You laughed through life: no dismal cloud could mar
The even tenor of your heart's bright song.
Oft, lad, with fancy's wings, you'd soar among
The fleece and floss that filmed each twinkling star,
Effulgent in your joy; then, real, afar,
Your throbbing air-steed hurtled high along
Cold pathless reaches, scourging wanton wrong
As mirthless madman willed a world to war.
You streaked in silver spirals from our sight,
In silent space sensed clear His wondrous Word;
You dove from blue-black darkness into light
With flash and thunder of Avenging Sword…
Smile, Jim, in sleep, nor dream your two fold fear;
We've won the toss; all's well with us down here!
F/O. James C. Lummis RCAF a page of remembrance has been dedicated to
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning we will remember
them. - Laurence
All site material (except as noted elsewhere) is © 2012 - 2024 Aircrew Remembered and owned or managed by us
and should not be used without prior permission.
Last Modified: 15 November 2018, 06:46 •