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The impulse to make light of the unfathomable dangers experienced in war is well illustrated by the nose art attached to many combat aircraft, much of which employs images of an idealized woman (not surprisingly) - the Americans being pretty adept at this, but some showing a healthily scant regard for the enemy leaders, particularly Adolf Hitler who was usually depicted being booted up the rear end. In the darkest days, humour was often to the fore.
Photographs courtesy Imperial War Museum, London unless otherwise acknowledged.
Sq/Ldr. John " Mac" McCormack J/4881 RCAF 405 Squadron - 'Dummy Run' (courtesy Francois Dutil)
Squadron Leader J A F MacLachlan, the one-armed Commanding Officer of No 1 Squadron RAF, standing beside his all-black Hawker Hurricane Mark IIC night fighter, 'JX-Q', at Tangmere, Sussex. MacLachlan flew bombers in France in 1940, but transferred to fighters in June 1940 and shot down 6 enemy aircraft during the Battle of Britain. He joined No. 261 Squadron RAF in Malta, as a flight commander, and was shot down in February 1941, as a result of which his left arm was amputated. He quickly returned to operations after being fitted with an artificial limb, flying with No. 73 Squadron in North Africa, but in July 1941 returned to the United Kingdom to take command of No. 1 Squadron. The Hurricane is sporting his personal emblem showing his amputated arm waving a 'V' sign. He was again shot down in 1943 and became a prisoner-of-war, by which time his score had risen to 16.5 victories.
Pilot from bomber crew standing in front of plane named "One Weakness" after arriving at Bradley Field in 1945, with count of successful bombing missions drawn on the back of of his leather bomber jacket. Photographer Sam Shere
Ground personnel of No. 98 Squadron RAF, who serviced North American Mitchell Mark III, HD372 'VO-B' "Grumpy", during its record operational career, gather at the aircraft's nose at Dunsfold, Surrey, as Corporal V Feast paints the 102nd bomb symbol onto its tally of operations.
Squadron Leader R R Stanford-Tuck, Commanding Officer of No 257 Squadron RAF, sitting in the cockpit of his Hawker Hurricane Mark I, V6864 'DT-A', at Coltishall, Norfolk. The Burmese flag is seen painted on the starboard side of the aircraft and on the port side were painted 26 victory symbols.
A dragon emblem on the nose of Avro Lancaster B Mark I, R5908 'EM-B', of No. 207 Squadron RAF at Syerston, Nottinghamshire.
A Curtiss Kittyhawk Mark III of No 112 Squadron, Royal Air Force taxiing through the scrub at Medenine. The ground crewman on the wing is directing the pilot, whose view ahead is hindered by the aircraft's nose while the tail is down. The aircraft displays the squadron's distinctive 'shark nose' insignia.
417 Bomb Group A-20 Havoc
Catalog #: 10_0019201
Title: 417 Bomb Group A-20 Havoc
Date: 1939-1945
Additional Information: 417 Bomb Group A-20 Havoc
Tags: 417 Bomb Group A-20 Havoc, 417 Bomb Group A-20 Havoc, 1939-1945
Repository: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive
P-38J of the 80th Fighter Squadron "Headhunters," 8th FG
Catalog #: 10_0018631
Title: P-38J of the 80th Fighter Squadron "Headhunters," 8th FG,
Repository: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive
P-38J-5-LO S/N 42-67145, manufacturer number 1656, "Sweet Sue", coded "X", flown by Lt. Paul Murphey of 80th FS/8th FG, Nadzab, March 1944.
308th Bomb Group, 14th Air Force, B-17 Flying Fortress
Catalog #: 10_0018695
Title: 308th Bomb Group, 14th Air Force, B-17
Date: 1939-1945
Additional Information: 308th Bomb Group, 14th Air Force, B-17
Repository: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive
417 Bomb Group A-20 Havoc
Catalog #: 10_0019224
Title: 417 Bomb Group A-20 Havoc
Date: 1939-1945
Additional Information: 417 Bomb Group A-20 Havoc
Tags: 417 Bomb Group A-20 Havoc, 417 Bomb Group A-20 Havoc, 1939-1945
Repository: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive
B-24C "Balls o' Fire"
Catalog #: 10_0019328
Title: B-24C "Balls o' Fire"
Repository: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive
(Thanks to reader Max Vela for correcting the plane type and providing the link to the following information)
The following material is quoted from the Golfo Aranci Nascota website with permission:
il Sergente Bombardiere Daly Donald J. di anni 20, autore dell'affondamento del piroscafo Cor Jesu al porto di Golfo Aranci http://www.fold3.com/image/#49915170 nella missione del 24 Giugno 1943, posa davanti al suo bombardiere B-25c "Balls of Fire" del 381° BS. Foto gentilmente concessa per "Golfo Aranci Nascosta" dal figlio Tim Daly che ringrazio. Purtroppo il Sgt. Donald è deceduto il 18 maggio del 2013! Per il 70° avrebbe dovuto regalarci un'intervista video che raccontava le sue gesta così come le ha descritte nel suo libro "B-25 BOMBS AWAY !" http://www.blurb.ca/books/853493-b- in anteprima potrete vedere alcune foto. Fra due giorni avrebbe compiuto 90 anni!!! NOME AEREO “Balls of Fire” - Equipaggio - Pilota, tenente Phillips Carl. ( successivamente promosso a capitano )
Co-pilota, Cook Walter.
Navigatore, tenente in seconda Opeka John Jr.
"Bombardiere, sergente Daly Donald J."
Radio-mitragliere, sergente Nickelson Royal.
Mitragliere, sergente Bozovich Matthew. - 24 Giugno 1943, Golfo Aranci il Porto - Sardegna - 36 B-25' e P-38 di scorta. "Il nostro obiettivo per oggi, saranno due navi da carico nel porto di Golfo Aranci. Oggi e' stata una giornata eccitante per me, ieri sera il Capitano Phillips venne nella nostra tenda e mi confido' che avremmo guidato la missione giornaliera. Il Comando del Gruppo desiderava che fosse impiegato un ufficiale bombardiere ma lui disse di no. Il capitano scelse me... mi sentii molto orgoglioso. Mentre si raggiungeva la giusta altitudine per il bombardamento, il cielo fu oscurato dalle nuvole e scelta la nostra rotta verso l'obiettivo e con soli 20 secondi prima dello sgancio delle bombe un breve schiarimento mi da alcuni secondi per effettuare delle correzioni. Poca la contraerea, dopo il "bombs away", sgancio delle bombe che ho visto cadere precisamente sulle due navi e sulle banchine... centri perfetti. Io e il capitano Phillips ricevemmo la "Distinguished Flying Cross" per questa missione... l'ho scoperto solamente a Ottobre. Due giorni dopo la missione su Golfo Aranci il 26 Giugno, celebravo il mio 20° compleanno". Sergente bombardiere DONALD J. DALY Lo stesso squadrone del 381° partecipo' ai bombardamenti (stesso mese) sul porto di Olbia e l'aeroporto (venafiorita) e su Alghero. Il sergente Donald J. Daly fu il primo del suo gruppo a raggiungere le fatidiche "50 missioni", infatti per chi operava in Nord Africa questo era il limite per poter tornare a casa!!! June 24 - Golfo Aranci Harbor, Sardinia - 36 B-25's with a P-38 escort. Our target this day would be two freighters. This was a thrilling day for me. Last night, Capt. Phillips came to our tent and told me that we were to lead today's mission. Group Headquarters wanted him to use an officer bombardier, but he said no - I was his choice. It really made me feel proud!
As we climbed to our bombing altitude, the target was obscured by clouds. We picked our heading to the target, and about 20 seconds before bomb release, the clouds cleared, giving me just seconds to make any corrections. Flak was light. After "bombs away," I watched them fall, and they tracked right across both freighters and the docks. We had hit right on the money!
Capt. Phillips and I both received the Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC) for this mission. I didn't hear about it until October!
Two days after this mission, on June 26, I celebrated my 20th birthday. Mission time - 4.00. It was definitely "thumbs up" when we landed!
487th Bomb Group B-17
Catalog #: 10_0019330
Title: 487th Bomb Group B-17
Date: 1939-1945
Additional Information: 487th Bomb Group B-17
Tags: 487th Bomb Group B-17, 487th Bomb Group B-17, 1939-1945
Repository: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive
Fighter Group; 7th Air Force; 36th; P-38s
Catalog #: 10_0018602
Title: Fighter Group; 7th Air Force; 36th; P-38s
Date: 1941-1945
Additional Information: World War Two Squadron/Group
Tags: Fighter Group; 7th Air Force; 36th; P-38s, World War Two Squadron/Group, 1941-1945
Repository: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive
308th Bomb Group, 14th Air Force, B-24 Liberator
Catalog #: 10_0018697
Title: 308th Bomb Group, 14th Air Force, B-24 Liberator
Date: 1939-1945
Additional Information: 308th Bomb Group, 14th Air Force, B-24 Liberator
Tags: 308th Bomb Group, 14th Air Force, B-24 Liberator , 308th Bomb Group, 14th Air Force, B-24 Liberator , 1939-1945
Repository: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive
308th Bomb Group, 14th Air Force, B-24 Liberator
Catalog #: 10_0018702
Title: 308th Bomb Group, 14th Air Force, B-24 Liberator
Date: 1939-1945
Additional Information: 308th Bomb Group, 14th Air Force, B-24 Liberator
Tags: 308th Bomb Group, 14th Air Force, B-24 Liberator , 308th Bomb Group, 14th Air Force, B-24 Liberator , 1939-1945
Repository: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive
308th Bomb Group, 14th Air Force, B-24 Liberator
Catalog #: 10_0018704
Title: 308th Bomb Group, 14th Air Force, B-24 Liberator
Date: 1939-1945
Additional Information: 308th Bomb Group, 14th Air Force, B-24 Liberator
Tags: 308th Bomb Group, 14th Air Force, B-24 Liberator , 308th Bomb Group, 14th Air Force, B-24 Liberator , 1939-1945
Repository: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive
3rd Bomb Group A-20 Havoc
Catalog #: 10_0018856
Title: 3rd Bomb Group A-20 Havoc
Date: 1939-1945
Additional Information: 3rd Bomb Group A-20 Havoc
Tags: 3rd Bomb Group A-20 Havoc, 3rd Bomb Group A-20 Havoc, 1939-1945
Repository: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive
380th Bomb Group Consolidated B-24 Liberator
Catalog #: 10_0019079
Title: 380th Bomb Group Consolidated B-24 Liberator
Date: 1939-1945
Additional Information: 380th Bomb Group Consolidated B-24 Liberator
Tags: 380th Bomb Group Consolidated B-24 Liberator , 380th Bomb Group Consolidated B-24 Liberator , 1939-1945
Repository: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive
380th Bomb Group Consolidated B-24 Liberator
Catalog #: 10_0019082
Title: 380th Bomb Group Consolidated B-24 Liberator
Date: 1939-1945
Additional Information: 380th Bomb Group Consolidated B-24 Liberator
Tags: 380th Bomb Group Consolidated B-24 Liberator , 380th Bomb Group Consolidated B-24 Liberator , 1939-1945
Repository: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive
380th Bomb Group Consolidated B-24 Liberator
Catalog #: 10_0019083
Title: 380th Bomb Group Consolidated B-24 Liberator
Date: 1939-1945
Additional Information: 380th Bomb Group Consolidated B-24 Liberator
Tags: 380th Bomb Group Consolidated B-24 Liberator , 380th Bomb Group Consolidated B-24 Liberator , 1939-1945
Repository: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive
380th Bomb Group Consolidated B-24 Liberator
Catalog #: 10_0019084
Title: 380th Bomb Group Consolidated B-24 Liberator
Date: 1939-1945
Additional Information: 380th Bomb Group Consolidated B-24 Liberator
Tags: 380th Bomb Group Consolidated B-24 Liberator , 380th Bomb Group Consolidated B-24 Liberator , 1939-1945
Repository: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive
380th Bomb Group Consolidated B-24 Liberator
Catalog #: 10_0019085
Title: 380th Bomb Group Consolidated B-24 Liberator
Date: 1939-1945
Additional Information: 380th Bomb Group Consolidated B-24 Liberator
Tags: 380th Bomb Group Consolidated B-24 Liberator , 380th Bomb Group Consolidated B-24 Liberator , 1939-1945
Repository: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive
380th Bomb Group Consolidated B-24 Liberator
Catalog #: 10_0019091
Title: 380th Bomb Group Consolidated B-24 Liberator
Date: 1939-1945
Additional Information: 380th Bomb Group Consolidated B-24 Liberator
Tags: 380th Bomb Group Consolidated B-24 Liberator , 380th Bomb Group Consolidated B-24 Liberator , 1939-1945
Repository: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive
345th Bomb Group North American B-25 Mitchell
Catalog #: 10_0019038
Title: 345th Bomb Group North American B-25 Mitchell
Date: 1939-1945
Additional Information: 345th Bomb Group
San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive
380th Bomb Group Consolidated B-24 Liberator
Catalog #: 10_0019077
Title: 380th Bomb Group Consolidated B-24 Liberator
Date: 1939-1945
Additional Information: 380th Bomb Group Consolidated B-24 Liberator
Tags: 380th Bomb Group Consolidated B-24 Liberator , 380th Bomb Group Consolidated B-24 Liberator , 1939-1945
Repository: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive
380th Bomb Group Consolidated B-24 Liberator
Catalog #: 10_0019078
Title: 380th Bomb Group Consolidated B-24 Liberator
Date: 1939-1945
Additional Information: 380th Bomb Group Consolidated B-24 Liberator
Tags: 380th Bomb Group Consolidated B-24 Liberator , 380th Bomb Group Consolidated B-24 Liberator , 1939-1945
Repository: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive
Catalog #: 10_0019194
Title: 417 Bomb Group A-20 Havoc
Date: 1939-1945
Additional Information: 417 Bomb Group A-20 Havoc
Tags: 417 Bomb Group A-20 Havoc, 417 Bomb Group A-20 Havoc, 1939-1945
Repository: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive
Capt. Howard Curran standing by his figher plane. Sep 1948, Germany. Photographer Walter Sanders
A Gurkha paratrooper preparing for a plane take-off wearing full parachute equipment. Rangoon June 1945. Photographer Jack Wilkes
A caricature of the squadron's commanding officer on the nose of an Avro Lancaster, 1943
Major Wallace Frank wearing flying outfit and standing near his goggled jet plane. Germany Sep 1948. Photographer Walter Sanders
Squadron Leader Billy Drake stands in the cockpit of his Hawker Hurricane Mark IIB, BD897, at Hastings, Sierra Leone, at the conclusion of his command of No. 128 Squadron RAF. Note Drake's personal emblem ("Zut") painted on the nose, and the red, white and blue spinner sported by many of this unit's aircraft. Drake joined the RAF in 1936 and was posted to No. 1 Squadron RAF with whom he saw action in the Battle of France, until he was shot down and wounded on 13 May 1940. After recovery that October, he commanded a flight of No. 421 Flight, specialising in low-level fighter reconnaissance work over the Channel. Following a spell as a Chief Flying Instructor with Operational Training Units at Heston and Landow between January and September 1941, he was posted to West Africa to command 128 Squadron, and succeeded in scoring one of that unit's rare victories on 13 December 1941 when he shot down a Martin M-167F of the Vichy French Air Force in BD897. After handing over 128 Squadron to Squadron Leader J I "Killy" Kilmartin, he took command of No. 112 Squadron RAF in the Western Desert in April 1942.
B-17F 42-29573 VK-H “TWO BEAUTS” of the 358th BS was lost in a formation assembly collision with OOOLD SOLJER on 31 March, just six days after this photograph was taken
408 Squadron Halifax VII NP745 EQ-H - Lost in a training accident on the 17th October 1944.
An interesting collection of nose art developed by a Disney cartoonist Randy McCraw is here
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning we will remember them. - Laurence Binyon
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