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Operation: Warsaw supply drops
Date: 14/15th August 1944 (Monday/Tuesday)
Unit: No.1586 Special Duties Flight
Type: Liberator VI
Serial: KG890
Code: GR-S
Base: RAF Brindisi, Italy
Location: Nieszkowice Wielkie, Poland
Pilot: Fl/Lt. Marian Zbigniew Szostak 76684 PAF Age 28 Killed
Pilot 2: W/O. Jozef Bielicki 793845 PAF Age 22 Killed
Fl/Eng: Fl/Sgt. Wincenty Tadeusz Rutkowski 792934 PAF Age 23. Killed
Nav (Captain): Fl/Lt. Stanisław Jerzy Daniel P-0735 PAF Age 34. Killed
Air/Bmr: W/O. Tadeusz Dubowski 794215 PAF Age 21 Killed
W/Op/Air/Gnr: Fl/Sgt. Józef Witek 794534 PAF Age 29. Killed
Air/Gnr: W/O. Stanisław Malczyk 793506 PAF Age 28. Killed
Fl/Lt. Marian Zbigniew Szostak and this crew were classed as one of the most experienced aircrews and a great loss to the PAF.
These supply drops were made up from volunteer crews - this crew had made their first drop on the 8th August, all three crews (only three could be mustered for the first drop) made good drops to the Warsaw fighters on the ground. On the 13/14th August a further 54 aircraft made more drops but this time with limited success.
KG890 GR-S being prepared in early August for Warsaw drops.
KG890 GR-S Engine test run.
Fl/Lt. Marian Zbigniew Szostak. Kraków Rakowicki Cemetery, Poland. Plot III Row A Grave 6. Born 11th November 1915 - Warsaw, Poland.
W/O. Jozef Bielicki. Originally buried at Pogwizdowie, but later exhumed and was re-buried in Kraków Rakowicki Cemetery, Poland. Plot III Row A Grave 3. Born 12th February 1922 Warsaw, Poland.
Fl/Sgt. Wincenty Tadeusz Rutkowski. Kraków Rakowicki Cemetery, Poland. Plot III Row A Grave 1. Born 26th February Zakrów, Poland.
Fl/Lt. Stanisław Jerzy Daniel. Kraków Rakowicki Cemetery, Poland Plot III Row A Grave 5. Born 29th March 1910 Wladywostok, Russia.
Fl/Sgt. Jozef Witek. Kraków Rakowicki Cemetery, Poland. Plot III Row A Grave 2. Born 21st April 1915 Brzeszce, Poland.
W/O. Stanisław Malczyk. Kraków Rakowicki Cemetery, Poland. Plot III Row A Grave Y. Born 31st January 1916 Filipowice, Poland.
KTY 09.08.2015 Page updated
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