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Operation: Night Intruder
Date: 4/5th April 1945 Wednesday/Thursday)
Unit: No. 406 RCAF Lynx Squadron
Type: Mosquito NF30
Serial: NT495
Code: HU-C
Base: RAF Manston, Kent
Location: Unknown
Pilot: Fl/Lt Thomas William Trewin J/8643 RCAF Age 26. Missing - believed killed (1)
Navigator Fl/Lt John Ballantyne Kennedy J/20410 RCAF Age 23. Missing - believed killed
Flight Lieutenant’s Trewin and Kennedy had been with 406 squadron since October of 1943 and were close to completing their tour of operations when they were lost.
Copy of the ORB (Courtesy of the History of Manston Airfield Website)
"Other sorties were uneventful by a very grievous loss was suffered when Fl/Lt. Trewin and Fl/Lt. Kennedy failed to return. This crew had been with the Squadron since October 1943 and were within a few days of finishing their tour. With the Squadron they had made forty eight operational sorties, including seventeen intruder flights on which they had damaged or destroyed six trains and a motor transport. Their personalities will be greatly missed in the Squadron life. Fl/Lt. Trewin was Deputy Flight Commander, "A" Flight".
On the 4th Fl/Lt. Trewin and Fl/Lt Kennedy, who had been with the squadron since October, 1943, and were almost tour-expired, failed to return from a mission to the Altenburg area area after taking off at 23:35 hrs.
They had destroyed or damaged six trains and a transport on intruder operations with the squadron. The team had had several successes against enemy targets including the destruction of six railway trains.
After leaving school, Fl/Lt. Trewin was employed by a bank until he enlisted in the air force in 1941.
(1) Trewin Lake north of Nejanilini Lake was renamed after Fl/Lt Thomas William Trewin in 1974
Burial Details:
Fl/Lt. Thomas William Trewin. Runnymede Memorial Panel 278. Son of Walter W. and Evelyn A. Trewin, of Bradwardine, Manitoba, Canada.
Fl/Lt. John Ballantyne Kennedy. Runnymede Memorial Panel 278. Son of Revd. Thomas Elmer Kennedy and Anna Louette Kennedy of Rodney, Ontario, Canada.
Researched by Aircrew Remembered, researcher and RCAF specialist Colin Bamford for relatives of this crew. With thanks to Jack Brook for correction of aircraft code in January 2016.
CHB 14.09.2010
KTY 10.02.2016 Aircraft code updated, with thanks to Jack Brook
CHB 17.02.2020 Link to Commemorative Feature added
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning we will remember
them. - Laurence
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Last Modified: 24 February 2023, 19:01