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Operation: Beach Patrol
Date: 13th June 1944 (Tuesday)
Unit: No. 421 Squadron (motto: Bellicum Cecinere - 'They have sounded the war trumpet')
Type: Spitfire IX
Serial: MK235
Code: AU-?
Base: RAF Tangmere, Sussex
Location: 8 miles south of Tangmere, English Channel
Pilot: F/O. Robert Wilton Murray J/23038 (R/74848) RCAF Age 24. Killed
Returning from a patrol the aircraft developed engine trouble he called in and informed Tangmere that his engine had cut out and that he would be baling out. The aircraft glided into the English Channel at 07.40 hrs some 8 miles south of the base at RAF Tangmere. It seems that Fl/Lt. Murray did bale out, but that his parachute caught in the tail wheel of the aircraft.
His body was recovered by Air-Sea Rescue on the 09th July 1944.
421 Squadron Spitfire IX (courtesy IWM)
F/O. Robert Wilton Murray. Brookwood Military Cemetery. Grave 52.E.9. Born on the 18th February 1920 in Nanton, Alberta. Enlisted on the 19th October 1940. Wings awarded on the 15th July 1941. At the date of his loss he had a total of 1171 flying hours logged. Son of David Gregg Murray (died 21st October 1935, age 69) and Ethe, Ellen Murray (née New - died 10th February 1935, age 55). Brother of George Cuthbert, David Gregg,John Alexander, (Listed as next of kin) Douglas Gray (serving in the RCAF with 35 'Pathfider' squadron), Ellen Ruby Janet and Ethel Euphina (died 12th November 1914, age 3). Of 2775 West 42nd Avenue, Vancouver, Canada. Epitaph: 'He That Believeth In Me, Though He Were Dead, Yet Shall He Live St. John Xi. 25'.
Researched and dedicated to the relatives of this pilot with thanks to Linda Murray, relative of the pilot, National Archive, Kew. AIR-27- 1828-11/12. AIR-27-1816-11/12, Paradie RCAF Archives.
KTY 26-09-2925 Page updated
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