Think of them. You did not die as these
Caged in an aircraft that did not return.
Whenever hearts have song and minds have peace
Or in your eyes the prides of banner burn.
Think of those who dreamed and loved as you
And gave their laughter, gave their sun and snow,
Their grave blessed by their native dew
That you would live. To them this debt you owe.
Their glory shines about the sky forever,
Though in these things they left to you, the ghost
Should haunt your field of ease and resting river.
Their lives are ended, but dreams are not yet lost.
If you remember in your laugh and song
These boys who do not sing and laughed not long.
That you would live. To them this debt you owe.
Their glory shines about the sky forever.
Though in these things they left to you, the ghost
Should haunt your field of ease and resting river.
Their lives are ended, but dreams are not yet lost
If you remember in your laugh and song.
These boys who do not sing and laughed not long.
Written by Herby Corby - RAF Armourer and instructor
Read out at the 2007 Memorial Service for Sq/Ldr. John Colin Mungo Park, by his nephew and Godson, Mr. Geoffrey Faux. See our Archive Report on Sqd/Ldr Mungo Park.
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning we will remember
them. - Laurence
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Last Modified: 13 August 2016, 14:22 •