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Operation: Dodge, Italy
Date: 4th October 1945 (Thursday)
Unit No: 103 Squadron, 1 Group, Bomber Command
Type: Lancaster I
Serial: PA278
Code: PM:F
Base: RAF Glatton, Cambridgeshire
Location: Crashed into the sea 30 miles off the coast of Corsica
Pilot: Flt Lt. Geoffrey Taylor 189687 RAFVR Age 24. Missing (1)
Flt Eng: Sgt. Richard George Steel 1818104 RAFVR Age 20. Missing (2)
Nav: Flt Sgt. Jack Anthony Reardon 1626816 RAFVR Age? Missing
WOp/Air Gnr: Flt Sgt. Norman Reginald Robbins 1894110 RAFVR Age 20. Missing
Air Gnr (Mid Upp): Sgt. William John Kennedy 2208930 RAFVR Age? Missing
Air Gnr (Rear): Flt Lt. John Percy 'Johnnie' Whymark DSO DFC 53481 RAFVR Age 25. Missing (3)
It is possible that the airman seated on the left is Flt Sgt. Robbins whose brevet denotes that he was a "S" Signaller and the airman seated in the middle with the Pilots brevet is Flt Lt. Taylor. It has not been possible to date to put names of the remaining crew to the other four airmen.
Almost every one of passengers were serving in the Auxiliary Territorial Service (ATS). The ATS was formed in 1938. Initially, the only jobs available were cooks, clerks, orderlies, store women or drivers. But eventually there were over a hundred different roles in the ATS, including serving in anti-aircraft batteries. This expansion allowed more men to be released for front line service. More than 250,000 women served in the ATS during the Second World War, making it the largest of the women's services.
Senior Matron. Gertrude Irene Sadler, 254580 South African Military Nursing Service Age 41. Missing
L/Cpl. Williamina Allan W/23244 ATS Age 37. Missing
Pte. Phyllis Kathleen Doris Bacon W/77415 ATS Age 34. Missing
Cpl. Heather Cosens Cosens W/184715 ATS Age 25. Missing
Pte. Stefania Courtman W/PAL/203386 ATS Age early 20's. Missing
Pte. Barbara Diana Cullen MiD W/252761 ATS Age 30. Missing (4)
Sister. Jane Simpson Annand Curran 236425 Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Age 31. Missing (5)
Pte. Agnes Edwards W/258692 ATS Age 28. Missing
Pte. Rhoda Alice Fraser W/155271 ATS Age 24. Missing (5)
Pte. Bessie Goodman W/143732 ATS Age 25. Missing
Cpl. Jill Goring W/237256 ATS Age 23. Missing
Pte. Joan Larkin W/154454 ATS Age 24. Missing
Pte. Alice Lillyman W/74459 ATS Age 22. Missing
L/Cpl. Sheila MacLeod W/170036 ATS Age 27. Missing
L/Cpl. May Eleanor Mann W/236937 ATS Age 23. Missing
Pte. Betty Evelyn Precious W/147946 ATS Age 24. Missing
L/Cpl. Enid Dacia Rice W/144264 ATS Age 24. Missing
S/Sgt. Jessie Ellen Semark MiD W/7326 ATS Age 29. Missing
Pte. Marion Taylor W/99752 ATS Age 22. Missing
Lancaster I PA278 took off from RAF Glatton, Cambridgeshire at 00:30 hrs. and was flying to RAF Pomigliano, Italy on operation Dodge. (see below) The aircraft may have been hit by lightning or may have had some kind of engine failure with the result that the aircraft disappeared. Evidence suggests that the aircraft crashed into the sea off Corsica, but after an extensive search, no wreckage or bodies were ever found. The pilot of another Lancaster reported seeing a flash in the sea at 04:40 hrs around the time that Lancaster PA278 is thought to have crashed.
Above: Believed to be an early photograph of the crew of Lancaster PA278. To date it has not been possible to put names to all of those in the photograph, except for Sgt. Steel who is on the back row 3rd from the left. (Courtesy: Mark Rogers)
Daily Mail Saturday 17th November 1945 (courtesy British Newspaper Archive)
A further page is under preparation outlining the flying career of Flt Lt. John (Johnnie) Percy Whymark DSO DFC
Operation Dodge was the transportation of troops between the UK and overseas bases. There were two massive PoW repatriation operations that began on the 2nd of May, 1945. 'Operation Exodus', the repatriation of allied PoW's in Europe, and 'Operation Dodge' the repatriation of PoW's from Italy and the Mediterranean.
Above 1945 A landing site Pomigliano, Italy on Operation Dodge (courtesy International Bomber Command Centre
Aircrews of Lancaster bombers flying home from Italy with soldiers - passengers, were told after October 5: 'Don't take your eyes off the gound. An aircraft is missing and we must find it. But don't let your passengers know about it. The missing Lancaster was carrying seventeen ATS girls to Italy from Glatton airfield, near Peterborough, Northants. It took off at about 6am on October 4 and was never seen again (note: Glatton airfield was based in Cambridgeshire and not Northants).
The Air Ministry and the War Office were not at all forthcoming with information about this loss and little information was released to the public. Newspapers at the time around the country were given a general report on the loss of the aircraft and the missing crew and passengers and the families were not advised of the death of their relative until March 1946. Prior to this some relatives placed advert in the national newspapers, appealing for information and one was answered by Eileen Whymark, wife of the late Flt Lt. John 'Johnnie' Percy Whymark DSO, DFC.
Mrs. Whymark had been kept informed of events by her husband's Commanding Officer and colleagues of her late husband and was better informed than other as to what happened. She answered one of the advertisements, from the family of Lance Corp Mann one of the ATS girls lost in the accident. Her letter was passed to Warrant Officer Basil Henderson, fiancé of Lance Corporal Mann telling him what she knew. Warrant Officer Henderson who at the time was on the personal staff of a Major General had been unable to find out anything that might explain what had happened to this aircraft, the crew and passengers.
Mrs Whymark and Warrant Officer Henderson exchanged letter and when Basil Henderson returned to England in 1946 he and Mrs Whymark met and were later married and brought up two sons and Mrs Whymak's son Robert (Bob).
(1) 1506090 Flt Sgt. Geoffrey Taylor was granted a commission and promoted to Plt Off. on probation (London Gazette 13th February 1945) and was confirmed in this appointment and promoted to Fg Off. (London Gazette 20th July 1945).
(Above) Photograph of Sgt. Steel took when he was undergoing aircrew training. (Courtesy: Mark Rogers)
(3) John Percy Whymark enlisted in 1938 to train as an armorer, but by 1940 John had become an Air Gunner and was serving with No 41 Squadron as a rear gunner in England, South Africa and Malta completing 39 operational flights. John Percy Whymark 616289 was appointed to the commission as Plt Off 53481 on probation 27th August 1943 and posted from No 11 Base to No 101 Squadron as mid-upper gunner 14th February 1944 where he flew at least 15/20 operational flights between 15th March to 11th May 1944. He was confirmed in his appointment as Plt Off and promoted to Fg Off. on 27th February 1944. John 'Johnnie' Percy Whymark DSO, DFC had completed nearly 100 operation flights some while serving in the Middle East, with 101 Squadron and 103 Squadron. He was almost certainly the most decorated air gunner in the RAF.
John Percy Whymark was awarded the DFC (Distinguished Flying Cross) while serving with No 101 Squadron in 1944 and in 1945 John was awarded the DSO (Distinguished Service Order) for gallantry and devotion to duty in the execution of air operations. The citation was published in 'Flight' December 20, 1945 reads ' Act. Flt Lt. J P Whymark, DFC, RAFVR, No 103 Squadron. - Since the award of the DFC in June 1944, this officer has been employed as gunnery leader of his squadron. In this capacity, he has done excellent work both in the air and on the ground. On his first tour, this officer participated in attacks on Benghazi, Taranto and Tripoli. During this time his aircraft was involved in two serious crashes whilst returning to base after being damaged by enemy action. Flt Lt. Whymark has also operated in Western Europe. His missions have included attacks on Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Chemnitz, Munich, Berlin and Essen. Flt Lt. Whymark has at all times displayed skill and determination while on operations'.
Eileen Whymark, via correspondence on the crash with WO. Basil Henderson, later met and married. Basil died in 2008 and Eileen in 2014 (see 11) Lance Corporal May Eleanor Mann)
As a Plt Off. John Wymark survived an earlier incident on Wellington Ic P9265 QJ-A.
Above: Barbara Diana Cullen MiD mentioned in The Nottingham Evening Post, Saturday November 1945 (courtesy British Newspaper Archive)
(5) Miss Jane Simpson Annand Curran was appointed to commission as a Sister on the 13th July 1943. (London Gazette dated 11th September 1942).
Above: "Missing on the Way to Italy” from The Press and Journal Saturday, November 1945 (courtesy British Newspaper Archive)
Two Aberdeen Women Among Lancaster's Passengers - Two Aberdeen women are among twenty-five persons posted missing from RAF Lancaster which disappeared on a trip from this country to Italy. They are Sister Jane S Curran, 2 Esslemont Avenue, and Pte. Rhoda Alice Fraser, ATS, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Fraser, 15 Allenvale Road. The plane left an aerodrome in Huntingdonshire for Italy on October 4 and never reached its destination. It was over the Mediterranean when the last signal was received from it, but it is not known at what point that it disappeared".
Memorial Details:
Left to right: Runnymede Memorial, Brookwood Memorial and Casino Memorial
The Runnymede Memorial: The Air Forces Memorial at Runnymede commemorates by name over 20,000 airmen who were lost in the Second World War during operations from bases in the United Kingdom and North and Western Europe, and who have no known graves. They served in Bomber, Fighter, Coastal, Transport, Flying Training and Maintenance Commands, and came from all parts of the Commonwealth. Some were from countries in continental Europe that had been overrun but whose airmen continued to fight in the ranks of the Royal Air Force.
The Brookwood 1939-1945 Memorial: Stands at the southern end of the Canadian section of the cemetery and commemorates 3,500 men and women of the land forces of the Commonwealth who died during the Second World War and have no known grave, the circumstances of their death being such that they could not appropriately be commemorated on any of the campaign memorials in the various theatres of war. They died in the campaign in Norway in 1940, or in the various raids on enemy-occupied territory in Europe such as Dieppe and St Nazaire. Others were special agents who died as prisoners or while working with Allied underground movements. Some died at sea, in hospital ships and troop transports, in waters not associated with the major campaigns, and a few were killed in flying accidents or in aerial combat.
Cassino Memorial: Within the cemetery stands the Cassino Memorial which commemorates over 4,000 Commonwealth servicemen who took part in the Italian campaign and whose graves are not known. The Memorial was designed by Louis de Soissons and unveiled by Field Marshal The Rt. Hon. The Earl Alexander of Tunis on 30 September 1956.
Burial Details:
Flt Lt. Geoffrey Taylor. Runnymede Memorial, Surrey. Panel 266. Born in 4th Qtr of 1921 in Bradford, Yorkshire, West Riding. Son of Ernest and Annie (née Parker) Taylor of Bradford Bradford, Yorkshire, West Riding, England.
Above: Richard George Steel is remembered on Crowle Church War Memorial (Aircrew Remembered archive)
Sgt. Richard George Steel. Runnymede Memorial, Surrey. Panel 277. Son of Leonard John and Doris A Steel of Crowle, Worcestershire Richards address at the time of his death was The Stores, Crowle, Worcestershire. He is remembered on Crowle Church War Memorial, England.
Flt Sgt. Jack Anthony Reardon. Runnymede Memorial, Surrey. Panel. 272. No further information of next of kin as yet. Are you able to help?
Flt Sgt. Norman Reginald Robbins. Runnymede Memorial, Surrey. Panel 272. Son of Harold and Lily Violet Martha Robbins of Wembley, Middlesex, England.
Sgt. William John Kennedy. Runnymede Memorial, Surrey. Panel 275. No further information of next of kin as yet. Are you able to help?
Flt Lt. John Percy 'Johnnie' Whymark DSO, DFC.. Runnymede Memorial, Surrey. Panel 266. Son of Percy John Whymark and Ruby E Whymark of 32 Waverley Gardens, Grays, Essex.
Senior Matron Gertrude Irene Sadler. Cassino Memorial, Commune of Cassino, Province of Frosinone, Italy. Panel 16. Born on the 13th August 1904 in Tynemouth. Daughter of William George North Sadler and Sarah Jane Sadler of 2 Esslemont Avenue, Aberdeen, Scotland.
Gertrude had been home on leave staying with her mother in Aberdeen and was returning to Salonika hospital, Greece when the aircraft disappeared without a trace. Sister Gertrude Irene Sadler is remembered on the Royal London Hospital War Memorial, Whitechapel, London, England.
L/Cpl. Williamina Allan Brookwood 1939-1945 Memorial, Surrey. Panel 23. Column 1. Daughter of William and Anne Allan. L/Cpl. Williamina Allan is remembered on the Dunoon Civic War Memorial, Argyll, Scotland.
Pte. Phyllis Kathleen Doris Bacon. Brookwood 1939-1945 Memorial, Surrey. Panel 23. Column 1. Daughter of Mrs. F Bacon of Catford, London, England.
Cpl. Heather Cosens. Brookwood 1939-1945 Memorial, Surrey. Panel 22. Column 3. Daughter of Albert Olliver Cosens and Angelina Cosens of Worthing, Sussex, England.
Pte. Stefahia Courtman. Brookwood 1939-1945 Memorial, Surrey. Panel 23. Column 1. Stefania (Stefania) Courtman, (née Goldberg) recently married Albert Edward Courtman, who was in the RAMC. Returning to Italy after visiting the family of Albert in the North of England. (Information courtesy of Jill Courtman - daughter of Albert)
Pte. Barbara Diana Cullen MiD. Brookwood 1939-1945 Memorial, Surrey. Panel 23. Column 1. Daughter of James Roy and Nellie Dora Shillito Cullen of Nottingham. Private Cullen was returning from home leave to her unit in Austria at the time of the accident.
Above: Memorial to Sister Jane Simpson Annand Curran on a font at Fountainhall Church in Aberdeen (Courtesy of Callum Stuart)
Sister Jane Simpson Annand Curran. Brookwood 1939-1945 Memorial, Surrey. Panel 22. Column 2. Born on the 21st June 1914 at 11 Fraser Road, Aberdeen. Her mother Ann, her closest relative, died in Aberdeen in 1953. Her mother had siblings James Simpson Curran, Jane Simpson Curran ( married James Thomson Annand) and Peter Curran (married Helen Wright Arthur). There are descendants from these siblings.
Above: Pte. Agnes Edwards is remembered on the Rhyl War Memorial (courtesy Flintshire War Memorials see credits)
Pte. Agnes Edwards. Brookwood 1939-1945 Memorial, Surrey. Panel 23. Column 1. Daughter of Joseph and Sarah J Edwards of Rhyl, Flintshire.
Above: Rhoda Alice Fraser is remembered on the Holburn Church War Memorial, Aberdeen (courtesy Alison McCall)
Pte. Rhoda Alice Fraser. Brookwood 1939-1945 Memorial, Surrey. Panel 23. Column 1. Daughter of John and Georgina Fraser of 15 Allenvale Road, Oyne, Aberdeenshire. Born in 1921. Rhoda joined the ATS four years ago and had worked before enlisting for Messrs J Mowatt and Sons, fish curers, South Esplanade West, Aberdeen.
Pte. Bessie Goodman. Brookwood 1939-1945 Memorial, Surrey. Panel 23. Column 1. Daughter of Elizabeth Goodman of Oldham, Lancashire, England.
Cpl. Jill Goring. Brookwood 1939-1945 Memorial, Surrey. Panel 22. Column 3. Daughter of John Goring and of Dorothy G Goring of St. John's Wood, London, England.
Pte. Joan Larkin. Brookwood 1939-1945 Memorial, Surrey. Panel 23. Column 1. Daughter of George Edward Larkin and of Alma Larkin of Long Eaton, Derbyshire, England.
Pte. Alice Lillyman. Brookwood 1939-1945 Memorial, Surrey. Panel 23. Column 1. Daughter of Alice Lillyman and the late William Lillyman of Northampton, England.
L/Cpl. Sheila MacLeod. Brookwood 1939-1945 Memorial, Surrey. Panel 23. Column 1. Daughter of Claude Leopold MacLeod and of Catherine MacLeod. Sheila was born on the 9 March 1918 in Jinja, Uganda Protectorate.
L/Cpl. May Eleanor Mann. Brookwood 1939-1945 Memorial, Surrey. Panel 23. Column 1. Daughter of Albert Edward and Ann Mann. At the time of her death, May was engaged to Warrant Officer Basil Henderson.
Above: Pte. Betty Evelyn Precious is remembered on the Eaglescliffe War Memorial
Pte. Betty Evelyn Precious. Brookwood 1939-1945 Memorial, Surrey. Panel 23. Column 1. Daughter of Alan Montagu Precious and Lydia Elizabeth Precious of Eaglescliffe, Co. Durham.
L/Cpl. Enid Dacia Rice. Brookwood 1939-1945 Memorial, Surrey. Panel 23. Column 1. Daughter of Ernest and Emily Louise Rice.
S/Sgt. Jessie Ellen Semark MiD. Brookwood 1939-1945 Memorial, Surrey. Panel 22. Column 3. Daughter of Frank and Ruby Ellen Semark.
Pte. Marion Taylor. Brookwood 1939-1945 Memorial, Surrey. Panel 23. Column 1. Daughter of Roland and Dorothy Oakley Taylor of Egham, Surrey, England.
Researched by Kate Tame Aircrew Remembered and for all the relatives and friends of the crew. With special thanks to Bob Whymark son of Flt Lt. John Percy Whymark DSO, DFC for his contribution to this page about his father, British Newspapers Archive, Alison McCall - Mapping Memorials to Women in Scotland, International Bomber Command Centre, Filintshire War Memorials. Also to Jill Courtman for information on Private Stefahia Courtman (Sep 2018). Thanks also to Mark Rogers for the photographs of Sgt. Steel and the crew (Oct 2019). Link to Plt Off. John Wymark's previous incident added (Jan 2022). Thanks to Kenneth for the correction to the memorial fo Pte. Rhoda Alice Fraser (Oct 2022). Next of Kin details for Flt Lt. Taylor updated by Aircrew Remembered (Oct 2022). Many Thanks to Callum Stuart for the Next of Kin details for Sister Curran and for the photograph of the memorial (Sep 2024). Reviewed and updated by Aircrew Remembered (Sep 2024)
Other sources listed below.
RS 22.10.2022 - Correction to memorial for Pte Rhoda Alice Fraser and update to Flt Lt. Taylor NoK details
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