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Operation: Anti-Shipping
Date: 04th November 1944 (Saturday)
Unit: No. 235 Squadron. 18 Group (motto: aculamur Humi - 'We Strike Them to the Ground')
Type: Mosquito FB.VI
Serial: HP967
Code: LA-L
Base: RAF Banff, Banffshire
Location: Stavøya, Norway
Pilot: F/O. Harold Llewellyn Powell NZ/412734 RNZAF Age 28. Killed
Nav: F/O. Norman Louis Redford AUS/419538 RAAF Age 20. Killed
Taking off at 11:29 hrs and at 13:30 hrs found and attacked two merchant ships close to the island of Kinn. They scored hits on both of them and were seen to be belching smoke.
It is thought that they were then hit by flak from either the ships or the shore based heavy flak units. They crashed and caught fire on the island of Stavøya.
The brother of F/O. Powell, Sgt. Reginald Arnold Powell was killed on the 15th March 1943 whilst with No. 1 Overseas Aircraft Dispatch Unit. He previously served with 179 Squadron as did Harold. Details can be found here.
Burial details:
The crew were initially buried on the island of Florø but later reinterred after the end of the war at Trondheim.
F/O. Harold Llewellyn Powell. Trondheim Cemetery (Stavne) Joint grave A IV British. E.1. Born on the 28th May 1916 at Taumaruna, the son of John Reginald and Daisy Eileen Powell (née Street), of Kokakoriki, Wellington, New Zealand. Worked as a farmer on his fathers sheep farm prior to service. He had already served a full tour with 179 Squadron. A total of 1206 flying hours logged.
F/O. Norman Louis Redford. Trondheim Cemetery (Stavne) Joint grave A IV British. E.1. Born on the 03rd July 1924 at Victoria, the son of Hedley and Emily Jane Redford, of Horsham Victoria, Australia. Grave inscription: "Duty Well And Nobly Done".
Researched and dedicated to the relatives of this crew with thanks to the research by Errol Martyn and his publications: “For Your Tomorrow Vols. 1-3”, Auckland War Memorial Museum, Weekly News of New Zealand, grave photographs courtesy Lars Snith, other sources as quoted below:
KTY 16.08.2019
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning we will remember
them. - Laurence
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