facilities at Ham near Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, UK. Built to Contract 35A/432/C300 dated 03 April 1918. Fitted with a Bentley B.R.2 230hp (170 kW) 9 cylinder rotary engine Serial No.5005WD42422

00Aug18 Taken on charge by the RFC for acceptance testing by No.10 Aircraft Acceptance Park at Brooklands.

00Aug18 Allocated to the Expeditionary Force, France.

00Sep18 Despatched by air to No.1 Aeroplane Servicing Depot (1ASD) at Marquise airfield, Nord Pas-de-Calais France. Placed into reserve storage.

00Sep18 Allocated to No.4 Squadron at Serny airfield, Nord Pas-de-Calais, 21km SW of St Omer.

03Oct18 One of six aircraft that departed 1ASD Issues Section at 1735hrs for the 40min ferry flight to Serny airfield

E8050 MAJ W.A McClaughry E8088 Lt H.C Trescowthick

E8062 Lt R.T.C Baker E8065 Lt H.W Ross

E8038 LT V.G.M Sheppard E8063 Lt J.W Wright

07Oct18 MAJ W.A McClaughry flew a successful 20min acceptance test flight.

08Oct18 1st Combat Mission. MAJ W.A McClaughry departed Serny at 1015hrs as one of six C Flight machines led by CPT J.W Wright for an uneventful Offensive Patrol in the Menin-Lille-Lens area.

2nd Combat Mission. MAJ W.A McClaughry departed Serny at 1620hrs as one of six B Flight machines led by CPT H.G Watson for an Offensive Patrol in the Lille-Pont a Vendin area. At 1700hrs the patrol met a lone Fokker D.VII below the flight just east of Lille. MAJ McClaughry dived to attack and after two passes shot down the Fokker near Lille

16Oct18 One of three Snipes on an Offensive Patrol in the Lens-Armentieres area. Extreme weather conditions forced the three machines to land at Vert Galand. E8082 (Lt E.J Richards) and E8038 (Lt P.W Symons) landed OK but E8075 (Lt G.F.A Johnson) crash landed causing moderate damage.

20Oct18 The following 12 aircraft departed Serny airfield at 1400-1500hrs for the ferry flight to the new operating Base at Auchel airfield in Pas-De-Calais, 72km NNE of Amiens.

E8100 Lt W.C Trescowthick E8064 Lt A.J Palliser

E8088 2nd Lt T.H Barkell E8063 CPT J.W Wright

E8094 Lt E.A Cato E8038 Lt P.W Symons

E8069 Lt H.W Ross E8062 Lt RTC Baker

E8073 CPT H.G Watson E8092 Lt H.W Ross

E8065 Lt A.T Heller E8099 Lt M.T.G Cottam

26Oct18 The following seven Snipes departed Auchel at 0740hrs for the ferry flight to the Squadron’s new operating base at Grand Ennetières aerodrome, 6km south of Lille. The flight landed at Seclin airfield because of weather conditions and waited until conditions improved and completed the flight at 1100hrs.

E8056 2nd Lt A.G Packer E8038 Lt P.W Symons E8082 2nd Lt E. J Richards

E8121 Lt O. Lamplough E8022 Lt C.W Stevens E8103 Lt J.P Trim

E8063 Lt R.H Youdale

01Nov18 Lt P.W Symons departed Grand Ennetières at 1000hrs with 11 other Snipes for an Offensive Patrol in the Celles-Leuze-Stambruges area. At 1020hrs Symone was forced to withdraw from the Patrol and RETB with a badly misfiring engine. At 1150hrs Lt Symons flew a successful 25min engine test flight.

04Nov18 One of 15 Snipes that departed on an Offensive Patrol NE of Tournai. They met 15 Fokker Biplanes stacked between 8000 and 12000ft north east of Leuze. Lt P.W Symons was last seen in a dogfight north west of Buissenal and failed to return. Posted as MIA.

14Feb19 A Court of Enquiry held in Cologne, Germany determined that Lt Symons was killed in action on 05Nov18.

AFC pilot Lieutenant Parker Whitely Symons (25) of Moonta SA was initially buried in the Russeignies Churchyard, Belgium. He was later reinterred Grave A.9 Section XVIII of the Cement House Cemetery in Langemark, Belgium. He is also remembered at Location 187 in the Commemorative Area at the Australian War Memorial, Canberra ACT.

cement house cemetery belgium

Cement House Cemetery, West Flanders Belgium


00Aug18 Built as Serial E8052 the 66th of 300 Sopwith 7F.1 Snipe aircraft built in the Serial Range E7987 to E8286 by the Sopwith Aviation Company in their facilities at Ham near Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, UK. Built to Contract 35A/432/C300 dated 03 April 1918. Fitted with a Bentley B.R.2 230hp (170 kW) 9 cylinder rotary engine Serial No.50WD43464.

00Aug18 Taken on charge by the RFC for acceptance testing by No.10 Aircraft Acceptance Park at Brooklands.

00Sep18 Allocated to the Expeditionary Force, France.

29Sep18 Despatched by air to No.1 Aeroplane Servicing Depot (1ASD) at Marquise airfield, Nord Pas-de-Calais France. Placed into reserve storage.

00Sep18 Allocated to No.4 Squadron at Serny airfield, Nord Pas-de-Calais, 21km SW of St Omer.

03Oct18 One of six aircraft that departed 1ASD Issues Section at 1540hrs for the 40min ferry flight to Serny airfield

E8022 MAJ W.A McClaughry E8052 CPT E.R. King

E8069 Lt O.B Ramsay E8073 Lt R.W Ross

E8100 2nd Lt T.H Barkell E8056 Lt J.W Wright

05Oct18 Lt G. Jones flew a successful 20min acceptance test flight.

08Oct18 At 1530hrs Lt G. Jones flew a successful 15min acceptance test flight.

1st Combat Mission. At 1620hrs Lt G. Jones departed Serny with five other B Flight Snipes led by CPT H.G Watson for an Offensive Patrol in the Lille – Pont au Vendin area.

09Oct18 2nd Lt T.H Barkell departed Serny at 0850hrs on solo Special Reconnaissance mission. On the return leg Barkell shot down a balloon west of Douai.

18Oct18 Lt E.J Goodson departed at 1130hrs for an Offensive Patrol but RTB at 1210hrs with rigging problems.

21Oct18 Lt W.C Trescowthick and Lt A.J Palliser [8052] departed Serny at 1600 for the ferry to the squadron’s new operating base at Auchel airfield in Pas-De-Calais, 72km NNE of Amiens.

24Oct18 Because the Auchel airfield could not accommodate all of the Squadron’s aircraft E8052 was one of five that moved from Auchel to Seclin airfield, 30km east of Auchel. Flown by 2nd Lt T.H Barkell.

25Oct18 The following five machines departed Seclin at 1410hrs for the ferry flight to the new base at Grand Ennetières aerodrome, 6km south of Lille.

E8052 Lt G. Jones E8064 Lt A.J Palliser E8072 Lt E.J Goodson

E8070 Lt P.J Sims E8100 Lt W.C Trescowthick

26Oct18 CPT R. King departed Auchel airfield at 0930hrs with MAJ W.A McClaughry [E8096] for the ferry flight to the squadron’s new operating base at Grand Ennetières airfield, Nord Pas-de-Calais France. The pair first flew to Seclin airfield to supervise the detached aircraft departure for the new Base before they flew to Grand Ennetières.

At 1440hrs Lt T.H Barkell departed Grand Ennetières for an Offensive Patrol to Tournai leading four C Flight Snipes along with five B Flight Snipes all under the command of Lt T.C.R Baker. When approaching the patrol area Baker noticed a group of 15 Fokker Biplanes at 14000ft to the east and manoeuvered his Flights up-sun of the enemy before diving to attack. Barkell latched on to a grey and black Fokker D.VII with a white tail and fired 100 rounds into it from very close range. The Fokker started smoking and a short time later burst into flames then spiralling down to crash east of Tournai.

Five minutes later Barkell was attacked by two Fokkers and quickly manoeuvered behind one of his assailants and drove it down completely out of control. The second Fokker managed to fire a number of rounds into Barkell’s aircraft which caused him to disengage and head for home. However, damage to his machine and an increasing blood loss from serious wounds to his left thigh, buttock and lower torso forced Barkell to make an emergency landing at Peronne airfield in Belgium. Barkell was evacuated to the 63rd Casualty Clearance Station then on 28 October to the 4th Southern General Military hospital in Plymouth where he underwent convalescence before being repatriated back to Australia aboard the SS Lancashire on 7Feb19.

29Oct18 At 1545hrs 14 Snipes were on a Squadron Offensive Patrol NE of Tournai when they saw approximately 60+ Enemy Aircraft comprised of one or two LVG Scouts escorted by 60+ Fokker D.VII Biplanes stacked in layers between 6000 and 15000ft. At 1610hrs Lt Jones, with two others, followed 15 Fokkers that had broken away from the main group and were heading eastward for home. Shortly after 10 of the Fokkers dived to attack an RAF two-seater and the trio dived to intercept the attack. Jones selected a D.VII with a bright yellow fuselage, green wings with black stripes, a white rudder and green tail. He closed to point-blank range and fired 100 rounds into the centre mass, the Fokker immediately rolled over entered a wide spiralling turn and crashed just NE of Tournai.

Jones then quickly selected another dark camouflaged Fokker with a distinctive red and white tail and dived to attack. He bored in to very close range before firing a 50 round burst which caused the Fokker to stall and fall away issuing clouds of smoke. A short time later the machine was consumed by flames and fell out of the sky.

04Nov18 Lt G. Jones departed Serny at 1200hrs with 14 other Snipes led by CPT E.R King for an Offensive Patrol NE of Tournai. At 1305hrs they met a large group of Fokker D.VII biplanes north of Leuze stacked between 8000 and 12000ft. King signalled an immediate attack and 10 of the Snipes dived away leaving a top cover of four machines. Jones picked out a Fokker with an overall dark green camouflage and light green stripes on the tail and wings that was attacking an unidentified Snipe. Jones then manoeuvered to close range and fired a total of 250 rounds into it which resulted in the Fokker stalling and issuing dense black smoke. A few seconds later the machine burst into flames and fell away completely out of control and fully ablaze.

14Nov18 At 1000hrs 14 Snipes departed Grand Ennetières airfield for a Squadron Formation Practice sortie. At 1015hrs Lt L.K Swann lost control when performing a tight climbing turn, entered a spin at 300ft and crashed beside the aerodrome. The aircraft was extensively damaged and Lt Swann was admitted to the 63rd Casualty Clearance Station with very serious head, lower limb and upper torso injuries. Unfortunately, Lt Swann died at 2140hrs without regaining consciousness and was buried in the Ascq French Military Cemetery.


Ascq French Military Cemetery, France

AFC pilot Lieutenant Lyell Keith Swann MM (24) single of Keyneton, SA is buried in Grave D.12 of the Ascq French Military Cemetery, 6km East of Lille along the Lille-Tournai Road. He is also remembered at Location 187 in the Commemorative Area at the Australian War Memorial, Canberra ACT.

00Nov18 Wreckage transported to 1ASD where it was SOC.


00Aug18 Built as Serial E8062 the 76th of 300 Sopwith 7F.1 Snipe aircraft built in the Serial Range E7987 to E8286 by the Sopwith Aviation Company in their facilities at Ham near Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, UK. Built to Contract 35A/432/C300 dated 03 April 1918. Fitted with a Bentley B.R.2 230hp (170 kW) 9 cylinder rotary engine Serial No.32931WD43512.

00Aug18 Taken on charge by the RFC for acceptance testing by No.10 Aircraft Acceptance Park at Brooklands.

00Sep18 Allocated to the Expeditionary Force, France.

30Sep18 Despatched by air to No.1 Aeroplane Servicing Depot (1ASD) at Marquise airfield, Nord Pas-de-Calais France. Placed into reserve storage.

00Oct18 Allocated to No.4 Squadron at Serny airfield, Nord Pas-de-Calais, 21km SW of St Omer.

03Oct18 One of six aircraft that departed 1ASD Issues Section at 1735hrs for the 40min ferry flight to Serny airfield

E8050 MAJ W.A McClaughryE8088 Lt H.C Trescowthick

E8062 Lt R.T.C BakerE8065 Lt H.W Ross

E8038 LT V.G.M SheppardE8063 Lt J.W Wright

Aircraft TOC and issued to A Flight.

08Oct18 1st Combat Mission. Lt R.T.C Baker departed Serny at 1015hrs for an uneventful 95min Offensive Patrol in the Menin-Lille-Lens area.

21Oct18 One of 12 Snipe aircraft that departed Serny airfield at 1140hrs for the 10min ferry flight to the new operating Base at Auchel. Flown by Lt R.T.C Baker

25Oct18 Because the Auchel airfield could not accommodate all of the Squadron’s aircraft E8062 was one of five that moved from Auchel to Seclin airfield, 30km east of Auchel. Flown by Lt R.T.C Baker. Flew back to Auchel on 26Oct.

26Oct18 The following six Snipes departed Auchel at 0730hrs for the ferry flight to the Squadron’s new operating base at Grand Ennetières aerodrome, 6km south of Lille. The flight landed at Gondecourt airfield because of bad weather and waited until conditions improved before completing the flight at 1010hrs.

E8071 Lt T.C.R Baker E8099 Lt M.T.G Cottam E8092 Lt A.E James

E8073 Lt H.W Ross E8062 2nd Lt M.J Kilsby E8069 2nd Lt V.H Thornton

28Oct18 Lt T.C.R Baker was returning to Base at 1200hrs after completing a solo Special Mission when he noticed a group of SE5, Camel and Bristols duelling with a number of Fokker biplanes at 2000ft to the SE of Tournai. He joined the fray and selected what he thought was a flight leader because of the dark grey fuselage with black and white checked empennage and red zig-zag stripes on the rear fuselage and top wings. He closed in and fired 200 rounds from 100ft to 10ft and the Fokker D.VII turned over on its side, flattened out and then dived straight into the ground near Tournai.

29Oct18 Lt T.C.R Baker departed Grand Ennetières at 1430hrs leading 14 Snipes [five A Flight, six B Flight and three C Flight aircraft] for an Offensive Patrol near Tournai. CPT E.R King in E8100 was flying independently below and behind the Squadron patrol. At 1545hrs the patrol met approximately 60+ Enemy Aircraft at 14000ft NE of Tournai stacked in layers between 6000 and 14000ft, the enemy force comprised a few LVG Scouts escorted by approximately 60+ Fokker Biplanes. Baker led his formation up-sun of the German force and then dived to attack. Soon after the dog-fight started he noticed a Snipe going down with two Fokkers on its tail and immediately went to his companion’s aid. He selected the rearmost Fokker D.VII, which was painted overall in a sandy camouflage with black markings, closed to 100ft and fired 50 rounds into the centre section. The Fokker rolled over entered a vertical dive a crashed one mile NE of Tournai a short time later.

04Nov18 At 1140hrs 16 Snipes departed Grand Ennetières as escort to a mixed bomber force of 14 SE5 machines from 2 Sqn AFC and 14 DH9 RAF Machines for a bombing raid on the major German airfield at Chapelle-a-Wattines. East of Leuze. The Snipes were escorting the DH9s back to Base when they were attacked by a large force of Fokker Biplanes and Triplanes. The Snipes climbed to engage the Fokkers and after the dog fight ended three of the Snipes failed to format and were declared as MIA. CPT (T) T.C.R Baker was one of the three missing.

Baker was not reported as a POW and was subsequently declared killed in action by a Court of Enquiry held in Cologne, Germany on 28Feb19. Later still it was learned that he was buried by the Germans on 4Nov18 near where his plane crashed in Belgium.

AFC pilot Captain Thomas Charles Richmond Baker (21) single of Unley, SA is buried in Grave No.2 Row A of the Escanaffles Communal Cemetery, east of Renaix in Belgium. He is also remembered at Location 187 in the Commemorative Area at the Australian War Memorial, Canberra ACT.

escanaffles communal cemetery belgium

Escanaffles Communal Cemetery, Belgium


00Aug18 Built as Serial E8064 the 78th of 300 Sopwith 7F.1 Snipe aircraft built in the Serial Range E7987 to E8286 by the Sopwith Aviation Company in their facilities at Ham near Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, UK. Built to Contract 35A/432/C300 dated 03 April 1918. Fitted with a Bentley B.R.2 230hp (170 kW) 9 cylinder rotary engine Serial No.32951WD43532.

00Aug18 Taken on charge by the RFC for acceptance testing by No.10 Aircraft Acceptance Park at Brooklands.

00Sep18 Allocated to the Expeditionary Force, France.

30Sep18 Despatched by air to No.1 Aeroplane Servicing Depot (1ASD) at Marquise airfield, Nord Pas-de-Calais France. Placed into reserve storage.

00Sep18 Allocated to No.4 Squadron at Serny airfield, Nord Pas-de-Calais, 21km SW of St Omer.

07Oct18 One of seven aircraft that departed 1ASD Issues Section at 1735hrs for the 40min ferry flight to Serny airfield

E8099 2nd Lt C.V Ryrie E8096 Lt A.T Heller

E8070 2nd Lt P.J Sims E8107 CPT R. King

E8075 2nd Lt G.F.A Johnson E8082 Lt R.H Youdale

E8064 2nd Lt A.J Palliser Aircraft TOC and issued to C Flight.

14Oct18 1st Combat Mission. 2nd Lt A.J Palliser departed Serny at 0630hrs for an uneventful 1hr 55min Offensive Patrol in the La Besseau-Lille area.

20Oct18 One of 12 Snipe aircraft that departed Serny airfield at 1140hrs for the 10min ferry flight to the new operating Base at Auchel. Flown by 2nd Lt A.J Palliser

24Oct18 Because the Auchel airfield could not accommodate all of the Squadron’s aircraft E8062 was one of five that moved from Auchel to Seclin airfield, 30km east of Auchel. Flown by 2nd Lt A.J Palliser. Flew back to Auchel on 26Oct.

25Oct18 The following five machines departed Seclin at 1410hrs for the ferry flight to the new base at Grand Ennetières aerodrome, 6km south of Lille.

E8052 Lt G. Jones E8064 Lt A.J Palliser E8072 Lt E.J Goodson

E8070 Lt P.J Sims E8100 Lt W.C Trescowthick

28Oct18 At 1355hrs Lt A.J Palliser departed Grand Ennetières as one of seven C Flight Snipes along with five B Flight Snipes, all under the overall command of CPT E.R King, as escorts for 12 SE5s from 2Sqn AFC on a bombing raid against German forces in and around the town of Lessines, Belgium. At 1455hrs CPT King led the C Flight Snipes to attack a group of Fokker biplanes at 12,000ft over the town of Ath. Palliser found himself below and behind a Fokker D.VII camouflaged overall red, black and yellow with red bars on the fuselage and tail. Closing to 50ft Palliser fired 150 rounds causing the Fokker to roll onto its back and continue downward in that attitude until it crashed just south of Ath.

At 1500hrs Lt Palliser was climbing to reformat with his flight when he encountered a lone Fokker below him at 7,000ft. He immediately dived on the enemy and closed to point-blank range before firing 150 rounds into it causing immense damage. The Fokker D.VII, camouflaged an overall dark green, entered a wildly gyrating spin and crashed in a field SW of Ath.

29Oct18 Lt A.J Palliser departed Grand Ennetières at 1430 as one of three C Flight Snipes together with six B Flight and five A Fight machines, all under the command of Lt T.C.R Baker, for an Offensive Patrol east of Tournai. CPT E.R King in E8100 was flying independently below and behind the Squadron patrol. At 1545hrs the patrol met approximately 60+ Enemy Aircraft at 14000ft NE of Tournai stacked in layers between 6000 and 14000ft, the enemy force comprised a few LVG Scouts escorted by approximately 60+ Fokker Biplanes. Baker led his formation up-sun of the German force and then dived to attack.

Lt Palliser spotted a lone Fokker and promptly manoeuvered onto its tail. He opened fire and poured 100 rounds into the earth coloured machine and watched as it burst into flames and fell to earth NE of Tournai. Lt Palliser then found himself the centre of attention for four Fokkers and was forced to dive away and evade his attackers. As he zoomed up from his dive he found himself behind and above another flight of four Fokkers at 6000ft over Tournai. He selected the rear machine and closed to 100ft before firing two 50 round bursts and watched the Fokker D.VII flip inverted then fall away completely out of control with smoke and flames issuing from the enemy aircraft.

A few minutes later Lt Palliser had climbed back to 15,000ft to join the fray when he spotted a Fokker on the tail of one of his Squadron’s Snipes. Diving down he positioned behind the Fokker and fired 50 rounds from point-blank range which resulted in the Fokker rolling over and diving vertically until it crashed SE of Tournai.

30Oct18 Lt N.C Trescowthick was flying one of eleven Snipes led by CPT E.R King that departed Grand Ennetières at 1355hrs for an Offensive Patrol in the Ath-Rebaix-Leuze region. They met approximately 35 enemy scouts near Leuze stacked between 8000 and 12000ft. Lt Trescowthick saw a formation of 11 Fokkers preparing to dive on flight of RAF DH.9 bombers and dived to attack. He selected a black machine with a grey tail moving in to 30ft before firing 150 rounds into the machine. The Fokker then spiraled away and crashed 1km SE of Leuze.

04Nov18 One of 15 Snipes that departed on an Offensive Patrol NE of Tournai. They met and attacked 15 Fokker Biplanes stacked between 8000 and 12000ft north of Leuze. Lt A.J Palliser failed to retune to Base and was last seen dog fighting east of Buissenal. Palliser was not reported as a POW and was listed as MIA. He was subsequently declared killed in action by a Court of Enquiry held in Cologne, Germany on 28Feb19. Later still it was learned that he had been buried by the Germans on 4Nov18 in the German Cemetery east of the Anvaing Communal Cemetery, Belgium.

AFC pilot Lieutenant Arthur John Palliser (28) single of Ulverstone, TAS was exhumed in December 1919 by the War Graves Commission and reburied in Grave No.1 of the Anvaing Communal Cemetery north east of Tournai, Hainaut Province in Belgium. He is also remembered at Location 187 in the Commemorative Area at the Australian War Memorial, Canberra ACT.

anvaing churchyard belgium

Anvaing Churchyard, Belgium


00Aug18 Built as Serial E8070 the 84th of 300 Sopwith 7F.1 Snipe aircraft built in the Serial Range E7987 to E8286 by the Sopwith Aviation Company in their facilities at Ham near Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, UK. Built to Contract 35A/432/C300 dated 03 April 1918. Fitted with a Bentley B.R.2 230hp (170 kW) 9 cylinder rotary engine Serial No.54WD43468.

00Sep8 Taken on charge by the RFC for acceptance testing by No.10 Aircraft Acceptance Park at Brooklands.

00Sep18 Allocated to the Expeditionary Force, France.

30Sep18 Despatched by air to No.1 Aeroplane Servicing Depot (1ASD) at Marquise airfield, Nord Pas-de-Calais France. Placed into reserve storage.

00Sep18 Allocated to No.4 Squadron at Serny airfield, Nord Pas-de-Calais, 21km SW of St Omer.

07Oct18 One of seven aircraft that departed 1ASD Issues Section at 1735hrs for the 40min ferry flight to Serny airfield

E8099 2nd Lt C.V Ryrie E8096 Lt A.T Heller

E8070 2nd Lt P.J Sims E8107 CPT R. King

E8075 2nd Lt G.F.A Johnson E8082 Lt R.H Youdale

E8064 2nd Lt A.J Palliser Aircraft TOC and issued to C Flight.

14Oct18 1st Combat Mission. Lt P.J Sims departed Serny at 0605hrs for a 1hr 45min bombing sortie on the Phalempin railway station.

21Oct18 The following nine aircraft departed Serny airfield at 1145hrs for the 10min ferry flight to the new operating Base at Auchel.

A Flight B FlightC Flight

E8072 2nd Lt T.H Barkell E8058 Lt M.T.G Cottam E8082 CPT J.W Wright

E8117 Lt W.C Trescowthick E8103 Lt R.H Youdale E8071 Lt H.W Ross

E8121 Lt O. Lamplough E8070 Lt P.J Sims

E8096 MAJ W.A McClaughry

24Oct18 Because the Auchel airfield could not accommodate all of the Squadron’s aircraft E8069 was one of five that moved from Auchel to Seclin airfield, 30km east of Auchel. Flown by Lt P.J Sims.

25Oct18 The following five machines departed Seclin at 1410hrs for the ferry flight to the new base at Grand Ennetières aerodrome, 6km south of Lille.

E8052 Lt G. Jones E8064 Lt A.J Palliser E8072 Lt E.J Goodson

E8070 Lt P.J Sims E8100 Lt W.C Trescowthick

28Oct18 When taking off for an Offensive Patrol at 1440hrs a magneto failure caused an abort. Pilot Lt P.J Sims was uninjured.

29Oct18 Lt P.J Sims departed Grand Ennetières at 1430 as one of three C Flight Snipes together with six B Flight and five A Fight machines, all under the command of Lt T.C.R Baker, for an Offensive Patrol east of Tournai. CPT E.R King in E8100 was flying independently below and behind the Squadron patrol. At 1545hrs the patrol met approximately 60+ Enemy Aircraft at 14000ft NE of Tournai stacked in layers between 6000 and 14000ft, the enemy force comprised a few LVG Scouts escorted by approximately 60+ Fokker Biplanes. Baker led his formation up-sun of the German force and then dived to attack.

At 1610hrs Lt P.J Sims was seen to shoot down a Fokker in flames NE of Tournai. Unfortunately, Sims failed to return and was listed as MIA. He was subsequently declared killed in action by a Court of Enquiry held in Cologne, Germany on 28Feb19.

AFC pilot Lieutenant Percy James Sims (22) single of Springhurst, VIC has no known grave and is commemorated on the Arras Memorial and the Villers Bretonneux Memorial, France. He is also remembered at Location 187 in the Commemorative Area at the Australian War Memorial, Canberra ACT.


00Aug18 Built as Serial E8071 the 85th of 300 Sopwith 7F.1 Snipe aircraft built in the Serial Range E7987 to E8286 by the Sopwith Aviation Company in their facilities at Ham near Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, UK. Built to Contract 35A/432/C300 dated 03 April 1918. Fitted with a Bentley B.R.2 230hp (170 kW) 9 cylinder rotary engine Serial No.57WD48249.

00Sep8 Taken on charge by the RFC for acceptance testing by No.10 Aircraft Acceptance Park at Brooklands.

00Sep18 Allocated to the Expeditionary Force, France.

30Sep18 Despatched by air to No.1 Aeroplane Servicing Depot (1ASD) at Marquise airfield, Nord Pas-de-Calais France. Placed into reserve storage.

00Oct18 Allocated to No.4 Squadron at Serny airfield, Nord Pas-de-Calais, 21km SW of St Omer.

16Oct18 2nd Lt C.V Ryrie departed 1ASD at 1525hrs for the 35min ferry flight to Serny airfield.

21Oct18 The following nine aircraft departed Serny airfield at 1145hrs for the 10min ferry flight to the new operating Base at Auchel.

A Flight B FlightC Flight

E8072 2nd Lt T.H Barkell E8058 Lt M.T.G Cottam E8082 CPT J.W Wright

E8117 Lt W.C Trescowthick E8103 Lt R.H Youdale E8071 Lt H.W Ross

E8121 Lt O. Lamplough E8070 Lt P.J Sims

E8096 MAJ W.A McClaughry

24Oct18 The Auchel airfield was deemed unsuitable for operations so the following aircraft departed Auchel pm hours for Seclin airfield, 30km east of Auchel:

E8050 E8058 E8065 E8071 E8073 E8082 E8094 E8099

26Oct18 The following six Snipes departed Auchel at 0730hrs for the ferry flight to the Squadron’s new operating base at Grand Ennetières aerodrome, 6km south of Lille. The flight landed at Gondecourt airfield because of bad weather and waited until conditions improved before completing the flight at 1010hrs.

E8071 Lt T.C.R Baker E8099 Lt M.T.G Cottam E8092 Lt A.E James

E8073 Lt H.W Ross E8062 2nd Lt M.J Kilsby E8069 2nd Lt V.H Thornton

1st Combat Mission. At 1440hrs 2nd Lt M.J Kilsby departed Grand Ennetières as one of five B Flight Snipes with another four C Flight Snipes for an Offensive Patrol to Tournai, all under the command of Lt T.C.R Baker. When approaching the patrol area Baker noticed a group of 15 Fokker Biplanes at 14000ft to the east and manoeuvered his Flights up-sun of the enemy before diving to attack. Lt Kilsby made several unsuccessful attacks and sustained minor combat damage to his machine.

30Oct18 Lt T.C.R Baker was flying one of eleven Snipes led by CPT E.R King that departed Grand Ennetières at 1355hrs for an Offensive Patrol in the Ath-Rebaix-Leuze region. They met approximately 35 enemy scouts near Leuze stacked between 8000 and 12000ft. 2nd Lt M.J Kilsby was last seen in a 1 v 2 dogfight over Leuze but failed to return to Base. He was posted as MIA and later confirmed as a POW.

After being shot down Kilsby was pulled from the wreckage by German troops and sent to a German Field Hospital in Liege, Belgium. He remained in that Hospital until the Armistice when he was repatriated to the Prince of Wales Hospital for Officers, Marylebone London on 24Dec18. Eventually repatriated to Australia from Southampton aboard The Scottish Line 7,391 ton vessel SS Karrola.


00Aug18 Built as Serial E8072 the 86th of 300 Sopwith 7F.1 Snipe aircraft built in the Serial Range E7987 to E8286 by the Sopwith Aviation Company in their facilities at Ham near Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, UK. Built to Contract 35A/432/C300 dated 03 April 1918. Fitted with a Bentley B.R.2 230hp (170 kW) 9 cylinder rotary engine Serial No.65WD48257.

00Sep8 Taken on charge by the RFC for acceptance testing by No.10 Aircraft Acceptance Park at Brooklands.

00Sep18 Allocated to the Expeditionary Force, France.

30Sep18 Despatched by air to No.1 Aeroplane Servicing Depot (1ASD) at Marquise airfield, Nord Pas-de-Calais France. Placed into reserve storage.

00Oct18 Allocated to No.4 Squadron at Serny airfield, Nord Pas-de-Calais, 21km SW of St Omer.

19Oct18 The following five aircraft departed 1ASD at 1110hrs for the 40min ferry flight to deliver Snipe aircraft to 4Sqn at Serny.

serney airfield ww1

Serney Airfield (courtesy northlincsweb)

E8121 Lt O. Lamplough E8092 CPT H.G Watson E8103 Lt R.H Youdale

E8117 2nd Lt H.A Wilkinson E8072 Lt E.J Goodson

21Oct18 The following nine aircraft departed Serny airfield at 1145hrs for the 10min ferry flight to the new operating Base at Auchel.

A Flight B FlightC Flight

E8072 2nd Lt T.H Barkell E8058 Lt M.T.G Cottam E8082 CPT J.W Wright

E8117 Lt W.C Trescowthick E8103 Lt R.H Youdale E8071 Lt H.W Ross

E8121 Lt O. Lamplough E8070 Lt P.J Sims

E8096 MAJ W.A McClaughry

24Oct18 Because the Auchel airfield could not accommodate all of the Squadron’s aircraft E8072 was one of five that moved from Auchel to Seclin airfield, 30km east of Auchel. Flown by Lt E.J Goodson. Flew back to Auchel on 26Oct.

25Oct18 The following five machines departed Seclin at 1410hrs for the ferry flight to the new base at Grand Ennetières aerodrome, 6km south of Lille.

E8052 Lt G. Jones E8064 Lt A.J Palliser E8072 Lt E.J Goodson

E8070 Lt P.J Sims E8100 Lt W.C Trescowthick

30Oct18 One of eleven Snipes led by CPT E.R King that departed Grand Ennetières at 1355hrs for an Offensive Patrol in the Ath-Rebaix-Leuze region. They met approximately 35 enemy scouts near Leuze stacked between 8000 and 12000ft. At 1455hrs Lt Wilkinson saw two Fokkers on the tail of a RAF DH.9 at 9,000ft and immediately dived to attack. He fired 100 rounds from point blank range and the all black coloured Fokker D.VII started to smoke then burst into flames and crashed to earth near Leuze.

04Nov18 Lt E.J Godson departed Grand Ennetières at 0900hrs with three other Snipes under the command of Lt A.E Cato for Offensive Patrol in the Ath-Rebaix-Leuze region. At 1000hrs Cato saw a group of seven Fokkers a little above him at 10000ft to the north east of Tournai. They joined up with a flight of five RAF SE5s and the combined force climbed above and up-sun of the Fokkers, the SE5s to the north and the Snipes to the south. Diving to the attack Lt Goodson was struck by an AAA shell and crashed in the canal running through Tournai.

Lt Goodson was posted as MIA but was later confirmed as a POW. He remained a prisoner until the armistice when he was shipped back to England where he convalesced until his repatriation back to Australia from Southampton on 17Mar19 aboard the P&O Line 7,405 ton vessel SS Plassy.

PMcG 2020-04-16

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