It is Tulip time in Holland
and the fields are flaming red,
but instead of serving beauty
They form pillows for her dead,
And the lovely Wilhelmina
Forced to flee her native land
Prayed that God would spare her people
From this savage warring band
On they came by countless millions,
With their armoured tanks of steel
And the onslaught was terrible
Under Hitler’s ruthless heel.
One by one the smaller nations
Fall the victims of her prey;
Can the allies stem the battles
In this harsh and awful fray?
Raining bombs and blazing torches,
Killing children by the score,
Hell let loose in all it’s fury
In this wild and deafening roar,
We can help them in this struggle.
Though we’re many miles away;
If our thoughts are always with them
We can lift our heads and pray.
Olive Wray Heywood, mother of Sgt William Wray Heywood 150 squadron.
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning we will remember
them. - Laurence
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Last Modified: 26 May 2014, 07:57 •